info = { 'icon' : 'RENDER_STILL', 'description' : 'render still image timed', } import bpy import os from os import listdir from os.path import join, dirname, basename, exists, isfile, isdir, splitext import re, fnmatch, glob from mathutils import Vector, Matrix from math import radians, degrees from time import time import datetime C = bpy.context D = scn = scene = C.scene rd = scn.render def pad_with_current_frame(match): return str(C.scene.frame_current).zfill(len( def add_frame_padding(name): ''' return string padded with current blender frame if # found, use this padding to write theframe ''' import re if not '#' in name: return name + str(C.scene.frame_current).zfill(4) # return re.sub(r'\#{1,10}', pad_with_current_frame, name)# all '#...' in string return re.sub(r'\#{1,10}(?!.*\#)', pad_with_current_frame, name)# only last '#...' def render(anim=False, GL=False): if GL:#openGl render bpy.ops.render.opengl(animation=anim, write_still=True, view_context=True)#view_context False > look throughcam else: bpy.ops.render.render(animation=anim, write_still=True) start = time() orgfp = C.scene.render.filepath C.scene.render.filepath = add_frame_padding(C.scene.render.filepath) try: render(anim=False) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: C.scene.render.filepath = orgfp secs = time() - start timesec_str = f'elapsed {secs} seconds' time_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=secs)) print(timesec_str) print(time_str) C.window_manager.clipboard = time_str