147 lines
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147 lines
4.5 KiB
import bpy
import math
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
def alpha_to_color(pixels_data, color):
"""Convert Alpha to WhiteBG"""
new_pixels_data = []
for i in pixels_data:
height, width, array_d = i.shape
mask = i[:,:,3:]
background = np.array([color[0], color[1], color[2] ,1], dtype=np.float32)
background = np.tile(background, (height*width))
background = np.reshape(background, (height,width,4))
new_pixels_data.append(i * mask + background * (1 - mask))
# print(new_pixels_data)#Dbg
return new_pixels_data
def create_array(height, width):
return np.zeros((height*width*4), dtype=np.float32)
def read_pixels_data(img, source_height, source_width):
img_w, img_h = img.size
if img_w != source_width :
scale = abs(img_w/source_width)
img.scale(int(img_w/scale), int(img_h/scale))
img_w, img_h = img.size
array = create_array(img_h, img_w)
array = array.reshape(img_h, img_w, 4)
if array.shape[0] != source_height:
#print('ARRAY SHAPE', array.shape[:], source_height)
missing_height = int(abs(source_height-img_h)/2)
empty_array = create_array(missing_height, source_width)
empty_array = empty_array.reshape(missing_height, source_width, 4)
array = np.vstack((empty_array, array, empty_array))
return array.reshape(source_height, source_width, 4)
def create_final(output_name, pixels_data, final_height, final_width):
#print('output_name: ', output_name)
new_img = bpy.data.images.get(output_name)
if new_img:
new_img = bpy.data.images.new(output_name, final_width, final_height)
#print('pixels_data: ', pixels_data)
return new_img
def guess_input_format(img_list):
for i in img_list:
if i.size[0] == i.size[1]:
return i.size
def format_files(files, catalog_data):
img_dict = {}
for k, v in catalog_data.items():
if '/' not in k:
img_dict[v['name']] = [f for f in files if v['name'] in f]
return img_dict
def mosaic_export(
files, catalog_data, row=2, columns=2, auto_calculate=True,
bg_color=(0.18, 0.18, 0.18,), resize_output=100,
img_dict = format_files(files, catalog_data)
for cat, files_list in img_dict.items():
if not files_list:
for i in bpy.data.images:
img_list = []
chars = Path(files_list[0]).parts[-4]
output_dir = str(Path(files_list[0]).parent.parent)
ext = 'jpg'
output_name = f'{chars}_{cat}.{ext}'
for img in files_list:
img_list.append(bpy.data.images.load(img, check_existing=True))
for i in img_list:
i.colorspace_settings.name = 'Raw'
if auto_calculate:
rows = int(math.sqrt(len(img_list)))
columns = math.ceil(len(img_list)/rows)
if rows*columns < len(img_list):
raise AttributeError('Grid too small for number of images')
src_w, src_h = img_list[0].size
final_w = src_w * columns
final_h = src_h * rows
img_pixels = [read_pixels_data(img, src_h, src_w) for img in img_list]
#Check if there is enough "data" to create an horizontal stack
##It not, create empty array
h_stack = []
total_len = rows*columns
if len(img_pixels) < total_len:
for i in range(total_len-len(img_pixels)):
img_pixels.append(create_array(src_h, src_w).reshape(src_h, src_w, 4))
img_pixels = alpha_to_color(img_pixels, bg_color)
for i in range(0,len(img_pixels),columns):
if rows > 1:
combined_stack = np.vstack(h_stack[::-1])
combined_stack = np.hstack((h_stack[:]))
combined_img = create_final(output_name, combined_stack.flatten(), final_h, final_w)
if resize_output != 100:
w, h = combined_img.size
combined_img.scale(w*(resize_output*.01), h*(resize_output*.01))
combined_img.filepath_raw = '/'.join([output_dir, output_name])
combined_img.file_format = 'JPEG'
Image saved: {combined_img.filepath_raw}