2022-03-04 12:28:53 +01:00
from .utils import *
from .functions import *
from bpy.types import Operator
from bpy.props import *
from .properties import CustomShelfSettings
2024-10-03 12:07:33 +02:00
2022-03-04 12:28:53 +01:00
class CSHELF_OT_refresh(Operator):
bl_idname = "customshelf.refresh"
bl_label = 'Refresh Shelves'
def execute(self,context) :
return {'FINISHED'}
def get_tag_items(self,context) :
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
return [(i,i.title(),"") for i in prefs['tag_filter_items']]
class CSHELF_OT_set_tag_filter(Operator):
bl_idname = "customshelf.set_tag_filter"
bl_label = 'Refresh Shelves'
tag_filter : EnumProperty(items = get_tag_items)
def execute(self, context):
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
tag_filter = self.tag_filter
if tag_filter == '__clear__' :
tag_filter = ""
prefs.tag_filter = tag_filter
return {'FINISHED'}
class CSHELF_OT_add_shelf_folder(Operator):
bl_idname = "customshelf.add_shelves_folder"
bl_label = 'Refresh Shelves'
def execute(self, context):
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
path = prefs.additionnal_shelves.add()
return {'FINISHED'}
class CSHELF_OT_remove_shelf_folder(Operator):
bl_idname = "customshelf.remove_shelves_folder"
bl_label = 'Refresh Shelves'
index : IntProperty()
def execute(self, context):
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
return {'FINISHED'}
class CSHELF_OT_open_shelf_folder(Operator):
bl_idname = "customshelf.open_shelf_folder"
bl_label = 'Run Function'
path : StringProperty()
def execute(self,context) :
return {'FINISHED'}
class CSHELF_OT_add_script(Operator) :
bl_idname = "customshelf.add_script"
bl_label = 'Add script to a shelf'
add_category : BoolProperty()
add_tab : BoolProperty()
new_category : StringProperty()
new_tab : StringProperty()
name : StringProperty()
description : StringProperty()
icon : StringProperty()
show_icons : BoolProperty()
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def poll(cls, context):
return context.area.type == 'TEXT_EDITOR' and context.space_data.text
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def add_folder(self,context,op) :
folder = self.folder.add()
folder.name = self.name
def remove_folder(self,context,op) :
bl_props = context.scene.CustomShelf
index = self.folders.find(self.folders_enum)
def get_all_icons (self) :
ui_layout = bpy.types.UILayout
icons = ui_layout.bl_rna.functions["prop"].parameters["icon"].enum_items.keys()
prefixes = ('BRUSH_','MATCAP_','COLORSET_')
exception = ('BRUSH_DATA')
return [i for i in icons if not i.startswith(prefixes) or i in exception]
def get_icons(self,context,op) :
icons = [
self.icons = icons
def set_icon(self,context,op) :
#bl_props = context.scene.CustomShelf
self.icon = op.icon
self.icons = []
def draw(self,context) :
bl_props = context.scene.CustomShelf
layout = self.layout
row = layout.row()
row.operator("customshelf.get_icons",text= '',icon = self.icon)
row.prop(self,"name",text ="")
col = layout.column(align = True)
for icon_list in self.icons :
for icon in icon_list :
if not i%12 :
row = col.row(align= True)
2024-10-03 12:07:33 +02:00
row.operator("customshelf.set_icon", icon=icon, emboss=False, text="").icon=icon
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i += 1
row = col.row(align= True)
2024-10-03 12:07:33 +02:00
layout.prop(self, "description", text="")
2022-03-04 12:28:53 +01:00
#Category Row
folder_row = layout.row(align = True)
folder_row.label(text="", icon='FILE_FOLDER')
if not self.add_category :
folder_row.prop(bl_props,"category_enum",expand = True)
else :
folder_row.prop(self,"add_category",icon = 'ADD',text='')
# Tabs row
tab_row = layout.row(align = True)
tab_row.label(text='', icon='MENU_PANEL')
if not self.add_tab :
category_tabs = get_category_tabs(bl_props.category_enum)
for t in [t for t in category_tabs if t in self.tabs] :
else :
tab_row.prop(self,"add_tab",icon = 'ADD',text='')
#folder_row.operator("customshelf.remove_folder",icon = 'REMOVE',text='')
def write_script(self,f) :
keys = ['icon','description']
keys += [k for k in self.info if k not in keys]
f.write("info = "+dic_to_str(self.info,keys))
def execute(self,context) :
preferences = context.preferences
bl_props = context.scene.CustomShelf
addon_prefs = preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
if self.new_category :
category_path = get_category_path(self.new_category)
if not exists(category_path):
else :
category_path = get_category_path(bl_props.category_enum)
if self.new_tab :
tab_path = join(category_path, self.new_tab)
if not exists(tab_path):
else :
tab_path = join(category_path,bl_props.tab_enum)
script_name = self.name.replace(' ','_').replace('-','_')
script_path = join(tab_path,script_name+'.py')
if os.path.exists(script_path):
self.info['icon'] = self.icon
self.info['description'] = self.description
with open(script_path,"w") as f :
line_index = self.active_text.current_line_index
text = bpy.data.texts.load(script_path)
text.current_line_index = line_index
context.space_data.text = text
return {"FINISHED"}
def check(self,context) :
return True
def invoke(self,context,event) :
bl_props = context.scene.CustomShelf
self.active_text = context.space_data.text
self.info,self.lines = read_info([l.body for l in self.active_text.lines])
if self.info.get('icon') :
icon = self.info["icon"]
description = "Some description"
if self.info.get('description') :
description = self.info["description"]
self.icon = icon
self.name = splitext(self.active_text.name)[0]
self.show_icons = False
self.description = description
self.add_shelf = False
self.new_shelf = ""
self.icons = []
2024-10-03 12:07:33 +02:00
operator("get_icons", {'execute': self.get_icons})
operator("set_icon", {'execute': self.set_icon, '__annotations__': {'icon' : StringProperty()}})
operator("add_folder", {'execute': self.add_folder})
2022-03-04 12:28:53 +01:00
self.tabs = get_tabs()
self.categories = get_categories()
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CustomShelfSettings.category_enum = EnumProperty(items=[(i,i,"") for i in self.categories])
CustomShelfSettings.tab_enum = EnumProperty(items=[(i,i,"") for i in self.tabs])
2022-03-04 12:28:53 +01:00
if self.active_text.filepath :
tab_path = dirname(self.active_text.filepath)
category = basename(dirname(tab_path))
tab = basename(tab_path)
if category in self.categories :
bl_props.category_enum = category
if tab in self.tabs :
bl_props.tab_enum = tab
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return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=500)