- remove: Obsolete operators and panels
- Remove "line closer" panel as it's been a native tool for a while in 2.9x (stop register of `GP_guided_colorize > OP_line_closer`)
- Remove "Render" subpanel, obsolete and not adapted to production
- ui: clean and refactor
- Gp clipboard panel and aimation Manager subpanel layout to aligned columns (gain space)
- add `GP` on each panel name for wuick eye search
- follow cursor now in animation manager subpanel (should be in an extra menu or removed in the end)
- fix: copy paste problems
- Get points uv_properties (used for brushed points)
- Trigger an update on each pasted strokes, recalculate badly drawn uv and fills (works in 2.93+)
- Public release
- prefs: added fps as part of project settings
- check file use pref fps value (previously used harcoded 24fps value)
- cleanup: Remove wip GMIC-bridge tools that need to be done separately (if needed)
- update: apply changes in integrated copy-paste from the last version of standalone addon
- doc: Added fully-detailed french readme