616 lines
22 KiB
616 lines
22 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
Pose Library - operators.
from math import radians
from mathutils import Vector
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import gettempdir
from typing import Optional, Set
from asset_library.pose import pose_creation, pose_usage
import bpy
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import uuid
import time
from bpy.props import BoolProperty, CollectionProperty, EnumProperty, PointerProperty, StringProperty
from bpy.types import (
from bpy_extras import asset_utils
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper, ImportHelper
from asset_library.action.functions import (
from asset_library.common.bl_utils import (
class POSELIB_OT_create_pose_asset(Operator):
bl_idname = "poselib.create_pose_asset"
bl_label = "Create Pose Asset"
bl_description = (
"Create a new Action that contains the pose of the selected bones, and mark it as Asset. "
"The asset will be stored in the current blend file"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
pose_name: StringProperty(name="Pose Name") # type: ignore
activate_new_action: BoolProperty(name="Activate New Action", default=True) # type: ignore
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
# Make sure that if there is an asset browser open, the artist can see the newly created pose asset.
asset_browse_area: Optional[bpy.types.Area] = asset_browser.area_from_context(context)
if not asset_browse_area:
# No asset browser is visible, so there also aren't any expectations
# that this asset will be visible.
return True
asset_space_params = asset_browser.params(asset_browse_area)
if asset_space_params.asset_library_ref != 'LOCAL':
cls.poll_message_set("Asset Browser must be set to the Current File library")
return False
return True
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
#pose_name = self.pose_name or context.object.name
pose_name = False
if context.object.animation_data:
if context.object.animation_data.action:
pose_name = get_marker(context.object.animation_data.action)
if pose_name:
prefix = True
asset_name = Path(bpy.data.filepath).stem.split('_')[0]
action_asset_name = re.search(f'^{asset_name}.', pose_name)
if action_asset_name:
pose_name = pose_name.replace(action_asset_name.group(0), '')
side = re.search('_\w$', pose_name)
if side:
pose_name = pose_name.replace(side.group(0), '')
if 'hands' in context.object.animation_data.action.name.lower():
pose_name = f'hand_{pose_name}'
if pose_name.startswith('lips_'):
pose_name.replace('lips_', '')
split = pose_name.split('_')
pose_name = '-'.join([s for s in split if s.isupper()])
pose_name = f'{pose_name}_{split[-1]}'
prefix = False
if prefix and not pose_name.startswith(asset_name):
pose_name = f'{asset_name}_{pose_name}'
pose_name = self.pose_name or context.object.name
asset = pose_creation.create_pose_asset_from_context(context, pose_name)
if not asset:
self.report({"WARNING"}, "No keyframes were found for this pose")
return {"CANCELLED"}
data = asset.asset_data
data.catalog_id = str(uuid.UUID(int=0))
data_dict = dict(
if context.scene.camera:
for k, v in data_dict.items():
data[k] = v
if self.activate_new_action:
self._set_active_action(context, asset)
self._activate_asset_in_browser(context, asset)
return {'FINISHED'}
def _set_active_action(self, context: Context, asset: Action) -> None:
anim_data = context.object.animation_data_create()
context.scene.actionlib.previous_action = anim_data.action
anim_data.action = asset
def _activate_asset_in_browser(self, context: Context, asset: Action) -> None:
"""Activate the new asset in the appropriate Asset Browser.
This makes it possible to immediately check & edit the created pose asset.
asset_browse_area: Optional[bpy.types.Area] = asset_browser.area_from_context(context)
if not asset_browse_area:
# After creating an asset, the window manager has to process the
# notifiers before editors should be manipulated.
pose_creation.assign_from_asset_browser(asset, asset_browse_area)
# Pass deferred=True, because we just created a new asset that isn't
# known to the Asset Browser space yet. That requires the processing of
# notifiers, which will only happen after this code has finished
# running.
asset_browser.activate_asset(asset, asset_browse_area, deferred=True)
def _prevent_action_loss(self, object: Object) -> None:
"""Mark the action with Fake User if necessary.
