import importlib from pathlib import Path import bpy import subprocess import gpu from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader from mathutils import Vector from math import sqrt from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper from bpy.types import Operator, PropertyGroup from bpy.props import (BoolProperty, EnumProperty, StringProperty, IntProperty, CollectionProperty) from .core.catalog import read_catalog from .core.bl_utils import get_addon_prefs, unique_name, get_asset_type, get_bl_cmd, get_viewport from .core.lib_utils import get_asset_full_path, get_asset_catalog_path, find_asset_data, clear_time_tag from . import constants class ASSETLIB_OT_reload_addon(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.reload_addon" bl_options = {"UNDO"} bl_label = 'Reload Asset Library Addon' bl_description = 'Reload The Asset Library Addon and the addapters' def execute(self, context): print('Execute reload', __package__) addon = importlib.import_module(__package__) addon.unregister() importlib.reload(addon) for mod in addon.modules: importlib.reload(mod) addon.register() return {'FINISHED'} class ASSETLIB_OT_remove_library(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.remove_library" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_label = 'Remove Library' bl_description = 'Remove Library' index : IntProperty(default=-1) def execute(self, context): prefs = get_addon_prefs() addon_lib = prefs.libraries[self.index] bl_libs = context.preferences.filepaths.asset_libraries if (bl_lib := bl_libs.get( and bl_lib.path == addon_lib.path: index = list(bl_libs).index(bl_lib) bpy.ops.preferences.asset_library_remove(index=index) prefs.libraries.remove(self.index) return {'FINISHED'} class ASSETLIB_OT_add_library(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.add_library" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_label = 'Add Library' bl_description = 'Add Library' def execute(self, context): prefs = get_addon_prefs() lib = prefs.libraries.add() lib.expand = True = unique_name('Asset Library', [ for l in prefs.libraries]) return {'FINISHED'} class ASSETLIB_OT_synchronize(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.synchronize" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_label = 'Synchronize' bl_description = 'Synchronize Action Lib to Local Directory' name : StringProperty() diff : StringProperty() blocking : BoolProperty(default=False) mode : EnumProperty(items=[(i.replace(' ', '_').upper(), i, '') for i in ('None', 'All', 'Auto Bundle')], default='NONE') directory : StringProperty(subtype='DIR_PATH') #conform : BoolProperty(default=False) #def refresh(self): # for area in suitable_areas(bpy.context.screen): # bpy.ops.asset.library_refresh({"area": area, 'region': area.regions[3]}) #space_data.activate_asset_by_id(asset, deferred=deferred) def execute(self, context): prefs = get_addon_prefs() libs = [] if libs += [prefs.libraries[]] if self.mode == 'ALL': libs += prefs.libraries.values() elif self.mode == 'AUTO_BUNDLE': libs += [l for l in prefs.libraries if l.auto_bundle] if not libs: return {"CANCELLED"} lib_datas = [l.to_dict() for l in libs] print(f'Bundle Libraries: {[ for l in libs]}') script_code = dedent(f""" import bpy prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons["asset_library"].preferences for lib_data in {lib_datas}: lib = prefs.env_libraries.add() lib.set_dict(lib_data) lib.plugin.bundle(cache_diff='{self.diff}') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() """) script_path = Path( / '' script_path.write_text(script_code) print(script_code) #raise Exception() cmd = get_bl_cmd(script=str(script_path), background=True) #print(cmd) if self.blocking:, first_interval=0.2) else: subprocess.Popen(cmd) return {'FINISHED'} class ASSETLIB_OT_save_asset_preview(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.save_asset_preview" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_label = 'Save Asset Preview' bl_description = 'Save Asset Preview' filepath: StringProperty( name="File Path", description="Filepath used for exporting the image", subtype='FILE_PATH', ) check_existing: BoolProperty( name="Check Existing", description="Check and warn on overwriting existing files", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'}, ) quality: IntProperty(subtype='PERCENTAGE', min=0, max=100, default=90, name='Quality') def execute(self, context): prefs = get_addon_prefs() preview = None if context.asset.local_id: preview = context.asset.local_id.preview width, height = preview.image_size pixels = [0] * width * height * 4 preview.image_pixels_float.foreach_get(pixels) else: asset_path = context.asset.full_library_path asset_type, asset_name = Path(context.asset.full_path).parts[-2:] asset_type = get_asset_type(asset_type) with