325 lines
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325 lines
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import bpy
import re
from mathutils import Vector
from . import fn
def raycast_from_loc_to_obj(src, tgt, direction=None, dg=None):
''' Raycast from a world space source on a target ovject using a direction Vector
:origin: a world coordinate location as source of the ray
:tgt: an object onto project the ray
:direction: a direction vector. If not passed, point bottom : Vector((0,0,-1))
return world coordiante of the hit if any
if direction is None:
direction = Vector((0,0,-1))
mw = tgt.matrix_world
origin = mw.inverted() @ src
hit, loc, _norm, _face = tgt.ray_cast(origin, direction, depsgraph=dg)
if hit:
# print("Hit at ", loc, " (local)")
world_loc = mw @ loc
# bpy.ops.object.empty_add(location = world_loc) # test
return world_loc
return False
def worldspace_move_posebone(b, vec, is_target=False):
''' Move or snap a posebone using a vector in worldspace
:b: posebone
:vec: Vector to move posebone worldspace (if not attached to parent)
:is_target: if True the posebone snap to the vector, else the vector is added
a = b.id_data
if is_target:
target_vec = vec
target_vec = (a.matrix_world @ b.matrix).translation + vec
mw = a.convert_space(pose_bone=b,
mw.translation = target_vec
b.matrix = a.convert_space(pose_bone=b,
return target_vec
def set_subsurf_viewport(ob, show=True):
for m in ob.modifiers:
# if m.type in ('SUBSURF', 'TRIANGULATE'):
if m.type == 'SUBSURF':
m.show_viewport = show
def snap_foot(pb, gnd):
'''Get posebone and ground to touch'''
# arm = bpy.context.object# bpy.context.scene.objects.get('Armature')
arm = pb.id_data
print('arm: ', arm)
# find tip bone :
# tip = [p for p in pb.children_recursive if p.name.startswith('DEF')][-1]
def_name = f'DEF.{pb.name}'
tip = arm.pose.bones.get(def_name)
## guess fallbacks
if not tip:
## Regex for potential separator variance
# "." dot separator is not literal anymore : DEF.foot\.L
parttern = f'DEF.{re.escape(pb.name)}'
for pb in arm.pose.bones:
if re.search(parttern, pb.name):
tip = pb
if not tip:
## name proximity
best_ratio = 0
for pb in arm.pose.bones:
if (ratio := fn.fuzzy_match_ratio(pb.name, def_name)) > best_ratio:
tip = pb # assign tip
best_ratio = ratio
if best_ratio < 0.85:
# no bones name is close enough
return ('ERROR', f'no bone name is close enough of "{def_name}" (best was "{tip}" with close-ratio {best_ratio})')
print('tip: ', tip)
# get deformed object VG (find skinned mesh)
ob = None
for o in arm.users_collection[0].all_objects:
if o.type != 'MESH':
if not 'body' in o.name: # might be not needed if filter on vertex group
if not o.vertex_groups.get(tip.name):
# has vertex_group pointing to the bone
for m in o.modifiers:
if m.type == 'ARMATURE':
# print(o.name, m.object)
if m.object == arm: # if point to orignal rig
ob = o
## find object with old proxy method
# for o in arm.proxy_collection.instance_collection.all_objects:
# if o.type != 'MESH':
# continue
# for m in o.modifiers:
# if m.type == 'ARMATURE':
# # print(o.name, m.object)
# if m.object == arm.proxy: # if point to orignal rig
# ## here we want body, not body_deform
# if not 'body' in o.name:
# continue
# if '_deform' in o.name:
# continue
# ob = o
# break
if not ob:
return ('ERROR', 'no skinned mesh found')
print('check skinning of', ob.name)
### MESH baking
#-# Get Vertices position for a specific vertex group if over weight limit
# me0 = simple_to_mesh(ob) # if no need to apply modifier just make ob.data.copy()
# # generate new
# bm =
# bm.from_mesh(me0)
# bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
# bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
# bm.faces.ensure_lookup_table()
# # store weight values
# weight = []
# ob_tmp = bpy.data.objects.new("temp", me0)
# for g in ob.vertex_groups:
# ob_tmp.vertex_groups.new(name=g.name)
# for v in me0.vertices:
# try:
# weight.append(ob_tmp.vertex_groups[tip.name].weight(v.index))
# except:
# weight.append(0)
# verts = [vert for vid, vert in enumerate(bake_mesh.vertices) \
# if ob_tmp.vertex_groups[tip.name].index in [i.group for i in vert.groups] \
# and weight[vid] > 0.5]
#-# /
