- changed: Batch reproject consider camera movement and is almost 8x faster
- added: Batch reproject have "Current" mode (using current tool setting)
- change: material picker (`S` and `Alt+S`) quick trigger, cahnge is only triggered if ley is pressed less than 200ms
- this is made to let other operator use functionality on long press using `S`
- feat: material picker shortcut has now an enum choice to filter targeted stroke (fill, stroke, all)
- by default `S` is still fill only
- but `Alt+S` is now stroke only instead of all
- feat: Namespace upgrade
- support pseudo group naming
- add group and indent button
- feat: Fill tool shortcut for material color picker (from closest stroke)
- `S` : get material closest *fill* stroke
- `Àlt+S` : get closest stroke (fill or stroke)