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# Changelog
- feat: layer drop-down menu include an operator for batch find/replace GP layers (idname: `gp.rename_gp_layers`)
2021-06-28 12:49:06 +02:00
- feat: check file: add check for filepath mapping (if all relative or all absolute)
- change: check file: disable resolution set by default
- feat: Layer manager
- select/set layer prefix
- select/set layer color
- code: refactor name builder function
- feat: layer aquick-prefix for layer using pref separator
- list editable in addon pref
- add interface button above layers
- code: added environnement variable for prefix and separator:
- `PREFIXES` : list of prefix (comma separated uppercase letters between 1 and 6 character, ex: 'AN,SP,L')
- `SEPARATOR` : Separator character to determine prefixes, default is '_' (should not be a special regex character)
- UI: add addon prefs namespace ui-box in project settings
- add environnement variables to set addon preferences project settings at register through `os.getenv('KEY')`:
- `RENDER_WIDTH` : resolution x
- `RENDER_HEIGHT` : resolution y
- `FPS` : project frame rate
- `PALETTES` : path to the blends (or json) containing materials palettes
- `BRUSHES` : path to the blend containing brushes to load
- fix: eraser brush
- change: check file has custom check list in addon prefs
2021-06-16 17:35:35 +02:00
- feat: Eraser Brush Tool (Need to be enable in the preferences)
2021-06-05 01:20:35 +02:00
- feat: load brushes from blend
- ui: add load brushes within tool brush dropdown panel and in the top bar in drawmode
- pref: Set project brushes folder in addon preferences
- feat: new material cleaner in GP layer menu with 3 options
- clean material duplication (with sub option to not clear if color settings are different)
- fuse material slots that have the same materials
- remove empty slots
- fix: custom passepartout size limit when dezooming in camera
2021-06-05 01:20:35 +02:00
- feat: Passepartout displayed in main cam (permanent draw handler)
- UI: add Straight stroke operator button in Toolbox if GP tools official addon is on
- UI: placed Toolbox Playblast in a subpanel
- UI: removed Onion skin and Autolock layer checkbox (not often used)
- UI: sent rarely `cursor follow` to bottom of the panel
- feat: show main cam frame when in draw_cam
- change: disable manip cam name drawing
- code: add initial support for main cam frame draw within camera view
- fix: native refresh error that rarely happen that doesn't completely refresh the scene on keyframe jump.
- Use a double frame change to ensure refresh.
- feat: new duplicate send to layer feaure - `ctrl + shift + D` in GP dopesheet
- fix: realign anim return error
- fix: Breakdowner initial error check
- feat: New depth move operator that handle both perspective and orthographic cam
- feat: Realign, added drawing plane checkbox to autoset to Front after realign
- UI: Reorganised realign panel
- UI: Switched part of the sidebar items to columns intead of basic layout to gain space
- doc: Added changelog file (moved list from readme)
- doc: relative link to changelog and FR_readme in main readme
- Important change : Remap relative is now disabled by default in addon preferences
- feat: Add realign operator in sidebar with reproject as true by default
- UI: Batch reproject all frames is now in menus. Same places as native reproject
- feat: Reproject all frames operator
- feat: Keyframe jump filter added in UI to change general behavior. Keymap own jump filter can override this new global settings if specified
- feat: Keyframe jump filter by type. User can now choose if the shortcut should jump on a specific keyframe type (All by default)
- GP copy-paste : Pasted stroke are now selected (allow to use it to quickly rip/split strokes with cut/paste on the same layer)
- UI: Better cam ref exposition in Toolbox panel
- Access to opacity
- merge activation bool with source type icon
- feat: Added a clear active frame operator (`gp.clear_active_frame` to add manually in keymaps)
- feat: add "Append Materials To Selected" to material submenu. Append materials to other selected GP objects if there aren't there.
- pref: Added option to disable always remap relative on save in addon-preference
- fix: copy paste problems
- Get points uv_properties (used for brushed points)
- Trigger an update on each pasted strokes, recalculate badly drawn uv and fills (works in 2.93+)
- Compatible with official grease pencil tools
- removed box deform and rotate canvas that existed in other
- feat: keyframe jump keys are now auto-binded
- UI: added keyframe jump customisation in addon pref
- code: split keyframe jump in a separate file with his new key updater
- doc: Correct download link (important, bugged the addon install) + update
- code: added tracker url
- updater: remove updater temp file, reset minimum version, turn off verbose mode
- Public release
- prefs: added fps as part of project settings
- check file use pref fps value (previously used harcoded 24fps value)
- cleanup: Remove wip GMIC-bridge tools that need to be done separately (if needed)
- update: apply changes in integrated copy-paste from the last version of standalone addon
- doc: Added fully-detailed french readme
- feat: Added background_rendering playblast, derivating from Tonton's playblaster
- stripped associated properties from and passed as wm props.
