- feat: quick-prefix for layer using pref separator
- list editable in addon pref
- add interface button above layers
- code: added environnement variable for prefix and separator:
- `PREFIXES` : list of prefix (comma separated uppercase letters between 1 and 6 character, ex: 'AN,SP,L')
- `SEPARATOR` : Separator character to determine prefixes, default is '_' (should not be a special regex character)
- UI: add addon prefs namespace ui-box in project settings
- add environnement variables to set addon preferences project settings at register through `os.getenv('KEY')`:
- `RENDER_WIDTH` : resolution x
- `RENDER_HEIGHT` : resolution y
- `FPS` : project frame rate
- `PALETTES` : path to the blends (or json) containing materials palettes
- `BRUSHES` : path to the blend containing brushes to load
- feat: load brushes from blend (behave like a Brush palette)
- ui: add load brushes within tool brush dropdown panel and in the top bar in drawmode
- pref: Set project brushes folder in addon preferences
- feat: new material cleaner in GP layer menu with 3 options
- clean material duplication (with sub option to not clear if color settings are different)
- fuse material slots that have the same materials
- remove empty slots
- fix: native refresh error that rarely happen that doesn't completely refresh the scene on keyframe jump.
- Use a double frame change to ensure refresh.
- feat: New depth move operator that handle both perspective and orthographic cam
- feat: Realign, added drawing plane checkbox to autoset to Front after realign
- UI: Reorganised realign panel
- UI: Switched part of the sidebar items to columns intead of basic layout to gain space
- doc: Added changelog file (moved list from readme)
- doc: relative link to changelog and FR_readme in main readme