424 lines
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424 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
Pose Library - creation functions.
import dataclasses
import functools
import re
from typing import Optional, FrozenSet, Set, Union, Iterable, cast
import bpy
from bpy.types import (
FCurveValue = Union[float, int]
pose_bone_re = re.compile(r'pose.bones\["([^"]+)"\]')
"""RegExp for matching FCurve data paths."""
@dataclasses.dataclass(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
class PoseCreationParams:
armature_ob: bpy.types.Object
src_action: Optional[Action]
src_frame_nr: float
bone_names: FrozenSet[str]
new_asset_name: str
class UnresolvablePathError(ValueError):
"""Raised when a data_path cannot be resolved to a current value."""
class PoseActionCreator:
"""Create an Action that's suitable for marking as Asset.
Does not mark as asset yet, nor does it add asset metadata.
params: PoseCreationParams
# These were taken from Blender's Action baking code in `anim_utils.py`.
# Items are (name, array_length) tuples.
_bbone_props = [
("bbone_curveinx", None),
("bbone_curveoutx", None),
("bbone_curveinz", None),
("bbone_curveoutz", None),
("bbone_rollin", None),
("bbone_rollout", None),
("bbone_scalein", 3),
("bbone_scaleout", 3),
("bbone_easein", None),
("bbone_easeout", None),
def create(self) -> Optional[Action]:
"""Create a single-frame Action containing only the given bones, or None if no anim data was found."""
dst_action = self._create_new_action()
# Prevent next instantiations of this class from reusing pointers to
# bones. They may not be valid by then any more.
if len(dst_action.fcurves) == 0:
return None
return dst_action
def _create_new_action(self) -> Action:
dst_action = bpy.data.actions.new(self.params.new_asset_name)
if self.params.src_action:
dst_action.id_root = self.params.src_action.id_root
dst_action.user_clear() # actions.new() sets users=1, but marking as asset also increments user count.
return dst_action
def _store_pose(self, dst_action: Action) -> None:
"""Store the current pose into the given action."""
def _store_bone_pose_parameters(self, dst_action: Action) -> None:
"""Store loc/rot/scale/bbone values in the Action."""
for bone_name in sorted(self.params.bone_names):
self._store_location(dst_action, bone_name)
self._store_rotation(dst_action, bone_name)
self._store_scale(dst_action, bone_name)
self._store_bbone(dst_action, bone_name)
def _store_animated_parameters(self, dst_action: Action) -> None:
"""Store the current value of any animated bone properties."""
if self.params.src_action is None:
armature_ob = self.params.armature_ob
for fcurve in self.params.src_action.fcurves:
match = pose_bone_re.match(fcurve.data_path)
if not match:
# Not animating a bone property.
bone_name = match.group(1)
if bone_name not in self.params.bone_names:
# Bone is not our export set.
if dst_action.fcurves.find(fcurve.data_path, index=fcurve.array_index):
# This property is already handled by a previous _store_xxx() call.
# Only include in the pose if there is a key on this frame.
if not self._has_key_on_frame(fcurve):
value = self._current_value(armature_ob, fcurve.data_path, fcurve.array_index)
except UnresolvablePathError:
# A once-animated property no longer exists.
dst_fcurve = dst_action.fcurves.new(
fcurve.data_path, index=fcurve.array_index, action_group=bone_name
dst_fcurve.keyframe_points.insert(self.params.src_frame_nr, value=value)
def _store_parameters_from_callback(self, dst_action: Action) -> None:
"""Store extra parameters in the pose based on arbitrary callbacks.