- fix: Palette importer bug
- feat: auto create empty frame on color layer
- shortcut: added 1,2,3 to change sculpt mask mode (like native edit mode shortcut)
- feat: colorisation, Option to change stop lines length
- Change behavior of `cursor_snap` ops when a non-GP object is selected to mode: `surface project`
- Minor refactor for submodule register
- feat: render objects grouped, one anim render with all ticked object using manual output name
- feat: Include GP clipoard's "In place" custom cut/copy/paste using OS clipboard
- feat: render exporter
- Render a selection of GP object isolated from the rest
- added exclusions names for GP object listing
- setup settings and output according to a name
- open render folder
- check file: set onion skin keyframe filter to 'All_type' on all GP datablock
- check file: set scene resolution to settings in prefs (default 2048x1080)
- feat: GP material append on active object from single blend file
- Added warning message for cursor snapping
0.5.5 - 0.5.6:
- check file: added check for placement an projection mode for Gpencil.
- add a slider to change edit_lines_opacity globally for all GP data at once
- check file: auto-check additive drawing (to avoid empty frame with "only selected channel" in Dopesheet)
- feat: anim manager in his own GP_toolbox submenu:
- button to list disabled anim (allow to quickly check state of the scene)
- disable/enable all fcurve in for GP object or other object separately to paint
- shift clic to target selection only
- check file: added disabled fcurved counter alert with detail in console
- fix: broken obj cam (add custom prop on objcam to track wich was main cam)
- check file option: change select active tool (choice added in addon preferences)
- Revert back obj_cam operator for following object (native lock view follow only translation)
- Changed method for canvas rotation to more robust rotate axis.
- Add operators on link checker to open containing folder/file of link
- Refactor: file checkers in their own file
- fix: error when empty material slot on GP object.
- fix: cursor snap on GP canvas when GP is parented
- change: Deleted obj cam (and related set view) operator
- change: blacker note background for playblast (stamp_background)
- feat: Always playblast from main camera (if in draw_cam)
- feat: Handler added to Remap relative on save (pre)
- ops: Check for broken links with porposition to find missing files
- ops: Added basic hardcoded file checker
- Lock main cam
- set scene percentage at 100
- set show slider and sync range
- set fps to 24
- feat: basic Palette manager with base material check and warning
- open blender config folder from addon preference
- fix: obj cam parent on selected object
- added wip rotate canvas axis file. still not ready to replace current canvas rotate:
- freeview : bug when rotating free viewfrom cardianl views
- camview: potential bug when cam is parented with some specific angle (could not reproduce)
- feat: added cursor follow handlers and UI toggle
- change playblast out to 'images' and add playblast as name prefix
- feat: GP canvas cursor snap wiht new `view3d.cusor_snap` operator
- fix: canvas rotate works with parented camera !
- wip: added an attmpt to replicate camera rotate modal with view matrix but no luck.
- feat: Alternative cameras: parent to main cam (roll without affecting main cam), parent to active object at current view (follow current Grease pencil object)
- Added a standalone working version of box_deform (stripped preferences keeping only best configuration with autoswap)
- UI: expose onion skin in interface
- UI: expose autolock in interface
- UI : putted tint layers in a submenu
- code: refactor, pushed most of class register in their owner file
- tool: tool to rename current or all grease pencil datablock with different name than container object
- UI: new interface with tabs for addon preferences
- UI: possible to disable color panel from preference (might be deleted if unusable)
- docs: change readme changelog format and correct doc
- UI: Stoplines : add a button for quickly set stoplines visibility.
- Fix : No more camera rotation undo when ctrl+Z on next stroke (canvas rotate push and undo)
- Fix: Enter key added to valid object-breakdown modal.
- version 1 beta (stable) of line gap closing tools for better bucket fill tool performance with UI
- version 1 beta of gmic colorize
- variant of `screen.gp_keyframe_jump` through keymap seetings
- new homemade [breakdowner operator for object]( mode with auto keymap : Shift + E
- GP cutter shortcut ops to map with `wm.temp_cutter` (with "Any" as press mode) or `wm.sticky_cutter` (Modal sticky-key version)
- add operator to `screen.gp_keyframe_jump`
- add shortcut to rotate canvas
- fix duplicate class
- separated props resolution_percentage parameter
- playblast options for launching folder and opening folder
- playblast feature
- Button to go zoom 100% or fit screen
- display scene resolution with res indicator
- Fix reference panel : works with video and display in a box layout.
- close pseudo-color panel by default (plan to move it to Gpencil tab)
- UI: Toggle camera background images from Toolbox panel
- UI: quick access to passepartout
- Feature: option to use namespace for pseudo color
- added CGC-auto-updater
- flip cam x
- inital stage of overlay toggle (need pref/multiple pref)
- subpanel of GP data (instead of direct append)
- initial commit with GP pseudo color