info = { 'icon': 'SHADERFX', 'description': 'create GP render nodes', } import fnmatch import glob import os import re from math import degrees, radians from os import listdir from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, isdir, isfile, join, splitext from pathlib import Path from mathutils import Vector import bpy from collections import defaultdict C = bpy.context D = def real_loc(n): if not n.parent: return n.location return n.location + real_loc(n.parent) def get_frame_transform(f, node_tree): '''Return real transform location of a frame node only works with one level of nesting (not recursive) ''' if f.type != 'FRAME': return # return real_loc(f), f.dimensions childs = [n for n in node_tree.nodes if n.parent == f] # real_locs = [f.location + n.location for n in childs] xs = [n.location.x for n in childs] + [n.location.x + n.dimensions.x for n in childs] ys = [n.location.y for n in childs] + [n.location.y - n.dimensions.y for n in childs] xs.sort(key=lambda loc: loc) # x val : ascending ys.sort(key=lambda loc: loc) # ascending # , reversed=True) # y val : descending loc = Vector((min(xs), max(ys))) dim = Vector((max(xs) - min(xs) + 60, max(ys) - min(ys) + 60)) return loc, dim def bbox(f, frames): xs=[] ys=[] for n in frames[f]: # nodes of passed frame # Better as Vectors ? if n.type == 'FRAME': if n not in frames.keys(): # print(f'frame {} not in frame list') continue all_xs, all_ys = bbox(n, frames) # frames[n] xs += all_xs ys += all_ys else: loc = real_loc(n) xs += [loc.x, loc.x + n.dimensions.x] # + (n.dimensions.x/get_dpi_factor()) ys += [loc.y, loc.y - n.dimensions.y] # - (n.dimensions.y/get_dpi_factor()) # margin ~= 30 # return xs and ys return [min(xs)-30, max(xs)+30], [min(ys)-30, max(ys)+30] def get_frames_bbox(node_tree): '''Return a dic with all frames ex: {frame_node: (location, dimension), ...} ''' # create dic of frame object with his direct child nodes nodes frames = defaultdict(list) frames_bbox = {} for n in node_tree.nodes: if not n.parent: continue # also contains frames frames[n.parent].append(n) # Dic for bbox coord for f, nodes in frames.items(): if f.parent: continue xs, ys = bbox(f, frames) # xs, ys = bbox(nodes, frames) ## returning: list of corner coords # coords = [ # Vector((xs[0], ys[1])), # Vector((xs[1], ys[1])), # Vector((xs[1], ys[0])), # Vector((xs[0], ys[0])), # ] # frames_bbox[f] = coords ## returning: (loc vector, dimensions vector) frames_bbox[f] = Vector((xs[0], ys[1])), Vector((xs[1] - xs[0], ys[1] - ys[0])) return frames_bbox def create_node(type, tree=None, **kargs): tree = tree or bpy.context.scene.node_tree node = for k,v in kargs.items(): setattr(node, k, v) return node def new_aa_node(tree): '''create AA node''' aa = create_node('CompositorNodeAntiAliasing', tree) # type = ANTIALIASING aa.threshold = 0.5 aa.contrast_limit = 0.5 aa.corner_rounding = 0.25 aa.hide = True return aa def get_render_scene(): render ='Render') if not render: render ='Render') render.use_nodes = True return render def set_settings(scene=None): if not scene: scene = bpy.context.scene # specify scene settings for these kind of render scene = bpy.context.scene scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = 1 scene.grease_pencil_settings.antialias_threshold = 0 def get_view_layer(name, scene=None): '''get viewlayer name return existing/created viewlayer ''' if not scene: # scene = bpy.context.scene scene = get_render_scene() ### pass double letter prefix as suffix ## pass_name = re.sub(r'^([A-Z]{2})(_)(.*)', r'\3\2\1', 'name') ## pass_name = f'{name}_{passe}' pass_vl = scene.view_layers.get(name) if not pass_vl: pass_vl = return pass_vl def add_rlayer(layer_name, scene=None, location=None, color=None, node_name=None, width=400): '''create a render layer node if node_name is not specified, use passed layer name ''' if not node_name: node_name = layer_name # 'RL_' + if not scene: scene=bpy.context.scene nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes comp = nodes.get(node_name) if comp: if comp.layer == node_name: return comp else: # TODO : delete rlayer with bad VL name ! pass comp ='CompositorNodeRLayers') = node_name comp.scene = scene comp.layer = layer_name comp.label = layer_name if location: comp.location = location if color: comp.color = color if width: comp.width = width comp.show_preview = False return comp def clear_nodegroup(name, full_clear=False): '''remove duplication of a nodegroup (.???) also remove the base one if full_clear True ''' for ng in reversed( pattern = name + r'\.\d{3}' if, if full_clear and == name: # if full clear def rearrange_frames(node_tree): print('> re-arrange node_tree') frame_d = get_frames_bbox(node_tree) # dic : {frame_node:(loc vector, dimensions vector), ...} if not frame_d: return ## order the dict by frame.y location frame_d = {key: value for key, value in sorted(frame_d.