
465 lines
14 KiB

Generic Blender functions
from pathlib import Path
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Any, List, Iterable, Optional, Tuple
Datablock = Any
import bpy
from bpy_extras import asset_utils
from asset_library.constants import RESOURCES_DIR
#from asset_library.common.file_utils import no
from os.path import abspath
class attr_set():
'''Receive a list of tuple [(data_path, "attribute" [, wanted value)] ]
entering with-statement : Store existing values, assign wanted value (if any)
exiting with-statement: Restore values to their old values
def __init__(self, attrib_list): = []
# item = (prop, attr, [new_val])
for item in attrib_list:
prop, attr = item[:2] (prop, attr, getattr(prop, attr)) )
if len(item) >= 3:
setattr(prop, attr, item[2])
except TypeError:
print(f'Cannot set attribute {attr} to {prop}')
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
for prop, attr, old_val in
setattr(prop, attr, old_val)
def get_overriden_col(ob, scene=None):
scn = scene or bpy.context.scene
cols = [c for c in if scn.user_of_id(c)]
return next((c for c in cols if ob in c.all_objects[:]
if all(not c.override_library for c in get_col_parents(c))), None)
def get_view3d_persp():
windows =
view_3ds = [a for w in windows for a in w.screen.areas if a.type == 'VIEW_3D']
view_3d = next((a for a in view_3ds if == 'PERSP'), view_3ds[0])
return view_3d
def biggest_asset_browser_area(screen: bpy.types.Screen) -> Optional[bpy.types.Area]:
"""Return the asset browser Area that's largest on screen.
:param screen: context.window.screen
:return: the Area, or None if no Asset Browser area exists.
def area_sorting_key(area: bpy.types.Area) -> Tuple[bool, int]:
"""Return area size in pixels."""
return (area.width * area.height)
areas = list(suitable_areas(screen))
if not areas:
return None
return max(areas, key=area_sorting_key)
def suitable_areas(screen: bpy.types.Screen) -> Iterable[bpy.types.Area]:
"""Generator, yield Asset Browser areas."""
for area in screen.areas:
space_data = area.spaces[0]
if not asset_utils.SpaceAssetInfo.is_asset_browser(space_data):
yield area
def area_from_context(context: bpy.types.Context) -> Optional[bpy.types.Area]:
"""Return an Asset Browser suitable for the given category.
Prefers the current Asset Browser if available, otherwise the biggest.
space_data = context.space_data
if asset_utils.SpaceAssetInfo.is_asset_browser(space_data):
return context.area
# Try the current screen first.
browser_area = biggest_asset_browser_area(context.screen)
if browser_area:
return browser_area
for win in
if win.screen == context.screen:
browser_area = biggest_asset_browser_area(win.screen)
if browser_area:
return browser_area
return None
def activate_asset(
asset: bpy.types.Action, asset_browser: bpy.types.Area, *, deferred: bool
) -> None:
"""Select & focus the asset in the browser."""
space_data = asset_browser.spaces[0]
assert asset_utils.SpaceAssetInfo.is_asset_browser(space_data)
space_data.activate_asset_by_id(asset, deferred=deferred)
def active_catalog_id(asset_browser: bpy.types.Area) -> str:
"""Return the ID of the catalog shown in the asset browser."""
return params(asset_browser).catalog_id
def get_asset_space_params(asset_browser: bpy.types.Area) -> bpy.types.FileAssetSelectParams:
"""Return the asset browser parameters given its Area."""
space_data = asset_browser.spaces[0]
assert asset_utils.SpaceAssetInfo.is_asset_browser(space_data)
return space_data.params
def refresh_asset_browsers():
for area in suitable_areas(bpy.context.screen):
bpy.ops.asset.library_refresh({"area": area, 'region': area.regions[3]})
def tag_redraw(screen: bpy.types.Screen) -> None:
"""Tag all asset browsers for redrawing."""
for area in suitable_areas(screen):
# def get_blender_command(file=None, script=None, background=True, **args):
# '''Return a Blender Command as a list to be used in a subprocess'''
# cmd = []
# if file:
# cmd += [str(file)]
# if background:
# cmd += ['--background']
# if script:
# cmd += ['--python', str(script)]
# if args:
# cmd += ['--']
# for k, v in args.items():
# cmd += [f"--{k.replace('_', '-')}", str(v)]
# return cmd
def norm_value(value):
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
values = []
for v in value:
if not isinstance(v, str):
v = json.dumps(v)
return values
if isinstance(value, Path):
return str(value)
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = json.dumps(value)
return value
def norm_arg(arg_name, format=str.lower, prefix='--', separator='-'):
arg_name = norm_str(arg_name, format=format, separator=separator)
return prefix + arg_name
def get_bl_cmd(blender=None, background=False, focus=True, blendfile=None, script=None, **kargs):
cmd = [str(blender)] if blender else []
if background:
cmd += ['--background']
if not focus and not background:
cmd += ['--no-window-focus']
cmd += ['--window-geometry', '5000', '0', '10', '10']
if blendfile:
cmd += [str(blendfile)]
if script:
cmd += ['--python', str(script)]
if kargs:
cmd += ['--']
for k, v in kargs.items():
k = norm_arg(k)
v = norm_value(v)
cmd += [k]
if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
cmd += v
cmd += [v]
return cmd
def get_addon_prefs():
addon_name = __package__.split('.')[0]
return bpy.context.preferences.addons[addon_name].preferences
def thumbnail_blend_file(input_blend, output_img):
input_blend = Path(input_blend).resolve()
output_img = Path(output_img).resolve()
print(f'Thumbnailing {input_blend} to {output_img}')
blender_thumbnailer = Path( / 'blender-thumbnailer'
output_img.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)[blender_thumbnailer, str(input_blend), str(output_img)])
success = output_img.exists()
if not success:
empty_preview = RESOURCES_DIR / 'empty_preview.png'
shutil.copy(str(empty_preview), str(output_img))
return success
def get_col_parents(col, root=None, cols=None):
'''Return a list of parents collections of passed col
root : Pass a collection to search in (recursive)
else search in master collection
if cols is None:
cols = []
if root == None:
root = bpy.context.scene.collection
for sub in root.children:
if sub == col:
if len(sub.children):
cols = get_col_parents(col, root=sub, cols=cols)
return cols
def get_overriden_col(ob, scene=None):
'''Get the collection use for making the override'''
scn = scene or bpy.context.scene
cols = [c for c in if scn.user_of_id(c)]
return next((c for c in cols if ob in c.all_objects[:]
if all(not c.override_library for c in get_col_parents(c))), None)
def load_assets_from(filepath: Path) -> List[Datablock]:
if not has_assets(filepath):