This is to prevent action loss when we reduce its reference counter by one.
if not object.animation_data:
action = object.animation_data.action
if not action:
if action.use_fake_user or action.users > 1:
# Removing one user won't GC it.
action.use_fake_user = True
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Action %s marked Fake User to prevent loss" % action.name)
class POSELIB_OT_restore_previous_action(Operator):
bl_idname = "poselib.restore_previous_action"
bl_label = "Restore Previous Action"
bl_description = "Switch back to the previous Action, after creating a pose asset"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
return bool(
and context.object
and context.object.animation_data
and context.object.animation_data.action
and context.object.animation_data.action.asset_data is not None
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
# This is the Action that was just created with "Create Pose Asset".
# It has to be re-applied after switching to the previous action,
# to ensure the character keeps the same pose.
self.pose_action = context.object.animation_data.action
prev_action = context.scene.actionlib.previous_action
context.object.animation_data.action = prev_action
context.scene.actionlib.previous_action = None
# Wait a bit for the action assignment to be handled, before applying the pose.
wm = context.window_manager
self._timer = wm.event_timer_add(0.001, window=context.window)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def modal(self, context, event):
if event.type != 'TIMER':
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
wm = context.window_manager
return {'FINISHED'}
class ASSET_OT_assign_action(Operator):
bl_idname = "asset.assign_action"
bl_label = "Assign Action"
bl_description = "Set this pose Action as active Action on the active Object"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
assign: BoolProperty(name="Assign", default=True) # type: ignore
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
return bool(
isinstance(getattr(context, "id", None), Action)
and context.object
and context.object.mode == "POSE" # This condition may not be desired.
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
if self.assign:
context.object.animation_data_create().action = context.id
if context.object.animation_data.action:
context.object.animation_data.action = None
return {"FINISHED"}
class POSELIB_OT_copy_as_asset(Operator):
bl_idname = "poselib.copy_as_asset"
bl_label = "Copy Pose As Asset"
bl_description = "Create a new pose asset on the clipboard, to be pasted into an Asset Browser"
bl_options = {"REGISTER"}
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
return bool(
# There must be an object.
# It must be in pose mode with selected bones.
and context.object.mode == "POSE"
and context.object.pose
and context.selected_pose_bones_from_active_object
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
asset = pose_creation.create_pose_asset_from_context(
if asset is None:
self.report({"WARNING"}, "No animation data found to create asset from")
return {"CANCELLED"}
filepath = self.save_datablock(asset)
context.window_manager.clipboard = "%s%s" % (
self.report({"INFO"}, "Pose Asset copied, use Paste As New Asset in any Asset Browser to paste")
# The asset has been saved to disk, so to clean up it has to loose its asset & fake user status.
asset.use_fake_user = False
# The asset can be removed from the main DB, as it was purely created to
# be stored to disk, and not to be used in this file.
if asset.users > 0:
# This should never happen, and indicates a bug in the code. Having a warning about it is nice,
# but it shouldn't stand in the way of actually cleaning up the meant-to-be-temporary datablock.
self.report({"WARNING"}, "Unexpected non-zero user count for the asset, please report this as a bug")
return {"FINISHED"}
def save_datablock(self, action: Action) -> Path:
tempdir = Path(bpy.app.tempdir)
filepath = tempdir / "copied_asset.blend"
compress=True, # Single-datablock blend file, likely little need to diff.
return filepath
class POSELIB_OT_paste_asset(Operator):
bl_idname = "poselib.paste_asset"
bl_label = "Paste As New Asset"
bl_description = "Paste the Asset that was previously copied using Copy As Asset"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
if not asset_utils.SpaceAssetInfo.is_asset_browser(context.space_data):
cls.poll_message_set("Current editor is not an asset browser")
return False
asset_lib_ref = context.space_data.params.asset_library_ref
if asset_lib_ref != 'LOCAL':
cls.poll_message_set("Asset Browser must be set to the Current File library")
