# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later bl_info = { "name": "Background plane manager", "description": "Manage the background image planes and grease pencil object relative to a camera", "author": "Samuel Bernou", "version": (0, 4, 3), "blender": (3, 5, 0), "location": "View3D", "warning": "", "doc_url": "https://gitlab.com/autour-de-minuit/blender/background_plane_manager", "category": "Object" } import bpy from pathlib import Path from . import operators from . import import_planes from . import export_psd_layers from . import ui from . import preferences from . import core #from . file_utils import install_module #install_module('psd_tools', 'psd-tools') """ from . import auto_modules ## module auto-install ## module_name, package_name DEPENDENCIES = { ('psd_tools', 'psd-tools'), } # modules_loc = bpy.utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS', path='modules') modules_loc = Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'modules' error_message = f'''--- Cannot import modules (see console). Try enabling addon after restarting blender as admin --- ''' error = auto_modules.pip_install_and_import(DEPENDENCIES) # note: an internet connexion is needed to auto-install needed modules) if error: raise Exception(error_message) from error has_psd_tools = True try: import psd_tools except Exception: has_psd_tools = False """ # TODO: Add an enum in prefs to choose default type to use # Override this enum if there is an environement variable in project modules = ( operators, export_psd_layers, preferences, ui, ) def register(): for m in modules: m.register() preferences.ui_in_sidebar_update(core.get_addon_prefs(), bpy.context) def unregister(): for m in reversed(modules): m.unregister()