Not implemented yet, needs a proper design & some user stories.
def _store_location(self, dst_action: Action, bone_name: str) -> None:
"""Store bone location."""
self._store_bone_array(dst_action, bone_name, "location", 3)
def _store_rotation(self, dst_action: Action, bone_name: str) -> None:
"""Store bone rotation given current rotation mode."""
bone = self._find_bone(bone_name)
if bone.rotation_mode == "QUATERNION":
self._store_bone_array(dst_action, bone_name, "rotation_quaternion", 4)
elif bone.rotation_mode == "AXIS_ANGLE":
self._store_bone_array(dst_action, bone_name, "rotation_axis_angle", 4)
self._store_bone_array(dst_action, bone_name, "rotation_euler", 3)
def _store_scale(self, dst_action: Action, bone_name: str) -> None:
"""Store bone scale."""
self._store_bone_array(dst_action, bone_name, "scale", 3)
def _store_bbone(self, dst_action: Action, bone_name: str) -> None:
"""Store bendy-bone parameters."""
for prop_name, array_length in self._bbone_props:
if array_length:
self._store_bone_array(dst_action, bone_name, prop_name, array_length)
self._store_bone_property(dst_action, bone_name, prop_name)
def _store_bone_array(
self, dst_action: Action, bone_name: str, property_name: str, array_length: int
) -> None:
"""Store all elements of an array property."""
for array_index in range(array_length):
self._store_bone_property(dst_action, bone_name, property_name, array_index)
def _store_bone_property(
dst_action: Action,
bone_name: str,
property_path: str,
array_index: int = -1,
) -> None:
"""Store the current value of a single bone property."""
bone = self._find_bone(bone_name)
value = self._current_value(bone, property_path, array_index)
# Get the full 'pose.bones["bone_name"].blablabla' path suitable for FCurves.
rna_path = bone.path_from_id(property_path)
fcurve: Optional[FCurve] = dst_action.fcurves.find(rna_path, index=array_index)
if fcurve is None:
fcurve = dst_action.fcurves.new(rna_path, index=array_index, action_group=bone_name)
fcurve.keyframe_points.insert(self.params.src_frame_nr, value=value)
def _current_value(
cls, datablock: bpy.types.ID, data_path: str, array_index: int
) -> FCurveValue:
"""Resolve an RNA path + array index to an actual value."""
value_or_array = cls._path_resolve(datablock, data_path)
# Both indices -1 and 0 are used for non-array properties.
# -1 cannot be used in arrays, whereas 0 can be used in both arrays and non-arrays.
if array_index == -1:
return cast(FCurveValue, value_or_array)
if array_index == 0:
value_or_array = cls._path_resolve(datablock, data_path)
# MyPy doesn't understand this try/except is to determine the type.
value = value_or_array[array_index] # type: ignore
except TypeError:
# Not an array after all.
return cast(FCurveValue, value_or_array)
return cast(FCurveValue, value)
# MyPy doesn't understand that array_index>0 implies this is indexable.
return cast(FCurveValue, value_or_array[array_index]) # type: ignore
def _path_resolve(
datablock: bpy.types.ID, data_path: str
) -> Union[FCurveValue, Iterable[FCurveValue]]:
"""Wrapper for datablock.path_resolve(data_path).
Raise UnresolvablePathError when the path cannot be resolved.
This is easier to deal with upstream than the generic ValueError raised
by Blender.
return datablock.path_resolve(data_path) # type: ignore
except ValueError as ex:
raise UnresolvablePathError(str(ex)) from ex
def _find_bone(self, bone_name: str) -> Bone:
"""Find a bone by name.
Assumes the named bone exists, as the bones this class handles comes
from the user's selection, and you can't select a non-existent bone.
bone: Bone = self.params.armature_ob.pose.bones[bone_name]
return bone
def _has_key_on_frame(self, fcurve: FCurve) -> bool:
"""Return True iff the FCurve has a key on the source frame."""
points = fcurve.keyframe_points
if not points:
return False
frame_to_find = self.params.src_frame_nr
margin = 0.001
high = len(points) - 1
low = 0
while low <= high:
mid = (high + low) // 2
diff = points[mid].co.x - frame_to_find
if abs(diff) < margin:
return True
if diff < 0:
# Frame to find is bigger than the current middle.
low = mid + 1
# Frame to find is smaller than the current middle
high = mid - 1
return False
def create_pose_asset(
params: PoseCreationParams,
) -> Optional[Action]:
"""Create a single-frame Action containing only the pose of the given bones.
