import bpy from time import time from mathutils.geometry import (barycentric_transform, intersect_line_plane) from ..utils import (triangle_normal, get_gp_draw_plane) from .operators import GP_OT_interpolate_stroke_base class GP_OT_interpolate_stroke_tri(GP_OT_interpolate_stroke_base): bl_idname = "gp.interpolate_stroke_tri" bl_label = "Interpolate Stroke" bl_description = 'Interpolate Stroke based on user bound triangle' bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): if state := super().invoke(context, event): return state if not context.window_manager.get(f'tri_{}'): return self.exit(context, status='ERROR', text='Need to bind coordinate first. Use "Bind Tri Point" button') scn = bpy.context.scene origin = tgt_strokes = self.get_stroke_to_interpolate(context) if isinstance(tgt_strokes, set): return tgt_strokes ## Prepare context manager attrs = [ # (context.view_layer.objects, 'active',, (context.tool_settings, 'use_keyframe_insert_auto', True), # (bpy.context.scene.render, 'simplify_subdivision', 0), ] self.apply_and_store(attrs) point_dict = context.window_manager.get(f'tri_{}') ## point_dict -> {'0': {'object': object_name_as_str, 'index': 450}, ...} ## Get triangle dumped in context.window_manager self.source_object_list = [bpy.context.scene.objects.get(point_dict[str(i)]['object']) for i in range(3)] self.source_tri_indices = [point_dict[str(i)]['index'] for i in range(3)] # List of vertices index corresponding to tri coordinates dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() ## Get tri at source frame tri = [] for source_obj, idx in zip(self.source_object_list, self.source_tri_indices): ob_eval = source_obj.evaluated_get(dg) tri.append(ob_eval.matrix_world @[idx].co) self.strokes_data = [] for stroke in tgt_strokes: stroke_data = [] for point in stroke.points: point_co_world = @ ## Set hit location at same coordinate as point # hit_location = point_co_world ## Set hit location on tri plane hit_location = intersect_line_plane(origin, point_co_world, tri[0], triangle_normal(*tri)) stroke_data.append((hit_location, tri)) self.strokes_data.append(stroke_data) if self.debug: self.scan_time = time()-self.start print(f'Scan time {self.scan_time:.4f}s') # Ensure whole stroke are selected before copy bpy.ops.gpencil.select_linked() # Copy stroke selection bpy.ops.gpencil.copy() # Jump frame and paste # if self.report_progress: # context.window_manager.progress_begin(self.frames_to_jump[0], self.frames_to_jump[-1]) # Pgs # context.area.header_text_set('Starting interpolation | Esc: Cancel') context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def interpolate_frame(self, context): scn = context.scene origin = plane_co, plane_no = get_gp_draw_plane( bpy.ops.gpencil.paste() dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() ## List of newly pasted strokes (using range) new_strokes =[-len(self.strokes_data):] ## Get user triangle position at current frame tri_b = [] for source_obj, idx in zip(self.source_object_list, self.source_tri_indices): ob_eval = source_obj.evaluated_get(dg) tri_b.append(ob_eval.matrix_world @[idx].co) for new_stroke, stroke_data in zip(list(new_strokes), list(self.strokes_data)): world_co_3d = [] for hit_location, tri_a in stroke_data: new_loc = barycentric_transform(hit_location, *tri_a, *tri_b) world_co_3d.append(new_loc) ## Reproject on plane new_world_co_3d = [intersect_line_plane(origin, p, plane_co, plane_no) for p in world_co_3d] new_local_co_3d = [co for coord in new_world_co_3d for co in @ coord] new_stroke.points.foreach_set('co', new_local_co_3d) new_stroke.points.update() classes = ( GP_OT_interpolate_stroke_tri, ) def register(): for c in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(c) def unregister(): for c in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)