as temp_data: with temp_data.libraries.load(asset_path, assets_only=True, link=True) as (data_from, data_to): setattr(data_to, asset_type, [asset_name]) if assets := getattr(data_to, asset_type): preview = assets[0].preview width, height = preview.image_size # Has to read pixel in the with statement for it to work pixels = [0] * width * height * 4 preview.image_pixels_float.foreach_get(pixels) if not preview:{'ERROR'}, 'Cannot retrieve preview') return {"CANCELLED"} image ='Asset Preview', width=width, height=height, alpha=True) image.pixels.foreach_set(pixels) try:, quality=self.quality) except Exception as e: print(e){'ERROR'}, 'Cannot write preview') return {"CANCELLED"} return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): path = Path( if path = Path(, self.filepath = str(path.with_suffix('.webp')) context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} class ASSETLIB_OT_make_custom_preview(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.make_custom_preview" bl_label = "Custom Preview" bl_description = "Make a preview" #data_type : EnumProperty(name="Type", items=lambda s, c: constants.DATA_TYPE_ITEMS) def draw_border(self, context): if not self.is_down: return # 50% alpha, 2 pixel width line shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('UNIFORM_COLOR') #gpu.state.line_width_set(1.0) batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'LINE_LOOP', {"pos": self.border}) shader.uniform_float("color", (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1)) batch.draw(shader) # restore opengl defaults #gpu.state.line_width_set(1.0) #gpu.state.blend_set('NONE') def grab_view3d(self, context): width = int(self.release_window_pos.x - self.press_window_pos.x) height = width#int(self.press_window_pos.y - self.release_window_pos.y) x = int(self.press_window_pos.x) y = int(self.press_window_pos.y - width) print(x, y, width, height) scene = context.scene fb = gpu.state.active_framebuffer_get() buffer = fb.read_color(x, y, width, height, 4, 0, 'FLOAT') buffer.dimensions = width * height * 4 img ='.Asset Preview') if img: img ='.Asset Preview', width, height) #img.scale(width, height) img.pixels.foreach_set(buffer) img.scale(256, 256) pixels = [0] * 256 * 256 * 4 img.pixels.foreach_get(pixels) return pixels def modal(self, context, event): context.area.tag_redraw() self.mouse_pos = Vector((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)) if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE' and event.value == 'PRESS': self.press_window_pos = Vector((event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y)) self.press_pos = Vector((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)) print('Start Border') self.is_down = True elif event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE' and self.is_down: width = int(self.mouse_pos.x - self.press_pos.x) X = (self.press_pos.x-1, self.mouse_pos.x +2) Y = (self.press_pos.y+1, self.press_pos.y-width-2) #print(self.mouse_pos, self.press_pos ) #X = sorted((self.press_pos.x, self.mouse_pos.x)) #Y = sorted((self.press_pos.y, self.mouse_pos.y)) #Constraint to square #Y[0] = Y[1] - (X[1] - X[0]) self.border = [(X[0], Y[0]), (X[1], Y[0]), (X[1], Y[1]), (X[0], Y[1])] elif event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE' and event.value == 'RELEASE': self.release_window_pos = Vector((event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y)) bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW') context.area.tag_redraw() self.store_preview(context) return {'FINISHED'} elif event.type in {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'}: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW') return {'CANCELLED'} return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def store_preview(self, context): asset = context.window_manager.asset_library.asset pixels = self.grab_view3d(context) asset.preview.image_size = 256, 256 asset.preview.image_pixels_float.foreach_set(pixels) def invoke(self, context, event): self.press_window_pos = Vector((0, 0)) self.release_window_pos = Vector((0, 0)) self.press_pos = Vector((0, 0)) self.is_down = False self.border = [] # Add the region OpenGL drawing callback # draw in view space with 'POST_VIEW' and 'PRE_VIEW' self._handle = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(self.draw_border, (context,), 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL') area = get_viewport() region = next(r for r in area.regions if r.type =="WINDOW") with context.temp_override(area=area,, region=region): context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} #else: #{'WARNING'}, "View3D not found, cannot run operator") # return {'CANCELLED'} class ASSETLIB_OT_add_tag(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.tag_add" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_label = 'Add Tag' bl_description = 'Add Tag' #data_type : EnumProperty(name="Type", items=lambda s, c: constants.DATA_TYPE_ITEMS) def execute(self, context): asset = context.window_manager.asset_library.asset new_tag ='Tag') index = list(asset.asset_data.tags).index(new_tag) asset.asset_data.active_tag = index return {"FINISHED"} class ASSETLIB_OT_remove_tag(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.tag_remove" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_label = 'Remove Tag' bl_description = 'Remove Tag' #data_type : EnumProperty(name="Type", items=lambda s, c: constants.DATA_TYPE_ITEMS) def execute(self, context): asset = context.window_manager.asset_library.asset if asset.asset_data.active_tag == -1: return {"CANCELLED"} active_tag = asset.asset_data.tags[asset.asset_data.active_tag] asset.asset_data.tags.remove(active_tag) asset.asset_data.active_tag -=1 return {"FINISHED"} class ASSETLIB_OT_publish_asset(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.publish_asset" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_label = 'Publish Asset' bl_description = 'Publish Asset' name : StringProperty(name='Name') library : EnumProperty(name="Library", items=lambda s, c: constants.LIB_ITEMS) #description : StringProperty(name='Description') catalog : StringProperty(name='Catalog') data_type : EnumProperty(name="Type", items=lambda s, c: constants.DATA_TYPE_ITEMS) catalog_items : CollectionProperty(type=PropertyGroup) new_asset = False is_asset = False viewport = None use_overlay = False # @classmethod # def poll(self, context): # return context.space_data.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and context.space_data.edit_tree def invoke(self, context, event): if self.data_type == 'NodeTree': asset = context.space_data.edit_tree elif self.data_type == 'Material': asset = context.object.active_material elif self.data_type == 'Object': asset = context.object if asset.asset_data: self.is_asset = True else: asset.asset_mark() asset.preview_ensure() asset.preview.image_size = 256, 256 self.viewport = get_viewport() if self.viewport: self.use_overlay = = False bl_libs = context.preferences.filepaths.asset_libraries constants.LIB_ITEMS[:] = [(,, "") for lib in bl_libs if] asset_type = get_asset_type(self.data_type) asset_data = find_asset_data(, asset_type=asset_type, preview=True) for lib in bl_libs: for catalog_item in read_catalog(lib.path): c = self.catalog_items.add() = catalog_item.path = self.new_asset = True if asset_data: catalog = read_catalog(asset_data['library'].path) if catalog_item := catalog.get(id=asset_data["catalog_id"]): self.catalog = catalog_item.path self.new_asset = False self.library = asset_data['library'].name if not self.is_asset: if asset_data.get('preview_size'): asset.preview.image_size = asset_data['preview_size'] asset.preview.image_pixels_float.foreach_set(asset_data['preview_pixels']) asset.asset_data.description = asset_data['description'] for tag in asset_data['tags']:, skip_if_exists=True) clear_time_tag(asset) #asset.preview_ensure() context.window_manager.asset_library.asset = asset return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self) def check(self, context): return True def cancel(self, context): asset = context.window_manager.asset_library.asset if self.viewport: = self.use_overlay if not self.is_asset: asset.asset_clear() def split_row(self, layout, name): split = layout.split(factor=0.225) split.alignment = 'RIGHT' split.label(text=name) return split def draw(self, context): asset = context.window_manager.asset_library.asset layout = self.layout col = layout.column() col.use_property_split = True col.use_property_decorate = False split = self.split_row(layout, "Name") split.prop(self, "name", text='') split = self.split_row(layout, "Library") split.prop(self, "library", text='') split = self.split_row(layout, "Catalog") split.prop_search(self, "catalog", self, "catalog_items", results_are_suggestions=True, text='') split = self.split_row(layout, "Description") split.prop(asset.asset_data, "description", text='') split = self.split_row(layout, "Tags") row = split.row() row.template_list("ASSETBROWSER_UL_metadata_tags", "asset_tags", asset.asset_data, "tags", asset.asset_data, "active_tag", rows=3) col = row.column(align=True) col.operator("assetlibrary.tag_add", icon='ADD', text="") col.operator("assetlibrary.tag_remove", icon='REMOVE', text="") split = self.split_row(layout, "Preview") row = split.row() box = box.template_icon(icon_value=asset.preview.icon_id, scale=5.0) col = row.column(align=False) if self.viewport: col.prop(, 'show_overlays', icon="OVERLAY", text="") col.operator("assetlibrary.make_custom_preview", icon='SCENE', text="") #op.data_type = self.data_type def