import bpy from . import fn def get_active_nla_strip(all_nla=False): '''Return object active strip :all_nla: return first active strip found on all objects > NLA tracks ''' if all_nla: objs = [o for o in if ob.animation_data] else: if not bpy.context.object: return objs = [bpy.context.object] for ob in objs: if not (anim := ob.animation_data): continue for nla in anim.nla_tracks: for strip in nla.strips: if print(f'{} on Track {}') return strip class AW_OT_nla_key_speed(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "autowalk.nla_key_speed" bl_label = "NLA Key Speed" bl_description = "Activate animate strip time and Keyframe linear for first and last animation frame" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object and context.object.type == 'ARMATURE' def execute(self, context): nla_strip = get_active_nla_strip() if not nla_strip:{'ERROR'}, 'no active NLA strip') return {"CANCELLED"} # Clear if exists (or just move first and last point ?) fcu = nla_strip.fcurves.find('strip_time') if fcu: for k in reversed(fcu.keyframe_points): fcu.keyframe_points.remove(k) nla_strip.use_animated_time = True nla_strip.strip_time = nla_strip.action_frame_start nla_strip.keyframe_insert('strip_time', frame=nla_strip.frame_start) nla_strip.strip_time = nla_strip.action_frame_end nla_strip.keyframe_insert('strip_time', frame=nla_strip.frame_end) fcu = nla_strip.fcurves.find('strip_time') if not fcu: return {"CANCELLED"} # Go linear for k in fcu.keyframe_points: k.interpolation = 'LINEAR' return {"FINISHED"} classes=( AW_OT_nla_key_speed, ) def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) def unregister(): for cls in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)