2023-01-17 18:05:22 +01:00
Plugin for making an asset library of all blender file found in a folder
import re
import uuid
import os
import shutil
import json
import time
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from pathlib import Path
from itertools import groupby
import bpy
from bpy.props import (StringProperty, IntProperty, BoolProperty)
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from asset_library.plugins.library_plugin import LibraryPlugin
from asset_library.core.bl_utils import load_datablocks
from asset_library.core.template import Template
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2024-05-27 17:22:45 +02:00
class ScanFolder(LibraryPlugin):
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name = "Scan Folder"
source_directory : StringProperty(subtype='DIR_PATH')
source_template_file : StringProperty()
source_template_image : StringProperty()
source_template_video : StringProperty()
source_template_info : StringProperty()
def draw_prefs(self, layout):
layout.prop(self, "source_directory", text="Source: Directory")
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.prop(self, "source_template_file", icon='COPY_ID', text='Template file')
col.prop(self, "source_template_image", icon='COPY_ID', text='Template image')
col.prop(self, "source_template_video", icon='COPY_ID', text='Template video')
col.prop(self, "source_template_info", icon='COPY_ID', text='Template info')
def get_asset_path(self, name, catalog, directory=None):
directory = directory or self.source_directory
catalog = self.norm_file_name(catalog)
name = self.norm_file_name(name)
return Path(directory, self.get_asset_relative_path(name, catalog))
def get_image_path(self, name, catalog, filepath):
catalog = self.norm_file_name(catalog)
name = self.norm_file_name(name)
return self.format_path(self.source_template_image, dict(name=name, catalog=catalog, filepath=filepath))
def get_video_path(self, name, catalog, filepath):
catalog = self.norm_file_name(catalog)
name = self.norm_file_name(name)
return self.format_path(self.source_template_video, dict(name=name, catalog=catalog, filepath=filepath))
def new_asset(self, asset, asset_data):
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raise Exception('Need to be defined in the plugin')
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def remove_asset(self, asset, asset_data):
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raise Exception('Need to be defined in the plugin')
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def format_asset_info(self, asset_datas, asset_path, modified=None):
asset_path = self.prop_rel_path(asset_path, 'source_directory')
modified = modified or time.time_ns()
library_id = self.library.id
# if self.data_type == 'FILE':
# return dict(
# filepath=asset_path,
# author=asset_info.get('author'),
# modified=modified,
# library_id=library_id,
# catalog=asset_info['catalog'],
# tags=[],
# description=asset_info.get('description', ''),
# type=self.data_type,
# #image=self.source_template_image,
# name=asset_info['name']
# )
return dict(
author=asset_data.get('author', ''),
metadata=asset_data.get('metadata', {}),
description=asset_data.get('description', ''),
tags=asset_data.get('tags', []),
name=asset_data['name']) for asset_data in asset_datas
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def set_asset_preview(self, asset, asset_cache):
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'''Load an externalize image as preview for an asset using the source template'''
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asset_path = self.format_path(asset_cache.filepath)
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image_template = self.source_template_image
if not image_template:
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image_path = self.find_path(image_template, asset_cache.to_dict(), filepath=asset_path)
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if image_path:
with bpy.context.temp_override(id=asset):
print(f'No image found for {image_template} on {asset.name}')
if asset.preview:
return asset.preview
def bundle(self, cache_diff=None):
"""Group all new assets in one or multiple blends for the asset browser"""
if self.data_type not in ('FILE', 'ACTION', 'COLLECTION'):
print(f'{self.data_type} is not supported yet')
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#catalog_data = self.read_catalog()
catalog = self.read_catalog()
cache = None
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if not cache_diff:
# Get list of all modifications
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cache = self.fetch()
cache_diff = cache.diff()
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# Write the cache in a temporary file for the generate preview script
tmp_cache_file = cache.write(tmp=True)
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bpy.ops.assetlibrary.generate_previews(name=self.library.name, cache=str(tmp_cache_file))
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elif isinstance(cache_diff, (Path, str)):
cache_diff = json.loads(Path(cache_diff).read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
if self.library.blend_depth == 0:
raise Exception('Blender depth must be 1 at min')
total_assets = len(cache_diff)
if total_assets == 0:
print('No assets found')
i = 0
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for blend_path, asset_cache_diffs in cache_diff.group_by(key=self.get_asset_bundle_path):
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if blend_path.exists():
print(f'Opening existing bundle blend: {blend_path}')
