import bpy import re from mathutils import Vector from pathlib import Path from collections import defaultdict def create_node(type, tree=None, **kargs): '''Get a type, a tree to add in, and optionnaly multiple attribute to set return created node ''' tree = tree or bpy.context.scene.node_tree node = for k,v in kargs.items(): setattr(node, k, v) return node def new_aa_node(tree): '''create AA node''' aa = create_node('CompositorNodeAntiAliasing', tree) # type = ANTIALIASING aa.threshold = 0.5 aa.contrast_limit = 0.5 aa.corner_rounding = 0.25 aa.hide = True return aa def set_settings(scene=None): if not scene: scene = bpy.context.scene # specify scene settings for these kind of render scene = bpy.context.scene scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = 1 scene.grease_pencil_settings.antialias_threshold = 0 scene.render.film_transparent = True scene.view_settings.view_transform = 'Standard' def get_render_scene(): '''Get / Create a scene named Render''' render ='Render') if not render: render ='Render') ## link cameras (and lights ?) for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects: if ob.type in ('CAMERA', 'LIGHT'): # set adapted render settings (no AA) set_settings(render) render.use_nodes = True return render def get_view_layer(name, scene=None): '''get viewlayer name return existing/created viewlayer ''' if not scene: scene = get_render_scene() ### pass double letter prefix as suffix ## pass_name = re.sub(r'^([A-Z]{2})(_)(.*)', r'\3\2\1', 'name') ## pass_name = f'{name}_{passe}' pass_vl = scene.view_layers.get(name) if not pass_vl: pass_vl = return pass_vl ### node location tweaks def real_loc(n): if not n.parent: return n.location return n.location + real_loc(n.parent) def get_frame_transform(f, node_tree=None): '''Return real transform location of a frame node only works with one level of nesting (not recursive) ''' if not node_tree: node_tree = f.id_data if f.type != 'FRAME': return # return real_loc(f), f.dimensions childs = [n for n in node_tree.nodes if n.parent == f] # real_locs = [f.location + n.location for n in childs] xs = [n.location.x for n in childs] + [n.location.x + n.dimensions.x for n in childs] ys = [n.location.y for n in childs] + [n.location.y - n.dimensions.y for n in childs] xs.sort(key=lambda loc: loc) # x val : ascending ys.sort(key=lambda loc: loc) # ascending # , reversed=True) # y val : descending loc = Vector((min(xs), max(ys))) dim = Vector((max(xs) - min(xs) + 60, max(ys) - min(ys) + 60)) return loc, dim ## get all frames with their real transform. def bbox(f, frames): xs=[] ys=[] for n in frames[f]: # nodes of passed frame # Better as Vectors ? if n.type == 'FRAME': if n not in frames.keys(): # print(f'frame {} not in frame list') continue all_xs, all_ys = bbox(n, frames) # frames[n] xs += all_xs ys += all_ys else: loc = real_loc(n) xs += [loc.x, loc.x + n.dimensions.x] # + (n.dimensions.x/get_dpi_factor()) ys += [loc.y, loc.y - n.dimensions.y] # - (n.dimensions.y/get_dpi_factor()) # margin ~= 30 # return xs and ys return [min(xs)-30, max(xs)+30], [min(ys)-30, max(ys)+30] def get_frames_bbox(node_tree): '''Return a dic with all frames ex: {frame_node: (location, dimension), ...} ''' # create dic of frame object with his direct child nodes nodes frames = defaultdict(list) frames_bbox = {} for n in node_tree.nodes: if not n.parent: continue # also contains frames frames[n.parent].append(n) # Dic for bbox coord for f, nodes in frames.items(): if f.parent: continue xs, ys = bbox(f, frames) # xs, ys = bbox(nodes, frames) ## returning: list of corner coords # coords = [ # Vector((xs[0], ys[1])), # Vector((xs[1], ys[1])), # Vector((xs[1], ys[0])), # Vector((xs[0], ys[0])), # ] # frames_bbox[f] = coords ## returning: (loc vector, dimensions vector) frames_bbox[f] = Vector((xs[0], ys[1])), Vector((xs[1] - xs[0], ys[1] - ys[0])) return frames_bbox ## nodes helper functions def clear_nodegroup(name, full_clear=False): '''remove duplication of a nodegroup (.???) also remove the base one if full_clear True ''' for ng in reversed( pattern = name + r'\.