# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later """ Extending features of the Asset Browser for a studio use. """ bl_info = { "name": "Asset Library", "description": "Asset Library based on the Asset Browser.", "author": "Christophe Seux", "version": (2, 0), "blender": (4, 0, 2), "warning": "In development, things may change", "location": "Asset Browser", "category": "Import-Export", } from . import operators, properties, ui, preferences modules = ( operators, properties, ui, preferences ) # Reload Modules from inside Blender if "bpy" in locals(): import importlib for mod in modules: importlib.reload(mod) def register(): """Register the addon Asset Library for Blender""" for mod in modules: mod.register() def unregister(): """Unregister the addon Asset Library for Blender""" for mod in reversed(modules): mod.unregister()