import bpy import os from os import listdir,mkdir,scandir from os.path import join,dirname,splitext,isdir,exists,basename from bpy.types import Operator, Panel, PropertyGroup from bpy.props import * import subprocess import json id_type = {"Action" : "actions", "Armature":"armatures", "Brush":"brushes", "CacheFile":"cache_files", "Camera":"cameras", "Curve":"curves", "FreestyleLineStyle":"linestyles", "GreasePencil":"grease_pencil", "Group":"groups", "Image":"images", "Key":"shape_keys", "Light":"lights", "Lattice":"lattices", "Library":"librairies", "Mask":"masks", "Material":"materials", "Mesh":"meshes", "MetaBall":"metaballs", "MovieClip":"movieclips", "NodeTree":"node_groups", "Object":"objects", "PaintCurve":"paint_curves", "Palette":"palettes", "ParticleSettings":"particles", "Scene":"scenes", "Screen":"screens", "Sound":"sounds", "Speaker":"speakers", "Text":"texts", "Texture":"textures", "VectorFont":"fonts", "WindowManager":"window_managers", "World":"worlds"} def report(var,message,type='INFO') : print([a for a in locals()]) print([a for a in globals()]) if 'self' in var : var['self'].report({type}, message) else : print('') print(type) print(message) def read_json(path): jsonFile = path if os.path.exists(jsonFile): try : with open(jsonFile) as data_file: return (json.load(data_file)) except : print("the file %s not json readable"%jsonFile) return def search_filter(search,str) : return search.lower() in str.lower() def title(string) : return string.replace('_',' ').replace('-',' ').title() def arg_name(string) : return string.replace(' ','_').replace('-','_').lower().strip('_') def open_folder(path) : try: os.startfile(path) except: subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', path]) def dic_to_args(dic): import collections args = collections.OrderedDict() for k,v in dic.items() : if k in ('icon','description') or not isinstance(k,str): continue if isinstance(v,str) : if '/' in v or '\\' in v : args[k] = StringProperty(default=v,subtype = "FILE_PATH") else : args[k] = StringProperty(default=v) elif isinstance(v,bool) : args[k] = BoolProperty(default=v) elif isinstance(v,float) : args[k] = FloatProperty(default=v,precision=3) elif isinstance(v,int) : args[k] = IntProperty(default=v) elif isinstance(v,dict) : if v.get("items") and isinstance(v["items"],(tuple,list)) : args[k] = EnumProperty(items = [(i,i,"") for i in v["items"]]) elif v.get("collection") and isinstance(v["collection"],str) : if v["collection"] not in id_type : print("Collection %s not supported must be in %s"%(v["collection"],id_type)) #args[k] = PointerProperty(type = getattr(bpy.types,v["collection"])) else : args[k] = PointerProperty(type = getattr(bpy.types,v["collection"]),poll = v.get('poll')) return args def read_info(script_path) : import collections if isinstance(script_path,list) : lines =script_path else : with open(script_path,encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = info = {} for i,l in enumerate(lines) : if i >= 10 : return info,lines if l.startswith("info") : info_start = i info_str = l while info_str.endswith(',') or not info_str.endswith('}') or i == len(lines)-1: i+=1 info_str+= lines[i] info_end = i opening_brace_index = info_str.find('{') try : info = eval(info_str[opening_brace_index:]) except : print('The info header in the file %s cannot be read'%script_path) break info = [(k,v) for k,v in info.items()] info.sort(key = lambda x : info_str.find(x[0])) info = collections.OrderedDict(info) del lines[info_start:info_end+1] break # remove backspace for i in range(len(lines)) : if lines[0] : break else : lines.pop(0) for i in range(len(lines)) : if lines[-1] : break else : lines.pop(-1) return info,lines def dic_to_str(dic,keys= None,spaces = 4) : if not keys : keys = sorted(dic) line = '{\n' for k in keys : v = dic[k] line += ' '*spaces if isinstance(k,str) : line +="'%s'"%k else : line += "%s"%k line += ' : ' if isinstance(v,str) : line +="'%s'"%v else : line += "%s"%v line += ',\n' line += '}\n\n' return line