DOES mark as asset, DOES NOT configure asset metadata.
creator = PoseActionCreator(params)
pose_action = creator.create()
if pose_action is None:
return None
return pose_action
#def create_pose_asset_from_context(context: Context, new_asset_name: str, selection=True) -> Optional[Action]:
def create_pose_asset_from_context(context: Context, new_asset_name: str) -> Optional[Action]:
"""Create Action asset from active object & selected bones."""
bones = context.selected_pose_bones_from_active_object
bone_names = {bone.name for bone in bones}
params = PoseCreationParams(
getattr(context.object.animation_data, "action", None),
return create_pose_asset(params)
def copy_fcurves(
dst_action: Action,
src_action: Action,
src_frame_nr: float,
bone_names: Set[str],
) -> int:
"""Copy FCurves, returning number of curves copied."""
num_fcurves_copied = 0
for fcurve in src_action.fcurves:
match = pose_bone_re.match(fcurve.data_path)
if not match:
bone_name = match.group(1)
if bone_name not in bone_names:
# Check if there is a keyframe on this frame.
keyframe = find_keyframe(fcurve, src_frame_nr)
if keyframe is None:
create_single_key_fcurve(dst_action, fcurve, keyframe)
num_fcurves_copied += 1
return num_fcurves_copied
def create_single_key_fcurve(
dst_action: Action, src_fcurve: FCurve, src_keyframe: Keyframe
) -> FCurve:
"""Create a copy of the source FCurve, but only for the given keyframe.
Returns a new FCurve with just one keyframe.
dst_fcurve = copy_fcurve_without_keys(dst_action, src_fcurve)
copy_keyframe(dst_fcurve, src_keyframe)
return dst_fcurve
def copy_fcurve_without_keys(dst_action: Action, src_fcurve: FCurve) -> FCurve:
"""Create a new FCurve and copy some properties."""
src_group_name = src_fcurve.group.name if src_fcurve.group else ""
dst_fcurve = dst_action.fcurves.new(
src_fcurve.data_path, index=src_fcurve.array_index, action_group=src_group_name
for propname in {"auto_smoothing", "color", "color_mode", "extrapolation"}:
setattr(dst_fcurve, propname, getattr(src_fcurve, propname))
return dst_fcurve
def copy_keyframe(dst_fcurve: FCurve, src_keyframe: Keyframe) -> Keyframe:
"""Copy a keyframe from one FCurve to the other."""
dst_keyframe = dst_fcurve.keyframe_points.insert(
src_keyframe.co.x, src_keyframe.co.y, options={'FAST'}, keyframe_type=src_keyframe.type
for propname in {
setattr(dst_keyframe, propname, getattr(src_keyframe, propname))
return dst_keyframe
def find_keyframe(fcurve: FCurve, frame: float) -> Optional[Keyframe]:
# Binary search adapted from https://pythonguides.com/python-binary-search/
keyframes = fcurve.keyframe_points
low = 0
high = len(keyframes) - 1
mid = 0
# Accept any keyframe that's within 'epsilon' of the requested frame.
# This should account for rounding errors and the likes.
epsilon = 1e-4
frame_lowerbound = frame - epsilon
frame_upperbound = frame + epsilon
while low <= high:
mid = (high + low) // 2
keyframe = keyframes[mid]
if keyframe.co.x < frame_lowerbound:
low = mid + 1
elif keyframe.co.x > frame_upperbound:
high = mid - 1
return keyframe
return None
def assign_from_asset_browser(asset: Action, asset_browser_area: bpy.types.Area) -> None:
"""Assign some things from the asset browser to the asset.
This sets the current catalog ID, and in the future could include tags
from the active dynamic catalog, etc.
cat_id = asset_browser.active_catalog_id(asset_browser_area)
asset.asset_data.catalog_id = cat_id