return False
# Delay checking the clipboard as much as possible, as it's CPU-heavier than the other checks.
clipboard: str = context.window_manager.clipboard
if not clipboard:
cls.poll_message_set("Clipboard is empty")
return False
if not clipboard.startswith(marker):
cls.poll_message_set("Clipboard does not contain an asset")
return False
return True
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
clipboard = context.window_manager.clipboard
marker_len = len(POSELIB_OT_copy_as_asset.CLIPBOARD_ASSET_MARKER)
filepath = Path(clipboard[marker_len:])
assets = load_assets_from(filepath)
if not assets:
self.report({"ERROR"}, "Did not find any assets on clipboard")
return {"CANCELLED"}
self.report({"INFO"}, "Pasted %d assets" % len(assets))
asset_browser_area = asset_browser.area_from_context(context)
if not asset_browser_area:
return {"FINISHED"}
# Assign same catalog_global as in asset browser.
catalog_id = asset_browser.active_catalog_id(asset_browser_area)
for asset in assets:
asset.asset_data.catalog_id = catalog_id
asset_browser.activate_asset(assets[0], asset_browser_area, deferred=True)
return {"FINISHED"}
class POSELIB_OT_pose_asset_select_bones(Operator):
bl_idname = "poselib.pose_asset_select_bones"
bl_label = "Select Bones"
#bl_description = "Select those bones that are used in this pose"
bl_description = "Click: Select used Bones\nAlt+Click: Select Flipped Bones\nCtrl+Click: Select Both sides."
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
#bl_property = "selected_side"
selected_side: EnumProperty(
name='Selected Side',
('CURRENT', "Current", ""),
('FLIPPED', "Flipped", ""),
('BOTH', "Both", ""),
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
if not (
and context.object.mode == "POSE" # This condition may not be desired.
and context.asset_library_ref
and context.asset_file_handle
return False
return context.asset_file_handle.id_type == 'ACTION'
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
asset: FileSelectEntry = context.asset_file_handle
if asset.local_id:
return self.use_pose(context, asset.local_id)
return self._load_and_use_pose(context)
def use_pose(self, context: Context, asset: bpy.types.ID) -> Set[str]:
# Implement in subclass.
def _load_and_use_pose(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
asset_library_ref = context.asset_library_ref
asset = context.asset_file_handle
asset_lib_path = bpy.types.AssetHandle.get_full_library_path(asset, asset_library_ref)
if not asset_lib_path:
self.report( # type: ignore
# TODO: Add some way to get the library name from the library reference (just asset_library_ref.name?).
f"Selected asset {asset.name} could not be located inside the asset library",
return {"CANCELLED"}
if asset.id_type != 'ACTION':
self.report( # type: ignore
f"Selected asset {asset.name} is not an Action",
return {"CANCELLED"}
with bpy.types.BlendData.temp_data() as temp_data:
with temp_data.libraries.load(asset_lib_path) as (data_from, data_to):
data_to.actions = [asset.name]
action: Action = data_to.actions[0]
return self.use_pose(context, action)
def use_pose(self, context: Context, pose_asset: Action) -> Set[str]:
arm_object: Object = context.object
#pose_usage.select_bones(arm_object, pose_asset, select=self.select, flipped=self.flipped)
pose_usage.select_bones(arm_object, pose_asset, selected_side=self.selected_side)
return {"FINISHED"}
# This operator takes the Window Manager's `actionlib_flipped` property, and
# passes it to the `POSELIB_OT_blend_pose_asset` operator. This makes it
# possible to bind a key to the operator and still have it respect the global
# "Flip Pose" checkbox.
class POSELIB_OT_blend_pose_asset_for_keymap(Operator):
bl_idname = "poselib.blend_pose_asset_for_keymap"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "INTERNAL"}
_rna = bpy.ops.poselib.blend_pose_asset.get_rna_type()
bl_label = _rna.name
bl_description = _rna.description
del _rna
flipped: BoolProperty(name="Flipped", default=False) # type: ignore
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
return bpy.ops.poselib.blend_pose_asset.poll(context.copy())
def invoke(self, context, event):
if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE':
self.flipped = True if event.alt else False
if event.ctrl:
bpy.ops.poselib.blend_pose_asset(context.copy(), 'INVOKE_DEFAULT', flipped=not self.flipped)
bpy.ops.poselib.blend_pose_asset(context.copy(), 'INVOKE_DEFAULT', flipped=self.flipped)
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context: Context, event: Event) -> Set[str]:
return bpy.ops.poselib.blend_pose_asset(context.copy(), 'INVOKE_DEFAULT', flipped=self.flipped)
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
return bpy.ops.poselib.blend_pose_asset(context.copy(), 'EXEC_DEFAULT', flipped=self.flipped)
