126 lines
3.6 KiB
126 lines
3.6 KiB
import bpy
import re
def get_addon_prefs():
function to read current addon preferences properties
access with : get_addon_prefs().super_special_option
import os
addon_name = os.path.splitext(__name__)[0]
preferences = bpy.context.preferences
addon_prefs = preferences.addons[addon_name].preferences
return (addon_prefs)
def helper(name: str = '') -> str:
'''Return name and arguments from calling obj as str
:name: - replace definition name by your own str
if not get_addon_prefs().debug:
import inspect
func = inspect.currentframe().f_back
name = name or f'def {func.f_code.co_name}'
args = inspect.getargvalues(func).locals
arguments = ', '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in args.items()])
def get_gnd():
for o in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if o.type == 'MESH' and o.name.lower() in ('ground', 'gnd'):
return o
# nothing found
print('ERROR', 'No "gnd" object found')
def get_follow_curve_from_armature(arm):
"""Return curve and constraint or a tuple of string ('error', 'message')
pref = get_addon_prefs()
name = pref.tgt_bone
parents = []
root = b.id_data.pose.bones.get(name)
for c in root.constraints:
if c.type == 'FOLLOW_PATH':
const = c
if c.type == 'CHILD_OF':
print(f'found child-of on {name}')
if c.target:
if not const:
for p in parents:
for c in p.constraints:
if c.type == 'FOLLOW_PATH':
print('INFO', f'follow_path found on "{p.name}" parent object')
const = c
if not const:
return ('ERROR', 'No constraints founds')
curve = const.target
if not curve:
return ('ERROR', f'no target set for {curve.name}')
return curve, const
def get_obj_action(obj):
act = obj.animation_data
if not act:
print('ERROR', f'no animation data on {obj.name}')
act = act.action
if not act:
print('ERROR', f'no action on {obj.name}')
return act
def set_generated_action(obj):
'''Backup object action and return a new action suffixed '_autogen'
associated with the object
act = get_obj_action(obj)
if not act: return
regen = re.compile(r'_autogen\.?\d{0,3}$')
if regen.search(act.name):
# is an autogenerated one
org_action_name = regen.sub('', act.name)
org_action = bpy.data.actions.get(org_action_name)
if not org_action:
print('ERROR', f'{org_action_name} not found')
obj.animation_data.action = org_action
act = org_action
# backup action before doing anything crazy
act.use_fake_user = True
new_act = act.copy()
new_act.name = act.name + '_autogen'
obj.animation_data.action = new_act
return new_act
def get_curve_length(ob):
dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
obeval = ob.evaluated_get(dg)#.copy()
baked_me = obeval.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=False, depsgraph=dg)
mat = obeval.matrix_world
total_length = 0
for i, _v in enumerate(baked_me.vertices):
if i == 0:
total_length += ((mat @ baked_me.vertices[i-1].co) - (mat @ baked_me.vertices[i].co)).length
print("total_length", total_length)#Dbg
return total_length