\d{3}' if not full_clear and ng.users: continue if, if full_clear and == name: # if full clear def rearrange_frames(node_tree): frame_d = get_frames_bbox(node_tree) # dic : {frame_node:(loc vector, dimensions vector), ...} if not frame_d: print('no frame found') return print([ for f in frame_d.keys()]) ## order the dict by frame.y location frame_d = {key: value for key, value in sorted(frame_d.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1][0].y - pair[1][1].y, reverse=True)} frames = [[f, v[0], v[1].y] for f, v in frame_d.items()] # [frame_node, real_loc, real dimensions] top = frames[0][1].y # upper node location.y offset = 0 for f in frames: ## f[1] : real loc Vector ## f[0] : frame ## move frame by offset needed (delta between real_loc and "fake" loc , minus offset) f[0].location.y = (f[1].y - f[0].location.y) - top - offset # f[0].location.y = f[1].y - top - offset offset += f[2] + 300 # gap f[0].update() def reorder_inputs(ng): rl_nodes = [s.links[0].from_node for s in ng.inputs if s.is_linked and s.links and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'R_LAYERS'] rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True) names = [n.layer for n in rl_nodes] inputs_names = [ for s in ng.inputs] filtered_names = [n for n in names if n in inputs_names] for dest, name in enumerate(filtered_names): ## rebuild list at each iteration so index are good inputs_names = [ for s in ng.inputs] src = inputs_names.index(name) # reorder on node_tree not directly on node! ng.node_tree.inputs.move(src, dest) def reorder_outputs(ng): ordered_out_name = [ for nis in ng.inputs if in [ for o in ng.outputs]] for s_name in ordered_out_name: all_outnames = [ for o in ng.outputs] # reorder on nodetree, not on node ! ng.node_tree.outputs.move(all_outnames.index(s_name), ordered_out_name.index(s_name)) def clear_disconnected(fo): for inp in reversed(fo.inputs): if not inp.is_linked: print(f'Deleting unlinked fileout slot: {}') fo.inputs.remove(inp) def reorder_fileout(fo, ng=None): if not ng: # get connected nodegroup for s in fo.inputs: if s.is_linked and s.links and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'GROUP': ng = s.links[0].from_node break if not ng: print(f'No nodegroup to refer to filter {}') return ordered = [o.links[0] for o in ng.outputs if o.is_linked and o.is_linked and o.links[0].to_node == fo] for s_name in ordered: all_outnames = [ for s in fo.inputs] # same as [fs.path for fs in fo.file_slots] fo.inputs.move(all_outnames.index(s_name), ordered.index(s_name)) def reorganise_NG_nodegroup(ng): '''refit node content to avoid overlap''' ngroup = ng.node_tree ng_in = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Input') offset = 35 y = 0 for s in ng_in.outputs: if s.is_linked: s.links[0].to_node.location.y = y y -= offset def connect_to_group_output(n): for o in n.outputs: if o.is_linked: if o.links[0].to_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT': return o.links[0].to_socket val = connect_to_group_output(o.links[0].to_node) if val: return val return False def connect_to_group_input(n): for i in n.inputs: if i.is_linked: if i.links[0].from_node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT': return i.links[0].from_socket val = connect_to_group_input(i.links[0].from_node) if val: return val return False def clear_nodegroup_content_if_disconnected(ngroup): '''Get a nodegroup.node_tree delete orphan nodes that are not connected from group input node ''' for n in reversed(ngroup.nodes): if n.type in ('GROUP_INPUT', 'GROUP_OUTPUT'): continue if not connect_to_group_input(n) and not connect_to_group_output(n): # is