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1][0].y - pair[1][1].y, reversed=True)} frame_d = {key: value for key, value in sorted(frame_d.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1][0].y - pair[1][1].y, reversed=True)} frames = [[f, v[0], v[1].y] for f, v in frame_d.items()] # [frame_node, real_loc, real dimensions] # frames.sort(key=lambda n: n.location.y - n.dimensions.y, reverse=True) # top = frames[0].location.y top = frames[0][1].y # upper node location.y offset = 0 for f in frames: # n.location.y = top - offset f[0].location.y = (f[1].y - f[0].location.y) + top - offset offset += f[2] + 50 # gap # f[0].dimensions.y def reorder_inputs(ng): rl_nodes = [s.links[0].from_node for s in ng.inputs if s.is_linked and s.links and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'R_LAYERS'] rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True) names = [n.layer for n in rl_nodes] inputs_names = [ for s in ng.inputs] filtered_names = [n for n in names if n in inputs_names] for dest, name in enumerate(filtered_names): ## rebuild list at each iteration so index are good inputs_names = [ for s in ng.inputs] src = inputs_names.index(name) # reorder on node_tree not directly on node! ng.node_tree.inputs.move(src, dest) def reorder_outputs(ng): ordered_out_name = [ for nis in ng.inputs if in [ for o in ng.outputs]] for s_name in ordered_out_name: all_outnames = [ for o in ng.outputs] # reorder on nodetree, not on node ! ng.node_tree.outputs.move(all_outnames.index(s_name), ordered_out_name.index(s_name)) def clear_disconnected(fo): for inp in reversed(fo.inputs): if not inp.is_linked: print(f'Deleting unlinked fileout slot: {}') fo.inputs.remove(inp) def reorder_fileout(fo, ng=None): if not ng: # get connected nodegroup for s in fo.inputs: if s.is_linked and s.links and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'GROUP': ng = s.links[0].from_node break if not ng: print(f'No nodegroup to refer to filter {}') return ordered = [o.links[0] for o in ng.outputs if o.is_linked and o.is_linked and o.links[0].to_node == fo] for s_name in ordered: all_outnames = [ for s in fo.inputs] # same as [fs.path for fs in fo.file_slots] fo.inputs.move(all_outnames.index(s_name), ordered.index(s_name)) def connect_to_group_output(n): for o in n.outputs: if o.is_linked: if o.links[0].to_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT': return o.links[0].to_socket val = connect_to_group_output(o.links[0].to_node) if val: return val return False def connect_to_group_input(n): for i in n.inputs: if i.is_linked: if i.links[0].from_node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT': return i.links[0].from_socket val = connect_to_group_input(i.links[0].from_node) if val: return val return False def connect_render_layer(rlayer, ng=None, out=None, frame=None): scene = get_render_scene() nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes links = scene.node_tree.links vl_name = rlayer.layer if not vl_name or vl_name == 'View Layer': print(f'Bad layer for node {}') if not ' / ' in vl_name: print(f'no slash (" / ") separator in vl_name {vl_name}, should be " / layer_name"') return obname, lname = vl_name.split(' / ') lname = bpy.path.clean_name(lname) if not frame: if rlayer.parent: frame=rlayer.parent else: print(f'render_layer has not parent frame: {}') frame=None ng_name = f'NG_{obname}' # only object name # get set nodegroup from vlayer name ## clear nodes groups duplication (.00?) clear_nodegroup(ng_name, full_clear=False) if not ng: ng = nodes.get(ng_name) if not ng: ngroup = if not ngroup: # delete and recreate ? print(f'create nodegroup {ng_name}') ngroup =, 'CompositorNodeTree') ng = create_node('CompositorNodeGroup', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(rlayer.location[0] + 600, rlayer.location[1]), width=400) if frame: ng.parent= frame ng.node_tree = ngroup = ng_in = create_node('NodeGroupInput', tree=ngroup, location=(-600,0)) ng_out = create_node('NodeGroupOutput', tree=ngroup, location=(600,0)) else: print(f'found group node {}') ngroup = ng.node_tree ng_in = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Input') ng_out = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Output') # Connect rlayer to nodegroup if not rlayer.outputs['Image'].is_linked: sockin = ng.inputs.get(vl_name) if not sockin: print('creating socket', vl_name) sockin ='NodeSocketColor', vl_name) sockin = ng.inputs[-1]['Image'], sockin) ## get nodes from frame rl_nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer != 'View Layer' and n.parent == frame] # auto clean : if an input exists but is not linked and name not exists in rlayers of current frame for s in reversed(ng.inputs): if not s.is_linked: # and not any(x.layer == for x in rl_nodes) print(f'removing grp unlinked