import bpy from mathutils import Vector from . import fn def add_rlayer(layer_name, scene=None, location=None, color=None, node_name=None, width=400): '''create a render layer node if node_name is not specified, use passed layer name ''' if not node_name: node_name = layer_name # 'RL_' + if not scene: scene=bpy.context.scene nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes comp = nodes.get(node_name) if comp: if comp.layer == node_name: return comp else: # TODO : delete rlayer with bad VL name ! pass comp ='CompositorNodeRLayers') = node_name comp.scene = scene comp.layer = layer_name comp.label = layer_name if location: comp.location = location if color: comp.color = color if width: comp.width = width comp.show_preview = False return comp def connect_render_layer(rlayer, ng=None, out=None, frame=None): scene = fn.get_render_scene() nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes links = scene.node_tree.links vl_name = rlayer.layer if not vl_name or vl_name == 'View Layer': print(f'Bad layer for node {}') if not ' / ' in vl_name: print(f'no slash (" / ") separator in vl_name {vl_name}, should be " / layer_name"') return obname, lname = vl_name.split(' / ') lname = bpy.path.clean_name(lname) if not frame: if rlayer.parent: frame=rlayer.parent else: print(f'render_layer has not parent frame: {}') frame=None ng_name = f'NG_{obname}' # only object name ## clear nodes groups duplication (.00?) fn.clear_nodegroup(ng_name, full_clear=False) # get set nodegroup from vlayer name if not ng: ng = nodes.get(ng_name) if not ng: ngroup = # full clear True if exists but not used if ngroup and ngroup.users == 0: ngroup = None fn.clear_nodegroup(ng_name, full_clear=True) if not ngroup: # delete and recreate ? print(f'create nodegroup {ng_name}') ngroup =, 'CompositorNodeTree') ng = fn.create_node('CompositorNodeGroup', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(fn.real_loc(rlayer)[0] + 600, fn.real_loc(rlayer)[1]), width=400) # (rlayer.location[0] + 600, rlayer.location[1]) if frame: ng.parent= frame ng.node_tree = ngroup = ng_in = fn.create_node('NodeGroupInput', tree=ngroup, location=(-600,0)) ng_out = fn.create_node('NodeGroupOutput', tree=ngroup, location=(600,0)) else: print(f'found group node {}') ngroup = ng.node_tree ng_in = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Input') ng_out = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Output') # Connect rlayer to nodegroup if not rlayer.outputs['Image'].is_linked: sockin = ng.inputs.get(vl_name) if not sockin: print('creating socket', vl_name) sockin ='NodeSocketColor', vl_name) sockin = ng.inputs[-1]['Image'], sockin) ## get nodes from frame rl_nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer != 'View Layer' and n.parent == frame] # auto clean : if an input exists but is not linked and name not exists in rlayers of current frame for s in reversed(ng.inputs): if not s.is_linked: # and not any(x.layer == for x in rl_nodes) print(f'removing grp unlinked input {}') ng.inputs.remove(s) ## get nodes from linked NG inputs ??? maybe more clear... # rl_nodes = [s.links[0].from_node for s in ng.inputs if s.links and s.links[0].from_node and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'R_LAYERS'] ## reorder fn.reorder_inputs(ng) ng.update() # CREATE NG outsocket (individual, without taking merge) connected = False if ng_in.outputs[vl_name].is_linked: # check if connect to the other side socket = fn.connect_to_group_output(ng_in.outputs[vl_name].links[0].to_node) #if ng_in.outputs[vl_name].links[0].to_node.type == 'ALPHAOVER': if socket: connected = True groupout = ng.outputs.get( ng.update() if not connected: print('need to connect') # add AA and connect aa = fn.new_aa_node(ngroup) groupout = ng.outputs.get(vl_name) if not groupout: print('create group out-socket')'NodeSocketColor', vl_name) # assigning direcly doesn't link well groupout = ng.outputs[-1] print('ng_out.inputs.get(vl_name): ', ng_out.inputs.get(vl_name)) # ng_in.outputs[vl_name][vl_name], aa.inputs[0]) # node_tree[0], ng_out.inputs[vl_name]) # node_tree fn.reorganise_NG_nodegroup(ng) # decorative # clean outputs for o in reversed(ngroup.outputs): if not in [ for o in ngroup.inputs]: print(f'removing group output {} (name not exists in group inputs)') ngroup.outputs.remove(o) ng.update() # reorder output to match inputs fn.reorder_outputs(ng) ng.update() # Clear : delete orphan nodes that are not connected from ng_in for n in reversed(ngroup.nodes): if n.type in ('GROUP_INPUT', 'GROUP_OUTPUT'): continue if not fn.connect_to_group_input(n) and not fn.connect_to_group_output(n): # is disconnected from both side ngroup.nodes.remove(n) # TODO clear nodes that are disconnected from input side ? if groupout.links and groupout.links[0].to_node.type == 'OUTPUT_FILE': # if already connected to outfile just skip cause user might have customised the name return slot_name = f'{lname}/{lname}_' out_name = f'OUT_{obname}' # or