110 lines
3.6 KiB
110 lines
3.6 KiB
info = {
'icon' : 'PACKAGE',
'description' : 'pack all videos',
'dryrun' : False
import os, re, shutil
from os.path import dirname, basename, join, abspath, splitext, exists, isfile, isdir
from os import listdir
import datetime
dryrun = info['dryrun']
resid = re.compile(r'\d{2}-\d{3}-\d{2}$')
shots = '/z/___SERIE/WIND-UPS/episodes/00/shots/'
packzone = '/z/___SERIE/WIND-UPS/medias/pack'
old_folder = join(packzone, '_old')
new_list = []
warning = []
extension_filter = ('mp4', 'mov',)#, 'mkv'
exclusion_words = ('test', 'old',)#use this for loose word search
rexclude = re.compile(r'[ _-]old|test')#old if after separator (' _-') and word test anywhere (might be too loose)
for f in os.scandir(shots):
if not resid.match(f.name):continue
imgfp = f'/z/___SERIE/WIND-UPS/episodes/00/shots/{f.name}/lighting/images'
if not exists(imgfp):continue
#need to be video file type
all_videos = [v for v in os.scandir(imgfp) if v.name.lower().endswith(extension_filter) and not rexclude.search(v.name)]#any(x in v.name for x in exclusion_words)
if not all_videos:continue
bytime = sorted(all_videos, key=lambda x: x.stat().st_mtime)
byname = sorted(all_videos, key=lambda x: x.name)
# print('bytime: ', bytime[-1].name)
# print('byname: ', byname[-1].name)
if bytime[-1] != byname[-1]:
warn = f'''/!\\ {f.name}
last by name and by modif time different in {imgfp}
by time : {bytime[-1].name} ({datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(bytime[-1].stat().st_mtime)})
by name : {byname[-1].name} ({datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(byname[-1].stat().st_mtime)})
good_file = bytime[-1]
topack = good_file.path
topackname = good_file.name
dest = join(packzone, topackname)
# run checks and copy if needed
if exists(dest):
dup = [basename(dest)]
print(f"compare with {'_'.join(splitext(good_file.name)[0].split('_')[:3])}")
# ex : twu_00-008-01_lighting_v001.mp4 (split on third to)
dup = [i for i in listdir(packzone) if isfile(join(packzone, i)) and '_'.join(splitext(i)[0].split('_')[:3]) == '_'.join(splitext(good_file.name)[0].split('_')[:3])]
# check duplication against this file
if dup:
print(f'same shot already exists:{dup}')
newer = True
for i in dup:
dfp = join(packzone, i)
# print(f'{os.stat(dfp).st_mtime} VS file {good_file.stat().st_mtime}')
if os.stat(dfp).st_mtime >= good_file.stat().st_mtime:
# print(f'{i} is same or most recent')
newer = False
if not newer:
print(f'{good_file.name} is not newer, skip')
#src is most recent, do the copy and erase/move older
for d in dup:
if not exists(old_folder):os.mkdir(old_folder)
old_src = join(packzone, d)
old_dest = join(old_folder, d)
if exists(old_dest):
print(f' - deleting {d} (already in _old)')
if not dryrun: os.remove(old_src)
print(f' - moving {d} to _old')
if not dryrun: shutil.move(old_src, old_dest)
# if made it here, safely do the copy
print(f'- packing new file : {topack}')
if not dryrun: shutil.copy2(topack, dest)
new_list.append(f'{topackname} : {topack}')
if warning:
for w in warning: print(w)
if new_list:
print(f'\n{len(new_list)} New:')
for n in new_list: print(n)