2021-05-24 17:06:10 +02:00
import bpy
from bpy.types import Operator
def get_layer_list(self, context):
'''return (identifier, name, description) of enum content'''
return [(l.info, l.info, '') for l in context.object.data.layers if l != context.object.data.layers.active]
# try:
# except:
# return [("", "", "")]
# return [(i, basename(i), "") for i in blends]
# return [(i.path, basename(i.path), "") for i in self.blends]
class GPTB_OT_duplicate_send_to_layer(Operator) :
bl_idname = "gp.duplicate_send_to_layer"
bl_label = 'Duplicate and send to layer'
# important to have the updated enum here as bl_property
bl_property = "layers_enum"
layers_enum : bpy.props.EnumProperty(
name="Duplicate to layers",
description="Duplicate selected keys in active layer and send them to choosen layer",
delete_source : bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
def poll(cls, context):
2021-09-25 20:03:02 +02:00
return context.object and context.object.type == 'GPENCIL'\
and context.space_data.bl_rna.identifier == 'SpaceDopeSheetEditor' and context.space_data.ui_mode == 'GPENCIL'
2021-05-24 17:06:10 +02:00
# history : bpy.props.StringProperty(default='', options={'SKIP_SAVE'}) # need to have a variable to store (to get it in self)
def execute(self, context):
target_layer = self.layers_enum
if not target_layer:
self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Target layer not specified')
return {'CANCELLED'}
gpl = context.object.data.layers
target_layer = gpl.get(target_layer)
act_layer = gpl.active
selected_frames = [f for f in act_layer.frames if f.select]
act_frame_num = [f.frame_number for f in act_layer.frames if f.select]
to_replace = [f for f in target_layer.frames if f.frame_number in act_frame_num]
replaced = len(to_replace)
## remove overlapping frames
for f in reversed(to_replace):
## copy original frames
for f in selected_frames:
sent = len(selected_frames)
## delete original frames as an option
if self.delete_source:
for f in reversed(selected_frames):
mess = f'{sent} keys copied'
if replaced:
mess += f' ({replaced} replaced)'
# context.view_layer.update()
# bpy.ops.gpencil.editmode_toggle()
mod = context.mode
self.report({'INFO'}, mess)
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
gp = context.object.data
if not len(gp.layers):
self.report({'WARNING'}, 'No layers on current GP object')
return {'CANCELLED'}
active = gp.layers.active
if not active:
self.report({'WARNING'}, 'No active layer to take keys from')
return {'CANCELLED'}
self.selected_frames = [f for f in active.frames if f.select]
if not self.selected_frames:
self.report({'WARNING'}, 'No selected keys in active layer')
return {'CANCELLED'}
wm = context.window_manager
wm.invoke_search_popup(self) # can't specify size... width=500, height=600
return {'FINISHED'}
addon_keymaps = []
def register_keymaps():
# pref = get_addon_prefs()
# if not pref.kfj_use_shortcut:
# return
addon = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.addon
# km = addon.keymaps.new(name = "Screen", space_type = "EMPTY")
km = addon.keymaps.new(name = "Dopesheet", space_type = "DOPESHEET_EDITOR")
2021-10-20 16:05:56 +02:00
kmi = km.keymap_items.new('gp.duplicate_send_to_layer', type='D', value="PRESS", ctrl=True, shift=True)
2021-05-24 17:06:10 +02:00
2021-10-20 16:05:56 +02:00
kmi = km.keymap_items.new('gp.duplicate_send_to_layer', type='X', value="PRESS", ctrl=True, shift=True)
2021-05-24 17:06:10 +02:00
kmi.properties.delete_source = True
def unregister_keymaps():
for km, kmi in addon_keymaps:
classes = (
def register():
if not bpy.app.background:
for cls in classes:
def unregister():
if not bpy.app.background:
for cls in reversed(classes):