import bpy import re from math import isclose from . import fn from . import gen_vlayer # TODO : make a merge compatible with already merged nodegroup (or even other node type) # --> need to delete/mute AA internal node def merge_layers(rlayers, obname=None, active=None, disconnect=True, color=None): print(f'Merging {len(rlayers)} layers') print('->', [r.layer for r in rlayers]) print() if not rlayers: return ('ERROR', 'No render layer sent to merge') # get node group # ng = rlayers[0].outputs[0].links[0].to_node # sort RL descending rlayers.sort(key=lambda n: fn.real_loc(n).y, reverse=True) node_tree = rlayers[0].id_data nodes = node_tree.nodes links = node_tree.links if active: vl_name = active.layer else: vl_name = rlayers[-1].layer # -1 : bottom node == upper layer if ' / ' in vl_name: obname, lname = vl_name.split(' / ') lname = bpy.path.clean_name(lname) base_path = f'//render/{bpy.path.clean_name(obname)}' slot_name = f'{lname}/{lname}_' else: # directly use full vlname for both base output and subfolder ?? (or return error) obname = lname = bpy.path.clean_name(vl_name) base_path = f'//render/' slot_name = f'{lname}/{lname}_' # change colors of those nodes disconnected_groups = [] if not color: color = fn.random_color() for n in rlayers: n.use_custom_color = True n.color = color if disconnect: if n.outputs[0].is_linked: for lnk in reversed(n.outputs[0].links): if'NG_'): disconnected_groups.append(lnk.to_node) links.remove(lnk) disconnected_groups = list(set(disconnected_groups)) ng_name = f'merge_NG_{obname}' # only object name ## clear unused nodes groups duplication fn.clear_nodegroup(ng_name, full_clear=False) ### always create a new nodegroup (nerve call an existing one) # need a unique nodegroup name # increment name while nodegroup exists while # nodes.get(ng_name) if not'(\d+)$', ng_name): ng_name += '_02' # if not ending with a number add _02 ng_name = re.sub(r'(\d+)(?!.*\d)', lambda x: str(int(, ng_name) # print(f'create merge nodegroup {ng_name}') ngroup =, 'CompositorNodeTree') ng = fn.create_node('CompositorNodeGroup', tree=node_tree, location=(fn.real_loc(rlayers[0]).x + 1900, fn.real_loc(rlayers[0]).y - 200), width=400) ng.node_tree = ngroup = _ng_in = fn.create_node('NodeGroupInput', tree=ngroup, location=(-600,0)) _ng_out = fn.create_node('NodeGroupOutput', tree=ngroup, location=(600,0)) # Create inputs and links to node_group for rln in rlayers: rln.outputs['Image'] sockin ='NodeSocketColor', rln.layer) sockin = ng.inputs[-1]['Image'], sockin) fn.nodegroup_merge_inputs(ng.node_tree) ng.update() # create dedicated fileout out = fn.create_node('CompositorNodeOutputFile', tree=node_tree, location=(ng.location[0]+450, ng.location[1]+50), width=600) fn.set_file_output_format(out) out_name = f'merge_OUT_{vl_name}' # or get output from frame = out_name out.base_path = base_path[0], out.inputs[-1]) fn.clear_disconnected(out) out.update() ## Clear node_group after disconnect # for dg in disconnected_groups: # fn.clean_nodegroup_inputs(dg) # # fn.clear_nodegroup_content_if_disconnected(dg.node_tree) bpy.context.scene.use_aa = False # trigger fn.scene_aa(toggle=False) return ng, out class GPEXP_OT_merge_viewlayers_to_active(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "gp.merge_viewlayers_to_active" bl_label = "Merge selected layers view_layers" bl_description = "Merge view layers of selected gp layers to on the active one" bl_options = {"REGISTER"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object and context.object.type == 'GPENCIL' def execute(self, context): ob = bpy.context.object # layers = [l for l in if and not l.hide] act = layers = [l for l in if and l != act] ## Tested in func # rd_scn ='Render') # if not rd_scn: #{'ERROR'}, 'Viewlayers needs to be generated first!') # return {'CANCELLED'} # if not act.viewlayer_render: #{'ERROR'}, f'Active layer {} has no viewlayer assigned') # return {'CANCELLED'} ret = fn.merge_gplayer_viewlayers(ob, act=act, layers=layers) if isinstance(ret, tuple):*ret) return {"FINISHED"} class GPEXP_OT_auto_merge_adjacent_prefix(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "gpexp.auto_merge_adjacent_prefix" bl_label = "Auto Merge Adjacent Prefix" bl_description = "Automatically merge viewlayer and renderlayer of grouped layer prefix" bl_options = {"REGISTER"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object and context.object.type == 'GPENCIL' excluded_prefix : bpy.props.StringProperty( name='Excluded Prefix', default='GP,RG,PO', description='Exclude comma separated prefix from merging viewlayer') first_name : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Merge On Bottom Layer', default=True, description='Keep the viewlayer of the bottom layer in groups, else upper layer') def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self) return self.execute(context) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text='Settings for auto-merge:') layout.prop(self, 'excluded_prefix') layout.prop(self, 'first_name') def execute(self, context): prefix_list = [p.strip() for p in self.excluded_prefix.split(',')] for ob in [o for o in context.selected_objects if o.type == 'GPENCIL']: fn.group_adjacent_layer_prefix_rlayer(ob, excluded_prefix=prefix_list, first_name=self.first_name) return {"FINISHED"} # unused class GPEXP_OT_merge_selected_dopesheet_layers(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "gp.merge_selected_dopesheet_layers" bl_label = "Merge selected layers nodes" bl_description = "Merge view layers of selected gp layers to a new dedicated file output" bl_options = {"REGISTER"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object and context.object.type == 'GPENCIL' disconnect : bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True, options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) def execute(self, context): ob = bpy.context.object layers = [l for l in if and not l.hide] act = # merge_selected_layers() # function to merge from GP dopesheet if not act:{'ERROR'}, f'An active layer is needed to set merge output name') return {"CANCELLED"} if len(layers) < 2:{'ERROR'}, f'Should select multiple layers for merging') return {"CANCELLED"} render ='Render') if render: nodes = render.node_tree.nodes clean_ob_name = bpy.path.clean_name( rlayers = [] for l in layers: idname = f'{clean_ob_name} / {}' rlayer = rl = None # check the render layer that have a parent frame if not render: _vl, rl = gen_vlayer.get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l) render ='Render') nodes = render.node_tree.nodes if not rl: rlayer = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer == idname and n.parent] if not rlayer: # send to function to generate the rlayer and connect _vl, rl = gen_vlayer.get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l) else: rlayer.sort(key=lambda n: n.location.y, reverse=True) rl = rlayer[0] if act == l: = rl # make it active so the merge use this one rlayers.append(rl) color = None if fn.has_channel_color(act): # and bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_anim_channel_group_colors color = act.channel_color merge_layers(rlayers, disconnect=self.disconnect, color=color) return {"FINISHED"} class GPEXP_OT_merge_selected_viewlayer_nodes(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "gp.merge_selected_viewlayer_nodes" bl_label = "Merge selected view_layers " bl_description = "Merge selected view layers to a new dedicated file output\nDisconnect single output unless using 'keep connect'" bl_options = {"REGISTER"} disconnect : bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True, options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) def execute(self, context): if == 'Scene': render ='Render') else: render = context.scene if not render:{'ERROR'}, 'No render scene') return {"CANCELLED"} nodes = render.node_tree.nodes selection = [n for n in nodes if and n.type == 'R_LAYERS'] if not in selection:{'ERROR'}, 'The active node not within the render layer selection (used to define out name)') return {'CANCELLED'} # should be from the same object: if not all(selection[0].layer.split('.')[0] == n.layer.split('.')[0] for n in selection): print('/!\ Merge -> Not every nodes start with the same object') color = None if and color = merge_layers(selection,, disconnect=self.disconnect, color=color) return {"FINISHED"} classes=( GPEXP_OT_merge_viewlayers_to_active, GPEXP_OT_auto_merge_adjacent_prefix, GPEXP_OT_merge_selected_dopesheet_layers,# unused GPEXP_OT_merge_selected_viewlayer_nodes, ) def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) def unregister(): for cls in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)