# GP toolbox Blender addon - Various tool to help with grease pencil in animation productions. **[Download latest](https://gitlab.com/autour-de-minuit/blender/gp_toolbox/-/archive/master/gp_toolbox-master.zip)** **[Demo video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htgao_uPWNs)** **[Readme Doc in French](README_FR.md)** It is recommended to enable _Grease Pencil Tools_ native Blender addon. Brings essentials features: Canvas rotation, Box deform, Timeline scrubbing in viewport, Quick layer navigator. --- ## Description In sidebar (N) > Gpencil > Toolbox ## Addon preferences important point of addon preferences: Set path to the palette folder (there is a json palette IO but you an also put a blend and use a blend importer) Note about palette : For now the importer is not working with linked palette as it's not easy for animator (there are properties of the material you cannot access and the link grey-out fade the real color in UIlist preview) ### Environnement Variables > Mainly for devellopers to set project environnement Since 1.5.2, following _environnement variable_ can set the project properties in toolbox preferences at register launch: `RENDER_WIDTH` : resolution x `RENDER_HEIGHT` : resolution y `FPS` : project frame rate `PALETTES` : path to the blends (or json) containing materials palettes `BRUSHES` : path to the blend containing brushes to load `PREFIXES` : list of prefix (comma separated uppercase letters (2), an optional tooltip can be set after `:`, ex: 'LN:Line, CO:color, SH:Shadow') `SUFFIXES` : list of suffixes (comma separated uppercase letters of 2 character, ex: 'OL,UL') `SEPARATOR` : Separator character to determine prefixes, default is '_' (should not be a special regex character) ### Expose native functionnality The panel expose some attributes that are too "far" in the UI: - Zoom 1:1 - Camera view take 100% zoom according to current scene resolution (ops `view3d.zoom_camera_1_to_1`) - Zoom fit - Adjust view so camera frame takes full viewport spac (ops `view3d.view_center_camera`) - In Front - the `In Front` property of the object to get an X-ray view - passepartout camera - enable/disable + set opacity - button and sliders to enable / disable / set opacity of single background camera images **Edit line opacity** - Animators usually like to hide completely edit lines to have a better view of the drawing in edit/sculpt mode, lowering opacity also allows a better reading on what's selected. This options is stored per layer per object but this apply on everything at once. ### Passive action An "on save" Handler that trigger relative remap of all path can be enabled in addon prefs (disabled by default). ### function - Mirror flip : If in cam view flip the camera X scale value (you can see and draw mnirrored to see problems) - quick access to scene camera passepartout toggle and opacity - quick access to scene camera background images visibility with individual references toggle. - Basic playblast and viewport playblast: - dedicated resolution percentage value - can auto launch and/or auto open folder at finished (option in addon preferences) - Jump to GP keyframe : - Choose key to Auto bind in addon prefs (since 0.9.3). > Manual setup: Add two keymap shortcut in _windows_ or _screen(global)_ with indentifier `screen.gp_keyframe_jump`, one should have `next` toggled off to jump back - GP paint cutter tool temporary switch shortcut - Map manually to a key with `wm.temp_cutter` (This one needs "Any" as press mode) or `wm.sticky_cutter` (Modal sticky-key version) - Snap cursor to GP canvas operator accessible with `view3d.cusor_snap` - Map nanually (might be autoreplaced according to version) by replacing entry using `view3d.cursor3d` in 3D View category (defaut shortcut `Shift + Right-clic`) - Follow cursor toggle : When activated the cursor follow the active the active object - [breakdowner operator for object mode](https://blenderartists.org/t/pose-mode-animation-tools-for-object-mode/1221322), auto-keymap on : Shift + E - Line extender help closing gaps between lines with control over layer target (-> need also control over frame targets) - GP copy paste : world space cut-copy-paste (bake strokes). `Ctrl + Shift + X/C/V` Store strokes in os'clipboard (easier cross blend copy) cutting is use a more user friendly (leave boundary points of left strokes untouched). Also Possible to copy whole selected layers. **Palette management** In material submenu you have mutliple new entry: - Copy Materials To Selected : copy all material to other selected GP (difference with Ctrl+L > materials is that it doesn't erase materials, only append those that are not in other's materials stack) - Load/Save Json palette : Save/load materials externally to a json file from/to the active material stack. - Load Color palette : same as the load above exept it loads directly from a blend file (all the material that the blend contains) - Clean materials **Shortcuts** Viewport: - Layer Picker from closest stroke in paint mode using quick press on `W` for stroke (and `alt+W` for fills) - Material Picker (`S` and `Alt+S`) quick trigger, change is only triggered if key is pressed less than 200ms - `F2` in Paint and Edit to rename active layer - `Insert` add a new layer (same as Krita) - `Shift + Insert` add a new layer and immediately pop-up a rename box - `page up / page down` change active layer up/down with a temporary fade (settings in addon prefs) - `Shift + E` breakdown animation in object Mode - `Ctrl + Shift + X/C/V` - Worldspace cut/copy/paste selected strokes/points: Dopesheet: - `Ctrl + Shift + X` Cut and send to layer - `Ctrl + Shift + D` Duplicate and send to layer Sculpt: - point/stroke filter shortcut on `1`, `2`, `3` as toggles (similar to edit mode native shortcuts) ### Where ? Panel in sidebar : 3D view > sidebar 'N' > Gpencil --- Consult [Changelog here](CHANGELOG.md)