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2023-01-17 18:05:22 +01:00
Plugin for making an asset library of all blender file found in a folder
2024-05-27 17:22:45 +02:00
import os
2023-01-17 18:05:22 +01:00
import re
import uuid
import shutil
import json
import requests
import urllib3
import traceback
import time
2024-05-27 17:22:45 +02:00
from itertools import groupby
from pathlib import Path
2023-01-17 18:05:22 +01:00
from pprint import pprint as pp
2024-05-27 17:22:45 +02:00
import bpy
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, IntProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty)
2024-07-04 11:53:58 +02:00
from asset_library.plugins.library_plugin import LibraryPlugin
from asset_library.core.template import Template
from asset_library.core.file_utils import install_module
2024-05-27 17:22:45 +02:00
2023-01-17 18:05:22 +01:00
REQ_HEADERS = requests.utils.default_headers()
REQ_HEADERS.update({"User-Agent": "Blender: PH Assets"})
2024-05-27 17:22:45 +02:00
class PolyHaven(LibraryPlugin):
2023-01-17 18:05:22 +01:00
name = "Poly Haven"
# template_name : StringProperty()
# template_file : StringProperty()
directory : StringProperty(subtype='DIR_PATH')
asset_type : EnumProperty(items=[(i.replace(' ', '_').upper(), i, '') for i in ('HDRIs', 'Models', 'Textures')], default='HDRIS')
main_category : StringProperty(
default='artificial light, natural light, nature, studio, skies, urban'
secondary_category : StringProperty(
default='high constrast, low constrast, medium constrast, midday, morning-afternoon, night, sunrise-sunset'
#blend_depth: IntProperty(default=1)
# url: StringProperty()
# login: StringProperty()
# password: StringProperty(subtype='PASSWORD')
# project_name: StringProperty()
def get_asset_path(self, name, catalog, directory=None):
# chemin: Source, Asset_type, asset_name / asset_name.blend -> PolyHaven/HDRIs/test/test.blend
directory = directory or self.source_directory
catalog = self.norm_file_name(catalog)
name = self.norm_file_name(name)
return Path(directory, self.get_asset_relative_path(name, catalog))
# def bundle(self, cache_diff=None):
# """Group all asset in one or multiple blends for the asset browser"""
# return super().bundle(cache_diff=cache_diff)
def format_asset_info(self, asset_info, asset_path):
# prend un asset info et output un asset description
asset_path = self.prop_rel_path(asset_path, 'source_directory')
modified = asset_info.get('modified', time.time_ns())
return dict(
catalog=asset_data.get('catalog', asset_info['catalog']),
metadata=asset_data.get('metadata', {}),
description=asset_data.get('description', ''),
tags=asset_data.get('tags', []),
name=asset_data['name']) for asset_data in asset_info['assets']
def fetch(self):
"""Gather in a list all assets found in the folder"""
print(f'Fetch Assets for {}')
print('self.asset_type: ', self.asset_type)
url = f"{self.asset_type.lower()}"
# url2 = f"{self.asset_type.lower()}"
# url += "&future=true" if early_access else ""
# verify_ssl = not bpy.context.preferences.addons["polyhavenassets"].preferences.disable_ssl_verify
verify_ssl = False
res = requests.get(url, headers=REQ_HEADERS, verify=verify_ssl)
res2 = requests.get(url2, headers=REQ_HEADERS, verify=verify_ssl)
except Exception as e:
msg = f"[{type(e).__name__}] Error retrieving {url}"
# return (msg, None)
if res.status_code != 200:
error = f"Error retrieving asset list, status code: {res.status_code}"
# return (error, None)
catalog = None
# return (None, res.json())
for asset_info in res.json().values():
main_category = None
secondary_category = None
for category in asset_info['categories']:
if category in self.main_category and not main_category:
main_category = category
if category in self.secondary_category and not secondary_category:
secondary_category = category
if main_category and secondary_category:
catalog = f'{main_category}_{secondary_category}'
if not catalog:
asset_path = self.get_asset_path(asset_info['name'], catalog)
print('asset_path: ', asset_path)
asset_info = self.format_asset_info(asset_info, asset_path)
print('asset_info: ', asset_info)
# return self.format_asset_info([asset['name'], self.get_asset_path(asset['name'], catalog) for asset, asset_infos in res.json().items()])
# pp(res.json())
# pp(res2.json())
# print(res2)
# return asset_infos