# Avoid loading any datablocks when there are none marked as asset.
return []
# Append everything from the file.
with as (
for attr in dir(data_to):
setattr(data_to, attr, getattr(data_from, attr))
# Iterate over the appended datablocks to find assets.
def loaded_datablocks() -> Iterable[Datablock]:
for attr in dir(data_to):
datablocks = getattr(data_to, attr)
for datablock in datablocks:
yield datablock
loaded_assets = []
for datablock in loaded_datablocks():
if not getattr(datablock, "asset_data", None):
# Fake User is lost when appending from another file.
datablock.use_fake_user = True
return loaded_assets
def has_assets(filepath: Path) -> bool:
with, assets_only=True) as (
for attr in dir(data_from):
data_names = getattr(data_from, attr)
if data_names:
return True
return False
def copy_frames(start, end, offset, path):
for i in range (start, end):
src = path.replace('####', f'{i:04d}')
dst = src.replace(src.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0], f'{i+offset:04d}')
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
def split_path(path) :
try :
bone_name = path.split('["')[1].split('"]')[0]
except :
bone_name = None
try :
prop_name = path.split('["')[2].split('"]')[0]
except :
prop_name = path.split('.')[-1]
return bone_name, prop_name
def load_datablocks(src, names=None, type='objects', link=True, expr=None) -> list:
return_list = not isinstance(names, str)
names = names or []
if not isinstance(names, (list, tuple)):
names = [names]
if isinstance(expr, str):
pattern = expr
expr = lambda x : fnmatch(x, pattern)
with, link=link) as (data_from, data_to):
datablocks = getattr(data_from, type)
if expr:
names += [i for i in datablocks if expr(i)]
elif not names:
names = datablocks
setattr(data_to, type, names)
datablocks = getattr(data_to, type)
if return_list:
return datablocks
elif datablocks:
return datablocks[0]
# --- Collection handling
def col_as_asset(col, verbose=False):
if col is None:
if verbose:
pcol =
return pcol
def load_col(filepath, name, link=True, override=True, rig_pattern=None, context=None):
'''Link a collection by name from a file and override if has armature'''
# with, link=link) as (data_from, data_to):
# data_to.collections = [c for c in data_from.collections if c == name]
# if not data_to.collections:
# return
# return data_to.collections[0]
context = context or bpy.context
collections = load_datablocks(filepath, name, link=link, type='collections')
if not collections:
print(f'No collection "{name}" found in: {filepath}')
col = collections[0]
## create instance object
inst =, None)
inst.instance_collection = col
inst.instance_type = 'COLLECTION'
# make active
inst.select_set(True) = inst
## simple object (no armatures)
if not link or not override:
return inst
if not next((o for o in col.all_objects if o.type == 'ARMATURE'), None):
return inst
## Create the override
# Search
parent_cols = inst.users_collection
child_cols = [child for pcol in parent_cols for child in pcol.children]
params = {'active_object': inst, 'selected_objects': [inst]}
## check which collection is new in parents collection
asset_col = next((c for pcol in parent_cols for c in pcol.children if c not in child_cols), None)
if not asset_col:
print('Overriden, but no collection found !!')
for ob in asset_col.all_objects:
if ob.type != 'ARMATURE':
if rig_pattern and not fnmatch(, rig_pattern):
ob.hide_select = ob.hide_viewport = False
ob.select_set(True) = ob
return ob
except Exception as e:
print(f'Override failed on {}')
return inst
def get_preview(asset_path='', asset_name=''):
asset_preview_dir = Path(asset_path).parents[1]
name = asset_name.lower()
return next((f for f in asset_preview_dir.rglob('*') if f.stem.lower().endswith(name)), None)
def get_object_libraries(ob):
if not ob :
return []
libraries = [ob.library,]
if ob.type in ('MESH', 'CURVE'):
libraries += [m.library for m in if m]
filepaths = []
for l in libraries:
if not l or not l.filepath:
absolute_filepath = abspath(bpy.path.abspath(l.filepath, library=l))
if absolute_filepath in filepaths:
return filepaths