fix namespace pref lists and add a reset button
2.1.3 - fixed: decoralate Prefix and Suffix UI_lists scroll - fixed: Problem when settings project namespaces - added: Button to reset project namespace (to have the right order)gpv2
@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# Changelog
- fixed: decoralate Prefix and Suffix UI_lists scroll
- fixed: Problem when settings project namespaces
- added: Button to reset project namespace (to have the right order)
- added: `gp.brush_set` operator to manually assign a brush by name to a shortcut
@ -1,8 +1,45 @@
import bpy
import os
import re
from .utils import get_addon_prefs
from .functions import redraw_ui
from .__init__ import set_namespace_env
class GPTB_OT_reset_project_namespaces(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "gptb.reset_project_namespaces"
bl_label = "Reload Project Names"
bl_description = "Reset projects namespaced from environnement variable"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
def execute(self, context):
prefs = get_addon_prefs()
prefix_list = os.getenv('PREFIXES')
suffix_list = os.getenv('SUFFIXES')
if not prefix_list and not suffix_list:
||||{'WARNING'}, "No name list in env (variables: 'PREFIXES','SUFFIXES')")
return {'CANCELLED'}
for propname in ('prefixes', 'suffixes'):
pg = getattr(prefs, propname)
uilist = pg.namespaces
missing = []
if prefix_list:
set_namespace_env('PREFIXES', prefs.prefixes)
if suffix_list:
set_namespace_env('SUFFIXES', prefs.suffixes)
if missing:
||||{'WARNING'}, f'No {" and ".join(missing)} presets to load from project env')
return {'FINISHED'}
class GPTB_OT_add_namespace_entry(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "gptb.add_namespace_entry"
@ -112,40 +149,51 @@ class GPTB_OT_move_item(bpy.types.Operator):
return {'FINISHED'}
def draw_namespace_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname):
# self.use_filter_show = True # force open/close the search feature
# prefs = get_addon_prefs()
# split = layout.split(align=False, factor=0.3)
row = layout.row()
hide_ico = 'HIDE_ON' if item.hide else 'HIDE_OFF'
source_ico = 'NETWORK_DRIVE' if item.is_project else 'USER' # BLANK1
row.label(text='', icon=source_ico)
row.prop(item, 'hide', text='', icon=hide_ico, invert_checkbox=True)
subrow = row.row(align=True)
subrow.prop(item, 'tag', text='')
subrow.prop(item, 'name', text='')
subrow.enabled = not item.is_project
# row = layout.split(align=False)
# row.label(text=item.prefix)
# row.label(
# if self.show_desc:
# row.label(text=item.description)
# row.operator('sbam.open_online_repo', text='', icon='URL')
class GPTB_UL_namespace_list(bpy.types.UIList):
# show_desc : BoolProperty(name="Show Description", default=True,
# description="Display Description")
def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname):
draw_namespace_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname)
## Need to duplicate UL as a separate class for suffixes\
## otherwise displayed row in UI are synchronised
class GPTB_UL_namespace_list_suffix(bpy.types.UIList):
def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname):
# self.use_filter_show = True # force open/close the search feature
# prefs = get_addon_prefs()
# split = layout.split(align=False, factor=0.3)
row = layout.row()
hide_ico = 'HIDE_ON' if item.hide else 'HIDE_OFF'
source_ico = 'NETWORK_DRIVE' if item.is_project else 'USER' # BLANK1
draw_namespace_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname)
row.label(text='', icon=source_ico)
row.prop(item, 'hide', text='', icon=hide_ico, invert_checkbox=True)
subrow = row.row(align=True)
subrow.prop(item, 'tag', text='')
subrow.prop(item, 'name', text='')
subrow.enabled = not item.is_project
# row = layout.split(align=False)
# row.label(text=item.prefix)
# row.label(
# if self.show_desc:
# row.label(text=item.description)
# row.operator('sbam.open_online_repo', text='', icon='URL')
classes = (
## layer name management
def register():