#-# Get Vertices position for a specific vertex group if over weight limit
#-# (Does not work if a subdivision modifier is on)
set_subsurf_viewport(ob, show=False)
dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
obeval = ob.evaluated_get(dg) #.copy()
print('object: ', ob.name)
## bpy.context.object.proxy_collection.instance_collection.all_objects['body_deform']
## bpy.context.object.proxy_collection.instance_collection.all_objects['body']
## Hide modifier
# for m in obeval.modifiers:
# if m.type == 'SUBSURF':
# m.show_viewport = False # m.levels = 0
bake_mesh = obeval.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers=True, depsgraph=dg)
ct = 0
vg = obeval.vertex_groups[tip.name]
world_co = []
for idx, vert in enumerate(bake_mesh.vertices):
print('idx, vert: ', idx, vert)
grp_indexes = [i.group for i in vert.groups]
print('grp_indexes: ', grp_indexes)
print('vg.index in grp_indexes: ', vg.index in grp_indexes)
if vg.index in grp_indexes:
print(':: vg.weight(idx) > 0.5: ', vg.weight(idx) > 0.5)
# print()
if vg.index in grp_indexes and vg.weight(idx) > 0.5:
ct +=1
world_co.append(ob.matrix_world @ vert.co)
if not ct:
return ('ERROR', 'No vertices found')
#-# # list comprehension
# verts = [vert for vid, vert in enumerate(bake_mesh.vertices) \
# if obeval.vertex_groups[tip.name].index in [i.group for i in vert.groups] \
# and obeval.vertex_groups[tip.name].weight(vid) > 0.5]
#world_co = [ob.matrix_world @ v.co for v in verts]
#-# /
print(len(world_co), 'vertices')
# sort by height
world_co.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
### Raycast and find lowest distance
up_check = True
updists = []
dists = []
for co in world_co: # [:6] (no neede to get all)
contact = raycast_from_loc_to_obj(co, gnd, Vector((0,0,-1)), dg=dg)
if contact:
dists.append((co - contact).length)
if not contact and up_check:
contact = raycast_from_loc_to_obj(co, gnd, Vector((0,0,1)), dg=dg)
if contact:
updists.append((co - contact).length)
if not contact:
# empty_at(contact, size=0.2)
if not dists and not updists:
return ('ERROR', 'raycast could not found contact')
# move bones by the minimal amount.
if updists:
move = max(updists)
vec = Vector((0,0, move))
worldspace_move_posebone(pb, vec)
print('INFO', f'move up by {move}')
move = min(dists)
vec = Vector((0,0, -move))
worldspace_move_posebone(pb, vec)
print('INFO', f'move down by {move}')
## restore
def snap_feet():
## add undo push if launched from shelf (TODO need test !!!)
# bpy.ops.ed.undo_push(message='Snap to ground')
# if bpy.context.object.type != 'ARMATURE':
# print('ERROR', 'Selection is not an armature')
# return
if bpy.context.mode != 'POSE':
print('ERROR', 'Not in pose mode')
gnd = bpy.context.scene.anim_cycle_settings.gnd
print('ground: ', gnd.name)
if not gnd:
return ('ERROR', 'Need to point ground object in "ground" field')
# Snap all selected feets, posebone to ground
for pb in bpy.context.selected_pose_bones:
## find the foot bones.
if 'foot' in pb.name:
# get pb lowest surface deformed point
return snap_foot(pb, gnd)
class AW_OT_contact_to_ground(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "autowalk.contact_to_ground"
bl_label = "Ground Feet"
bl_description = "Ground selected feets"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def poll(cls, context):
return context.object and context.object.type == 'ARMATURE'
def execute(self, context):
# TODO: check if possible to auto detect a ground when gnd is not specified
# (still instersteing to be able to get the ground user wants)
if not context.scene.anim_cycle_settings.gnd:
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'need to choose a target mesh for "Ground"')
return {"CANCELLED"}
# context.scene.anim_cycle_settings.expand_on_selected_bones
err = snap_feet()
if err:
self.report({err[0]}, err[1])
if err[0] == 'ERROR':
return {"CANCELLED"}
return {"FINISHED"}
def register():
for cls in classes:
def unregister():
for cls in reversed(classes):
bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) |