print(f'Create new bundle blend to: {blend_path}')
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for asset_cache_diff in asset_cache_diffs:
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if total_assets <= 100 or i % int(total_assets / 10) == 0:
print(f'Progress: {int(i / total_assets * 100)+1}')
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operation = asset_cache_diff.operation
asset_cache = asset_cache_diff.asset_cache
asset_name = asset_cache.name
asset = getattr(bpy.data, self.data_types).get(asset_name)
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if operation == 'REMOVE':
if asset:
getattr(bpy.data, self.data_types).remove(asset)
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print(f'ERROR : Remove Asset: {asset_name} not found in {blend_path}')
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if asset_cache_diff.operation == 'MODIFY' and not asset:
print(f'WARNING: Modifiy Asset: {asset_name} not found in {blend_path} it will be created')
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if operation == 'ADD' or not asset:
if asset:
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#raise Exception(f"Asset {asset_name} Already in Blend")
print(f"Asset {asset_name} Already in Blend")
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getattr(bpy.data, self.data_types).remove(asset)
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#print(f"INFO: Add new asset: {asset_name}")
asset = getattr(bpy.data, self.data_types).new(name=asset_name)
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print(f'operation {operation} not supported should be in (ADD, REMOVE, MODIFY)')
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asset.asset_data.catalog_id = catalog.add(asset_cache_diff.catalog).id
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self.set_asset_preview(asset, asset_cache)
self.set_asset_metadata(asset, asset_cache)
self.set_asset_tags(asset, asset_cache)
self.set_asset_info(asset, asset_cache)
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i += 1
print(f'Saving Blend to {blend_path}')
blend_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=str(blend_path), compress=True)
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# If the variable cache_diff was given we need to update the cache with the diff
if cache is None:
cache = self.read_cache()
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def fetch(self):
"""Gather in a list all assets found in the folder"""
print(f'Fetch Assets for {self.library.name}')
source_directory = Path(self.source_directory)
template_file = Template(self.source_template_file)
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#catalog_data = self.read_catalog(directory=source_directory)
#catalog_ids = {v['id']: k for k, v in catalog_data.items()}
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cache = self.read_cache()
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print(f'Search for blend using glob template: {template_file.glob_pattern}')
print(f'Scanning Folder {source_directory}...')
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#new_cache = LibraryCache()
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for asset_path in template_file.glob(source_directory):
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source_rel_path = self.prop_rel_path(asset_path, 'source_directory')
modified = asset_path.stat().st_mtime_ns
# Check if the asset description as already been cached
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file_cache = next((a for a in cache if a.filepath == source_rel_path), None)
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if file_cache:
if file_cache.modified >= modified: #print(asset_path, 'is skipped because not modified')
file_cache = cache.add(filepath=source_rel_path)
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rel_path = asset_path.relative_to(source_directory).as_posix()
field_data = template_file.parse(rel_path)
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# Create the catalog path from the actual path of the asset
catalog = [v for k,v in sorted(field_data.items()) if re.findall('cat[0-9]+', k)]
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#catalogs = [c.replace('_', ' ').title() for c in catalogs]
asset_name = field_data.get('asset_name', asset_path.stem)
if self.data_type == 'FILE':
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# Now check if there is a asset description file (Commented for now propably not usefull)
#asset_info_path = self.find_path(self.source_template_info, asset_info, filepath=asset_path)
#if asset_info_path:
# new_cache.append(self.read_file(asset_info_path))
# continue
# Scan the blend file for assets inside
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print(f'Scanning blendfile {asset_path}...')
assets = self.load_datablocks(asset_path, type=self.data_types, link=True, assets_only=True)
print(f'Found {len(assets)} {self.data_types} inside')
for asset in assets:
#catalog_path = catalog_ids.get(asset.asset_data.catalog_id)
#if not catalog_path:
# print(f'No catalog found for asset {asset.name}')
#catalog_path = asset_info['catalog']#asset_path.relative_to(self.source_directory).as_posix()
# For now the catalog used is the one extract from the template file
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file_cache.assets.add(self.get_asset_data(asset), catalog=catalog)
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getattr(bpy.data, self.data_types).remove(asset)
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return cache
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