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ bl_info = {
"name": "GP toolbox",
"description": "Tool set for Grease Pencil in animation production",
"author": "Samuel Bernou, Christophe Seux",
"version": (2, 1, 2),
"version": (2, 1, 3),
"blender": (3, 0, 0),
"location": "Sidebar (N menu) > Gpencil > Toolbox / Gpencil properties",
"warning": "",
@ -363,12 +363,12 @@ class GPTB_prefs(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
# description = "Auto assign shortcut for temp_cutter",
# default = True)
def draw_namespaces_list(self, layout, pg_name, rows=4):
def draw_namespaces_list(self, layout, template_list, pg_name, rows=4):
'''Get layout, property group to draw and default row number'''
pg = getattr(self, pg_name)
row = layout.row(align=True)
row.template_list("GPTB_UL_namespace_list", "", pg, "namespaces", pg, "idx", rows=rows)
row.template_list(template_list, "", pg, "namespaces", pg, "idx", rows=rows)
subcol = row.column(align=True) # Lateral right
subcol.operator("gptb.add_namespace_entry", icon="ADD", text="").propname=pg_name
subcol.operator("gptb.remove_namespace_entry", icon="REMOVE", text="").propname=pg_name
@ -428,10 +428,14 @@ class GPTB_prefs(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
subbox =
subbox.prop(self, 'separator')
subbox.prop(self, 'show_prefix_buttons', text='Use Prefixes Toggles')
subrow = subbox.row()
subrow.prop(self, 'show_prefix_buttons', text='Use Prefixes Toggles')
if self.show_prefix_buttons:
# subbox.prop(self, 'use_env_namespace')
rowrow = subrow.row()
# Reset Names From Projects
rowrow.alignment = 'RIGHT'
rowrow.operator('gptb.reset_project_namespaces', text='', icon='BRUSH_DATA')
row = subbox.row()
row.prop(self, 'prefixes')
@ -440,10 +444,11 @@ class GPTB_prefs(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
row.prop(self, 'suffixes')
row.operator('prefs.reset_gp_toolbox_env', text='', icon='LOOP_BACK').mode = 'SUFFIXES'
## Collection UI list version
self.draw_namespaces_list(subbox, 'prefixes', rows=4)
self.draw_namespaces_list(subbox, 'GPTB_UL_namespace_list', 'prefixes', rows=4)
self.draw_namespaces_list(subbox, 'suffixes', rows=4)
self.draw_namespaces_list(subbox, 'GPTB_UL_namespace_list_suffix', 'suffixes', rows=2)
### TODO add render settings
@ -656,27 +661,34 @@ class GPTB_prefs(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
def set_namespace_env(name_env, prop_group):
tag_list = os.getenv(name_env)
current_pfix = []
if tag_list:
tag_list = tag_list.strip(',').split(',')
project_pfix = []
if tag_list and tag_list.strip():
## Force clear (clear also hide): prop_group.namespaces.clear()
## Get current tag list
tag_list = tag_list.strip(', ').split(',')
current_pfix = [n.tag for n in prop_group.namespaces if n.tag]
# for n in prop_group.namespaces:
# print(n.tag,
for p in tag_list:
tag = p.split(':')[0].strip()
name = '' if not ':' in p else p.split(':')[1].strip()
item = None
if tag not in current_pfix:
item = prop_group.namespaces.add()
item.tag = tag
|||| = name
item.is_project = True
print('Loaded project tag:', tag, name)
# print('Loaded project tag:', tag, name)
elif name:
# get the tag and apply name
item = [n for n in prop_group.namespaces if n.tag == tag][0]
if not
item = next((n for n in prop_group.namespaces if n.tag == tag), None)
if item: # and not
|||| = name
print('Loaded name:', name)
# print('Loaded name:', name)
if item:
item.is_project = True
@ -686,8 +698,7 @@ def set_namespace_env(name_env, prop_group):
# "release" suffix that are not in project anymore
for n in prop_group.namespaces:
if n.tag not in current_pfix:
n.is_project = False
n.is_project = n.tag in project_pfix
def set_env_properties():
@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ class GP_PG_namespace_props(PropertyGroup):
class GP_PG_namespaces(PropertyGroup):
idx : IntProperty(default=-1)
namespaces : bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=GP_PG_namespace_props)
classes = (
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