# Custom Shelf Adds buttons to launch custom python scripts in the User panel. ## Installation Download as zip and install via the preferences > addons panel or clone repository in blender addon folder. ## Usage Place your .py scripts in the `shelves/` folder with following folder structure: `shelves / sidebar_tab_name / panel_name / button_name.py` Here is the dictionnary to put at the beginning of your code to have tooltip, icon and variables inside a popup: ``` info = { 'icon' : 'SORTALPHA', 'description' : 'Rename active object in something', 'name' : 'Some name', 'enum' : {'value': '3', 'items': ['1', '2', '3', '4']}, 'int' : 2, 'path' : '/temp', 'bool' : False, 'float' : 2.0, 'collection' : {'value': 'object', 'collection': 'Object'}, } ``` To get yout variables in your code : `name = info['name']` The collection return the name, so to get an object : `ob = bpy.data.objects.get(info['collection']['value'])` You can next filter by tags by clicking on the arrow icon Script file starting with '_' are hided by default, you can unhide them by unchecking the filter icon ## Support Use the issues tracker to report a bug. ## License GNU-GPL V3