input {}') ng.inputs.remove(s) ## get nodes from linked NG inputs ??? maybe more clear... # rl_nodes = [s.links[0].from_node for s in ng.inputs if s.links and s.links[0].from_node and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'R_LAYERS'] ## reorder reorder_inputs(ng) # CREATE NG outsocket (individual, without taking merge) connected = False if ng_in.outputs[vl_name].is_linked: # check if connect to the other side socket = connect_to_group_output(ng_in.outputs[vl_name].links[0].to_node) #if ng_in.outputs[vl_name].links[0].to_node.type == 'ALPHAOVER': if socket: connected = True groupout = ng.outputs.get( if not connected: print('need to connect') # add AA and connect aa = new_aa_node(ngroup) groupout = ng.outputs.get(vl_name) if not groupout: print('create group out-socket')'NodeSocketColor', vl_name) # assigning direcly doesn't link well groupout = ng.outputs[-1] print('ng_out.inputs.get(vl_name): ', ng_out.inputs.get(vl_name)) # ng_in.outputs[vl_name][vl_name], aa.inputs[0]) # node_tree[0], ng_out.inputs[vl_name]) # node_tree # clean outputs for o in reversed(ngroup.outputs): if not in [ for o in ngroup.inputs]: print(f'removing group output {} (name not exists in group inputs)') ngroup.outputs.remove(o) # reorder output to match inputs reorder_outputs(ng) # Clear : delete orphan nodes that are not connected from ng_in for n in reversed(ngroup.nodes): if n.type in ('GROUP_INPUT', 'GROUP_OUTPUT'): continue if not connect_to_group_input(n) and not connect_to_group_output(n): # is disconnected from both side ngroup.nodes.remove(n) # TODO clear nodes that are disconnected from input side ? if groupout.links and groupout.links[0].to_node.type == 'OUTPUT_FILE': # if already connected to outfile just skip cause user might have customised the name return slot_name = f'{lname}/{lname}_' out_name = f'OUT_{obname}' # or get output from frame if not out: out = nodes.get(out_name) if not out: out = create_node('CompositorNodeOutputFile', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(ng.location[0]+600, ng.location[1]+50), width=600) # color = (0.2,0.3,0.5) = out_name out.parent = frame out.base_path = f'//render/{bpy.path.clean_name(obname)}' out_input = out.inputs.get(slot_name) if not out_input: out_input = out.inputs[-1] # assigning directly above doesn't link afterwards print(f'new filouput entry: {out_input}') # link to FileOut, out_input) # clean fileout clear_disconnected(out) reorder_fileout(out, ng=ng) return ng, out def get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l, scene=None): if not scene: # scene = bpy.context.scene scene = get_render_scene() # create if necessary node_tree = scene.node_tree nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes in_rds = scene.collection.all_objects.get( if not in_rds: # create viewlayer vl_name = f'{} / {}' vl = get_view_layer(vl_name, scene=scene) vl_name = # affect layer to this vl l.viewlayer_render = vl_name # check if already exists rlayer_list = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer == vl_name] # get frame object and their contents # dict like : {objname : [layer_nodeA, layer_nodeB,...]} frame_dic = {f.label: [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.parent and == and n.layer != 'View Layer'] for f in nodes if f.type == 'FRAME'} # debug print for k,v in frame_dic.items(): print('-', k) for n in v: print('---', n.layer) if rlayer_list: # rlayer exists print(f'{len(rlayer_list)} nodes using {vl_name}') # affect only the one within an object frame framed_rl = [n for n in rlayer_list if n.parent and n.parent.label ==] if framed_rl: if len(framed_rl) > 1: print(f'! More than one nodes using {vl_name} in a frame ({len(framed_rl)}) !') # sort top to bottom and take upper node framed_rl.sort(key=lambda x:x.location.y, reverse=True) cp = framed_rl[0] = True # select so the user see that it existed return vl, cp # Returned if existed and OK if not in frame_dic.keys(): # and len(frame_dic[]) print(f'\n{} -> {} (first generation)') # frame not exists, add the RL and frame at the very bottom of all render_layers # check position of frame type ? all type ? all_frames = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'FRAME'] # all_rl_x = [n.location.x for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer != 'View Layer'] if all_frames: # all_frames.