execute(self, context): bl_libs = context.preferences.filepaths.asset_libraries asset = context.window_manager.asset_library.asset publish_library = bl_libs[self.library] asset_temp_blend = Path(,'.blend'), {asset}, path_remap="ABSOLUTE") self.cancel(context) # To clear the asset mark and restore overlay asset_type = get_asset_type(self.data_type) asset_full_path = Path(asset_temp_blend, asset_type, cmd = get_bl_cmd( background=True, factory_startup=True, blendfile=constants.RESOURCES_DIR / 'asset_preview.blend', script=constants.SCRIPTS_DIR / '', library=publish_library.path, assets=[asset_full_path.as_posix()], catalogs=[self.catalog] ) print(cmd) return {'FINISHED'} class ASSETLIB_OT_publish_assets(Operator): bl_idname = "assetlibrary.publish_assets" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_label = 'Publish Assets' bl_description = 'Publish Assets' library : EnumProperty(name="Library", items=lambda s, c: constants.LIB_ITEMS) override : BoolProperty(default=True) # @classmethod # def poll(self, context): # return context.space_data.edit_tree def invoke(self, context, event): bl_libs = context.preferences.filepaths.asset_libraries constants.LIB_ITEMS[:] = [(,, "") for lib in bl_libs] return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout col = layout.column() col.use_property_split = True col.use_property_decorate = False layout.prop(self, "library") layout.prop(self, "override") def execute(self, context): bl_libs = context.preferences.filepaths.asset_libraries publish_library = bl_libs[self.library] preview_blend = constants.RESOURCES_DIR / 'asset_preview.blend' cmd = get_bl_cmd( background=True, factory_startup=True, blendfile=preview_blend, script=constants.SCRIPTS_DIR / '', library=publish_library.path, assets=[get_asset_full_path(a) for a in context.selected_assets], catalogs=[get_asset_catalog_path(a) for a in context.selected_assets] ) print(cmd) return {'FINISHED'} class ASSETLIB_OT_update_assets(Operator): bl_idname = 'assetlibrary.update_assets' bl_label = 'Update node' bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} data_type : EnumProperty(name="Type", items=lambda s, c: constants.DATA_TYPE_ITEMS) selection : EnumProperty( items=[(s, s.title(), '') for s in ('ALL', 'SELECTED', 'CURRENT')], default="CURRENT", name='All Nodes') @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.space_data.edit_tree def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self) def execute(self, context): asset_libraries = context.preferences.filepaths.asset_libraries if self.data_type == 'NodeTree': assets = [context.space_data.edit_tree] blend_data = if self.selection == 'SELECTED': assets = [ n.node_tree for n in context.space_data.edit_tree.nodes if n.type == "GROUP" and] elif self.selection == 'ALL': assets = list( elif self.data_type == 'Material': asset = context.object.active_material blend_data = if self.selection == 'ALL': assets = list( elif self.data_type == 'Object': return {"CANCELLED"} elif self.selection == 'CURRENT': active_node = context.space_data.edit_tree assets = [active_node] else: assets = list( node_names = set( for n in nodes) for asset_library in asset_libraries: library_path = Path(asset_library.path) blend_files = [fp for fp in library_path.glob("**/*.blend") if fp.is_file()] node_groups = list( Storing original node_geoup to compare with imported link = (asset_library.import_method == 'LINK') for blend_file in blend_files: print(blend_file) with, assets_only=True, link=link) as (data_from, data_to): import_node_groups = [n for n in data_from.node_groups if n in node_names] print("import_node_groups", import_node_groups) data_to.node_groups = import_node_groups node_names -= set(import_node_groups) # Store already updated nodes new_node_groups = set(n for n in if n not in node_groups) for new_node_group in new_node_groups: new_node_group_name = new_node_group.library_weak_reference.id_name[2:] local_node_group = next((n for n in if == new_node_group_name and n != new_node_group), None) if not local_node_group: print(f'No local node_group {new_node_group_name}') continue print(f'Merge node {} into {}') local_node_group.user_remap(new_node_group) new_node_group.interface_update(context) = new_node_group_name new_node_group.asset_clear() return {'FINISHED'} def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.prop(self, "selection", expand=True) classes = ( ASSETLIB_OT_reload_addon, #ASSETLIB_OT_add_library, #ASSETLIB_OT_remove_library, #ASSETLIB_OT_synchronize, ASSETLIB_OT_save_asset_preview, ASSETLIB_OT_make_custom_preview, ASSETLIB_OT_publish_asset, ASSETLIB_OT_publish_assets, ASSETLIB_OT_add_tag, ASSETLIB_OT_remove_tag ) def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) def unregister(): for cls in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)