disconnected from both side ngroup.nodes.remove(n) def clean_nodegroup_inputs(ng): '''Clear inputs to output of passed nodegroup if not connected''' ngroup = ng.node_tree for i in range(len(ng.inputs))[::-1]: print(i) if not ng.inputs[i].is_linked: # and not any(x.layer == for x in rl_nodes) ngroup.inputs.remove(ngroup.inputs[i]) # clear_nodegroup_content_if_disconnected(ngroup) def random_color(alpha=False): import random if alpha: return (random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), 1) return (random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1)) def get_numbered_output(out, slot_name): '''Return output slot name without looking for numbering ???_ ''' pattern = r'^(?:\d{3}_)?' # optional non capture group of 3 digits + _ pattern = f'{pattern}{slot_name}' for inp in out.inputs: if re.match(pattern, return inp def add_fileslot_number(fs, number): elems = fs.path.split('/') for i, e in enumerate(elems): if re.match(r'^\d{3}_', e): elems[i] = re.sub(r'^(\d{3})', lambda x: str(number).zfill(3), e) else: elems[i] = f'{str(number).zfill(3)}_{e}' new = '/'.join(elems) fs.path = new return new def renumber(fo, offset=10): '''Force renumber all the slots with a 3''' if fo.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE': return ct = 0 for fs in fo.file_slots: add_fileslot_number(fs, ct) ct += offset def get_num(string): num ='^(\d{3})_', string) if num: return int( """ def renumber_keep(fo, offset=10): '''Force renumber all the slots with a 3''' if fo.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE': return renum = re.compile(r'^(\d{3})_') ct = 0 last_idx = len(fo.file_slots) -1 prev = None prev_num = None for idx, fs in enumerate(fo.file_slots): # if idx!=last_idx: # fs_next = fo.file_slots[idx+1] if idx == last_idx: # handle last if idx > 0: prev = fo.file_slots[idx-1] num = if not num: add_fileslot_number(fs, ct) else: add_fileslot_number(fs, int( + offset) else: add_fileslot_number(fs, 0) # there is only one slot (maybe don't number ?) break # update the ct with the current taken number if any number = if number: prev = fs ct = number + offset continue # skip already numbered # analyse all next slots until there is numbered divider = None for i in range(idx + 1, len(fo.file_slots) - idx): next_num =[idx + i]) if next_num: divider = i-1 break if idx == 0: prev_num = 0 prev = None else: prev = fo.file_slots[idx-1] prev_num = if prev_num: prev_num = if not divider: # just use prev and next if prev if not prev: add_fileslot_number(fs, ct) # first check if it has a number (if not bas) prev = fs ct += offset """ def delete_numbering(fo): # padding=3 '''Delete prefix numbering on all slots on passed file output''' if fo.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE': return for fs in fo.file_slots: elems = fs.path.split('/') for i, e in enumerate(elems): elems[i] = re.sub(r'^\d{3}_', '', e) new = '/'.join(elems) fs.path = new def nodegroup_merge_inputs(ngroup): '''Get a nodegroup merge every group inputs with alpha over then connect to antialias and a new output ''' ng_in = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Input') ng_out = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Output') x, y = ng_in.location.x + 200, 0 offset_x, offset_y = 150, -100 # merge all inputs in alphaover nodes prev = None for i in range(len(ng_in.outputs)-1): # skip waiting point inp = ng_in.outputs[i] if not prev: prev = ng_in continue # live connect ao = create_node('CompositorNodeAlphaOver', tree=ngroup, location=(x,y), hide=True)[0], ao.inputs[1]), ao.inputs[2]) x += offset_x y += offset_y prev = ao ## create a merged name as output ?? aa = new_aa_node(ngroup) aa.location = (ao.location.x + 200, ao.location.y)[0], aa.inputs[0]) # node_tree # create one input and link out ='NodeSocketColor', ngroup.inputs[0].name)[0], ng_out.inputs[0])