# This operator takes the Window Manager's `actionlib_flipped` property, and
# passes it to the `POSELIB_OT_apply_pose_asset` operator. This makes it
# possible to bind a key to the operator and still have it respect the global
# "Flip Pose" checkbox.
class POSELIB_OT_apply_pose_asset_for_keymap(Operator):
bl_idname = "poselib.apply_pose_asset_for_keymap"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO", "INTERNAL"}
_rna = bpy.ops.poselib.apply_pose_asset.get_rna_type()
bl_label = _rna.name
#bl_description = _rna.description
bl_description = 'Apply Pose to Bones'
del _rna
flipped: BoolProperty(name="Flipped", default=False) # type: ignore
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
if not asset_utils.SpaceAssetInfo.is_asset_browser(context.space_data):
return False
return bpy.ops.poselib.apply_pose_asset.poll(context.copy())
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
if self.flipped:
action = bpy.data.actions.get(context.active_file.name)
store_bones = {}
bones = [
'blendshape-eyes', 'blendshape-eye.L', 'blendshape-eye.R',
'blendshape-corner-mouth', 'blendshape-corner-mouth.L',
'blendshape-corner-down-mouth.L', 'blendshape-corner-up-mouth.L',
'blendshape-corner-down-mouth.R', 'blendshape-corner-up-mouth.R',
'blendshape-corner-mouth-add.R', 'blendshape-center-up-mouth',
'hat1.R', 'hat2.R', 'hat3.R', 'hat1.L', 'hat2.L', 'hat3.L',
attributes = [
'location', 'rotation_quaternion',
'rotation_euler', 'rotation_axis_angle', 'scale'
if action:
for fc in action.fcurves:
bone_name, prop_name = split_path(fc.data_path)
if bone_name not in bones:
if not bone_name in store_bones.keys():
store_bones[bone_name] = {}
for attr in attributes:
if prop_name == attr:
if not prop_name in store_bones[bone_name].keys():
store_bones[bone_name][prop_name] = []
val = getattr(context.object.pose.bones[bone_name], prop_name)
bpy.ops.poselib.apply_pose_asset(context.copy(), 'EXEC_DEFAULT', flipped=True)
for bone, v in store_bones.items():
for attr, attr_val in v.items():
flipped_vector = 1
if re.search(r'\.[RL]$', bone):
flipped_bone = pose_usage.flip_side_name(bone)
if attr == 'location':
flipped_vector = Vector((-1, 1, 1))
# print('-----', store_bones.get(flipped_bone)[attr])
attr_val = Vector(store_bones.get(flipped_bone)[attr]) * flipped_vector
setattr(context.object.pose.bones[bone], attr, attr_val)
return {'FINISHED'}
return bpy.ops.poselib.apply_pose_asset(context.copy(), 'EXEC_DEFAULT', flipped=False)
class POSELIB_OT_convert_old_poselib(Operator):
bl_idname = "poselib.convert_old_poselib"
bl_label = "Convert Old-Style Pose Library"
bl_description = "Create a pose asset for each pose marker in the current action"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
action = context.object and context.object.animation_data and context.object.animation_data.action
if not action:
cls.poll_message_set("Active object has no Action")
return False
if not action.pose_markers:
cls.poll_message_set("Action %r is not a old-style pose library" % action.name)
return False
return True
def execute(self, context: Context) -> Set[str]:
from . import conversion
old_poselib = context.object.animation_data.action
new_actions = conversion.convert_old_poselib(old_poselib)
if not new_actions:
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Unable to convert to pose assets")
return {'CANCELLED'}
self.report({'INFO'}, "Converted %d poses to pose assets" % len(new_actions))
return {'FINISHED'}
classes = (
register, unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(classes)