get output from frame if not out: out = nodes.get(out_name) if not out: # color = (0.2,0.3,0.5) out = fn.create_node('CompositorNodeOutputFile', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(fn.real_loc(ng)[0]+500, fn.real_loc(ng)[1]+50), width=600) # =(ng.location[0]+600, ng.location[1]+50) = out_name out.parent = frame out.base_path = f'//render/{bpy.path.clean_name(obname)}' ## out_input = out.inputs.get(slot_name) # ok for non-numbered outputs out_input = None out_input = fn.get_numbered_output(out, slot_name) if not out_input: out_input = out.inputs[-1] # assigning directly above doesn't link afterwards print(f'new filouput entry: {out_input}') # link to FileOut, out_input) # clean fileout fn.clear_disconnected(out) # maybe not disconnect ? fn.reorder_fileout(out, ng=ng) out.update() return ng, out def get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l, scene=None): '''setup ouptut from passed gp obj > layer''' if not scene: # scene = bpy.context.scene scene = fn.get_render_scene() # create if necessary node_tree = scene.node_tree nodes = node_tree.nodes in_rds = scene.collection.all_objects.get( if not in_rds: # create viewlayer vl_name = f'{} / {}' vl = fn.get_view_layer(vl_name, scene=scene) vl_name = # affect layer to this vl l.viewlayer_render = vl_name # check if already exists rlayer_list = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer == vl_name] # get frame object and their contents # dict like : {objname : [layer_nodeA, layer_nodeB,...]} frame_dic = {f.label: [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.parent and == and '/' in n.layer] # n.layer != 'View Layer' for f in nodes if f.type == 'FRAME'} # debug print for k,v in frame_dic.items(): print('-', k) for n in v: print('---', n.layer) if rlayer_list: # rlayer exists print(f'{len(rlayer_list)} nodes using {vl_name}') # affect only the one within an object frame framed_rl = [n for n in rlayer_list if n.parent and n.parent.label ==] if framed_rl: if len(framed_rl) > 1: print(f'! More than one nodes using {vl_name} in a frame ({len(framed_rl)}) !') # sort top to bottom and take upper node framed_rl.sort(key=lambda x:x.location.y, reverse=True) cp = framed_rl[0] = True # select so the user see that it existed return vl, cp # Returned if existed and OK if not in frame_dic.keys(): # and len(frame_dic[]) print(f'\n{} -> {} (first generation)') # frame not exists, add the RL and frame at the very bottom of all render_layers # check position of frame type ? all type ? all_frames = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'FRAME'] # all_rl_x = [n.location.x for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer != 'View Layer'] if all_frames: print # all_frames.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True) # loc.y - dim.y y_loc = min(fn.get_frame_transform(f, node_tree)[0].y - fn.get_frame_transform(f, node_tree)[1].y for f in all_frames) print('y_loc: ', y_loc) loc = (0, y_loc) else: loc = (0,0) print('loc: ', loc) # create frame at new rl position frame ='NodeFrame') frame.label = frame.label_size = 50 frame.location = (loc[0], loc[1] + 20) cp = add_rlayer(vl_name, scene=scene, location=loc) cp.parent = frame connect_render_layer(cp, frame=frame) fn.rearrange_frames(node_tree) return vl, cp ## If ob already was used print(f'\n {} -> {} (connect to existing)') ## object frame exists: get framing and insert cp = add_rlayer(vl_name, scene=scene, location=(0,0)) if cp.layer != vl_name: print(f'problem with {cp}: {cp.layer} != {vl_name}') return frame = [f for f in nodes if f.type == 'FRAME' and f.label ==][0] rl_nodes = frame_dic[frame.label] # get nodes from if rl_nodes: # get nodes order to insert rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda n: fn.real_loc(n).y, reverse=True) # descending top_loc = fn.real_loc(rl_nodes[0]) print('top_loc: ', top_loc) else: top_loc = fn.get_frame_transform(frame[1], node_tree) - 60 # cp.location = (top_loc[0], top_loc[1] + 100) # temp location to adjust x loc # list of layer names in nodes order rl_names = [n.layer.split(' / ')[1] for n in rl_nodes] # get True layer name from rl # names with the right order WITH the new layer included names = [ for lay in if in rl_names or lay == l] rl_nodes.append(cp) # filter by getting index(layer_name) cp.parent = frame rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda x : names.index(x.layer.split(' / ')[1])) # Sort True layer name from rl offset = 0 print(f'number of nodes in frame: {len(rl_nodes)}') ref_node = rl_nodes[0] print('ref_node: ',, ref_node.location) for n in rl_nodes: # set x loc from first node in list (maybe use leftmost ?) n.location = Vector((fn.real_loc(ref_node)[0], top_loc[1] - offset)) - n.parent.location offset += 180 n.update() # reorder render layers nodes within frame connect_render_layer(cp, frame=frame) # re-arrange all frames (since the offset probably overlapped) fn.rearrange_frames(node_tree) return vl, cp