# Changelog 1.8.0 - added: `wrap animation` tool. On selected pose bones on each location keyframe, apply offset from a reference bone to a root bone. 1.7.0 - added: `Custom Pinning` Possibility to pin selectively lobc/rot x/y/z components - fixed: bug on baking, some keys can be duplicated on same frame after (auto-clean) - fixed: bug on animate path, when a channel on reference bone is not animated 1.6.1 - changed: `on select` options using `pin feet` target selected bones instead (wuthout the option only target bones with `foot` in name) 1.6.0 - added: World space copy/paste from `Pin tool` panel can now copy/paste multiple selected posebones positions - paste according to names - aware of names and armatures if multiple armatures - should take parenting into account 1.5.2 - changed: key and jump now use keying set `LocRotScale` instead of `Available` - changed: paste always add a key (`LocRotScale`) even if not in autokey 1.5.1 - fixed: also key rotation when creating curve 1.5.0 - changed: no need to have a cycle on fcurve to bake keys anymore - changed: snap curve does not create a curve copy - added: allow to directly snap selected curve (`ctrl + Click` to keep shrinkwarp modfifier, need to apply to affect object) - fixed: error when going in curve edit from object mode 1.4.4 - changed: default start to 100 - fixed: can now add shortcut to world copy/paste - fixed: snap curve to ground 1.4.3 - fixed: reset constrained bone position and add a location key at (0,0,0) 1.4.2 - added: `Ctrl + click` on Add cycle modifier remove all cycle on all fcurves (hided option to force clean) 1.4.1 - changed: better filter for applying cycle modifier (prevent targeting prefix-reserved bones) 1.4.0 - added: preview of end frame for the cycle bake - fixed: better method to detect key cycle range 1.3.4 - fixed: bake keys with better cycle compatibility 1.3.3 - changed: `Set Time Keys` in NLA do not remove keys if exists but offset to match start of strip (if has moved) to resync - added: button to remove animated Strip time (delete keys but not fcurve) - fixed: step mode for baking 1.3.2 - removed: ground feet (added initial support for override compatibility wip) - fixed: error with key and jump 1.3.1 - added: button to remove follow path constraint 1.3.0 - changed: rename addon: `unfold anim cycle` >> `auto walk` 1.2.0 - changed: curve offset on base 100 (allow multiple action with same curve path animation range) - changed: offset animation extrapolated by default (for potential motion blur at start and continue after curves end) 1.1.0 - added: another method to add curve placing character in two position 1.0.0 - fix: broken algo for extreme keys range detection 0.9.0 - fix problem with translation calculation when all keys are marked - add button to create cycle un tested - added addon pref button 0.8.0 - Easy jump to previous action - improved armature <-> curve back and forth - better UI 0.7.1 - customizable panel category name - changed tab category name to `Walk` - Change generated action name: - `expanded` -> `baked` - `autogen` -> `pinned` 0.7.0 - auto-detect foot to use for path animation - button to go back and forth between curve edit and armature pose mode - UI revamp showing better separation of tool categories 0.6.0 - World paste and `Jump next frame` - more compact and improved ui for world paste - fix errors in some operators 0.5.0 - pin feet working 0.4.2 - context manager for `expand cycle step` store / restore 0.4.1 - update fcurve after bake 0.4.0 - better curve creation 0.3.5 - partly working 0.3.3 - total wip 0.3.0 - Rework interface - Add manual bone pinning: simple world space copy/paste + pose and jump prev/next - Faster pin feets - bool prop to disable end/curve stepping (interpolation as linear if needed) - Switch action back to new curve when re-snapping to ground - fix shrinkwrap - fix rebake with linear - error message when no fcurve has anim cycle 0.2.0: - first working version 0.1.0: - initial commit, halfway there