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True) # loc.y - dim.y y_loc = min(get_frame_transform(f)[0].y - get_frame_transform(f)[1].y for f in all_frames) loc = (0, y_loc) else: loc = (0,0) print('loc: ', loc) # create frame at new rl position frame ='NodeFrame') frame.label = frame.label_size = 50 frame.location = (loc[0], loc[1] + 20) cp = add_rlayer(vl_name, scene=scene, location=loc) cp.parent = frame connect_render_layer(cp, frame=frame) """ # Create omega-node group ngroup ='NG_' + vl_name, 'CompositorNodeTree') ng = create_node('CompositorNodeGroup', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(x_loc + 600, y_loc), width=400) ng.parent=frame ng.node_tree = ngroup = print('ng.node_tree: ', ng.node_tree) # add GROUP_INPUT(NodeGroupInput) && GROUP_OUTPUT(NodeGroupOutput) ng_in = create_node('NodeGroupInput', tree=ngroup, location=(-600,0)) ng_out = create_node('NodeGroupOutput', tree=ngroup, location=(600,0)) # add AA and connect aa = new_aa_node(ngroup)'NodeSocketColor', vl_name)'NodeSocketColor', vl_name)[0], ng.inputs[0])[0], aa.inputs[0]) # node_tree.[0], ng_out.inputs[0]) # node_tree. # --- add fileout node # CompositorNodeOutputFile OUTPUT_FILE out = create_node('CompositorNodeOutputFile', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(x_loc+1200, y_loc+50), width=600) # color = (0.2,0.3,0.5) = f'OUT_{vl_name}' out.parent=frame out.base_path = f'//render/{bpy.path.clean_name(}' # TODO hardcoded base path out.file_slots[0].path = f'{bpy.path.clean_name(}/{bpy.path.clean_name(}_'[0], out.inputs[0]) """ return vl, cp print(f'\n {} -> {} (connect to existing)') # ng = nodes.get(f'NG_{vl_name}') # if not ng: # print('nodegroup not found') # TODO generate if necessary # return # out = nodes.get(f'OUT_{vl_name}') # if not out: # print('output not found') # TODO generate if necessary # return ## object frame exists: get framing and insert cp = add_rlayer(vl_name, scene=scene, location=(0,0)) if cp.layer != vl_name: print(f'problem with {cp}: {cp.layer} != {vl_name}') return frame = [f for f in nodes if f.type == 'FRAME' and f.label ==][0] rl_nodes = frame_dic[frame.label] if rl_nodes: # get nodes order to insert rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda n: real_loc(n).y, reverse=True) top_loc = real_loc(rl_nodes[0]) else: top_loc = get_frame_transform(frame[1]) -60 # cp.location = (top_loc[0], top_loc[1] + 100) # temp location to adjust x loc # list of layer names in nodes order rl_names = [n.layer.split(' / ')[1] for n in rl_nodes] # get True layer name from rl # names with the right order WITH the new layer included names = [ for lay in if in rl_names or lay == l] rl_nodes.append(cp) # filter by getting index(layer_name) cp.parent = frame rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda x : names.index(x.layer.split(' / ')[1])) # Sort True layer name from rl offset = 0 print(f'number of nodes in frame: {len(rl_nodes)}') ref_node = rl_nodes[0] print('ref_node: ',, ref_node.location) for n in rl_nodes: # set x loc from first node in list (maybe use leftmost ?) n.location = (ref_node.location[0], top_loc[1] - offset) offset += 180 # reorder render layers nodes within frame connect_render_layer(cp, frame=frame) # re-arrange all frames (since the offset probably overlapped) rearrange_frames(node_tree) return vl, cp # def generate_all_layer(ob): # '''Basic layer generation''' # bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True # for l in # if l.hide: # continue # get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l) def generate_full_render_output(ob): bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True # Create another scene. link the GP colleciton (or selected GP object when) in it # create the render scene rds = get_render_scene() scn ='Scene') if not scn: if bpy.context.scene != rds: scn = rds else: # return all_scenes = [s for s in if s != rds] if not all_scenes: print('! there is no default scene !') return scn = all_scenes[0] # bpy.context.window.scene = rds # switch to render scene ? # Link GP or 2D collections ? or GP by GP (in a dedicated collections ? not necessary) # gp_col ='GP') # if gp_col: # # two_d ='2D') # if two_d: # ## better to link selected objects (or all GP objects) on the fly... set_settings(scene=rds) ## setup world, link a specific world or use the current one if not = ## put in an "output" collection ? # out_col = rds.collections.children.get('output') # if not out_col: # out_col ='output') # # Clear this/all object(s) and start from scratch # nodes = rds.node_tree.nodes exclude_list = ['MA', 'IN'] for l in if any(x + '_' in for x in exclude_list): continue if l.hide: continue ## Create associated nodegroup later if needed (same operation as selecting multiple and run) vl, cp = get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l, scene=rds) ## if an objects nodes are already there, should create in the same area (and offset the all the unrelated bottom nodes) # def generate_all_objects(): # ## filter the objects by depth ? -> not reliable since animators use the X-ray sometimes... # for o in bpy.context.selected_objects: # if o.type != 'GPENCIL': # continue # if not o.select_get(): # continue # generate_all_layer(o) # generate_full_render_output(C.object) get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(C.object,