import bpy import mathutils from mathutils import Matrix, Vector from math import pi import numpy as np from time import time def batch_reproject(obj, proj_type='VIEW', all_strokes=True, restore_frame=False): '''Reproject - ops method :all_stroke: affect hided, locked layers ''' if restore_frame: oframe = bpy.context.scene.frame_current omode = bpy.context.mode # FIXME : if all_stroke is False, might be better to still store>set>restore "lock_frame" if all_strokes: layers_state = [[l, l.hide, l.lock, l.lock_frame] for l in] for l in l.hide = False l.lock = False l.lock_frame = False bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT_GPENCIL') # TODO : need to toggle visible and unlock all layers before attacking, and store restore. for l in for f in l.frames: bpy.context.scene.frame_set(f.frame_number) # switch to edit to reproject through ops bpy.ops.gpencil.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.gpencil.reproject(type=proj_type) # default is VIEW bpy.ops.gpencil.select_all(action='DESELECT') # restore if all_strokes: for layer, hide, lock, lock_frame in layers_state: layer.hide = hide layer.lock = lock layer.lock_frame = lock_frame bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=omode) if restore_frame: bpy.context.scene.frame_current = oframe def align_global(reproject=True, ref=None, all_strokes=True): if not ref: ref = o = bpy.context.object # if o.matrix_basis != o.matrix_world and not o.parent: ref = ref_mat = ref.matrix_world ref_loc, ref_rot, ref_scale = ref_mat.decompose() if o.parent: mat = o.matrix_world else: mat = o.matrix_basis o_loc, o_rot, o_scale = mat.decompose() mat_90 = Matrix.Rotation(-pi/2, 4, 'X') loc_mat = Matrix.Translation(o_loc) rot_mat = ref_rot.to_matrix().to_4x4() @ mat_90 scale_mat = get_scale_matrix(o_scale) new_mat = loc_mat @ rot_mat @ scale_mat # world_coords = [] for l in for f in l.frames: for s in f.strokes: ## foreach coords = [ @ mat.inverted() @ new_mat for p in s.points] # print('coords: ', coords) # print([co for v in coords for co in v]) s.points.foreach_set('co', [co for v in coords for co in v]) # s.points.update() # seem to works # but adding/deleting a point is "safer" ## force update s.points.add(1) s.points.pop() # for p in s.points: ## GOOD : # world_co = mat @ # = new_mat.inverted() @ world_co ## GOOD : # = @ mat.inverted() @ new_mat if o.parent: o.matrix_world = new_mat else: o.matrix_basis = new_mat if reproject: batch_reproject(o, proj_type='FRONT', all_strokes=all_strokes) def align_all_frames(reproject=True, ref=None, all_strokes=True): print('aligning all frames...') o = bpy.context.object if not ref: ref = # get all rot chanel = 'rotation_quaternion' if o.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION' else 'rotation_euler' ## double list keys rot_keys = [ for fcu in o.animation_data.action.fcurves for k in fcu.keyframe_points if fcu.data_path == chanel] ## normal iter # for fcu in o.animation_data.action.fcurves: # if fcu.data_path != chanel : # continue # for k in fcu.keyframe_points(): # rot_keys.append( rot_keys = list(set(rot_keys)) # TODO # TOTHINK # for now the rotation of the object is adjusted at every frame.... # might be better to check camera rotation of the current frame only (stored as copy). # else the object rotate following the cameraview vector (not constant)... mat_90 = Matrix.Rotation(-pi/2, 4, 'X') for l in for f in l.frames: # set the frame to dedicated bpy.context.scene.frame_set(f.frame_number) ref_mat = ref.matrix_world ref_loc, ref_rot, ref_scale = ref_mat.decompose() if o.parent: mat = o.matrix_world else: mat = o.matrix_basis o_loc, o_rot, o_scale = mat.decompose() loc_mat = Matrix.Translation(o_loc) rot_mat = ref_rot.to_matrix().to_4x4() @ mat_90 scale_mat = get_scale_matrix(o_scale) new_mat = loc_mat @ rot_mat @ scale_mat for s in f.strokes: ## foreach coords = [ @ mat.inverted() @ new_mat for p in s.points] # print('coords: ', coords) # print([co for v in coords for co in v]) s.points.foreach_set('co', [co for v in coords for co in v]) # s.points.update() # seem to works ## force update s.points.add(1) s.points.pop() for fnum in rot_keys: bpy.context.scene.frame_set(fnum) #/update calculation block ref_mat = ref.matrix_world ref_loc, ref_rot, ref_scale = ref_mat.decompose() if o.parent: mat = o.matrix_world else: mat = o.matrix_basis o_loc, o_rot, o_scale = mat.decompose() loc_mat = Matrix.Translation(o_loc) rot_mat = ref_rot.to_matrix().to_4x4() @ mat_90 scale_mat = get_scale_matrix(o_scale) new_mat = loc_mat @ rot_mat @ scale_mat # update calculation block/ if o.parent: o.matrix_world = new_mat else: o.matrix_basis = new_mat o.keyframe_insert(chanel, index=-1, frame=bpy.context.scene.frame_current, options={'INSERTKEY_AVAILABLE'}) if reproject: batch_reproject(o, proj_type='FRONT', all_strokes=all_strokes) return class GPTB_OT_realign(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "gp.realign" bl_label = "Realign GP" bl_description = "Realign the grease pencil front axis with active camera" bl_options = {"REGISTER"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object and context.object.type == 'GPENCIL' reproject : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Reproject', default=True, description='Reproject stroke on the new alignment') all_strokes : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='All Strokes', default=False, description='Hided and locked layer will also be reprojected') ## add option to bake strokes if rotation anim is not constant ? might generate too many Keyframes def invoke(self, context, event): if{'ERROR'}, 'Does not work in Multi-edit') return {"CANCELLED"} self.alert = '' o = context.object if o.animation_data and o.animation_data.action: act = o.animation_data.action for chan in ('rotation_euler', 'rotation_quaternion'): if act.fcurves.find(chan): self.alert = 'Animated Rotation (CONSTANT interpolation)' interpos = [p for fcu in act.fcurves if fcu.data_path == chan for p in fcu.keyframe_points if p.interpolation != 'CONSTANT'] if interpos: self.alert = f'Animated Rotation ! ({len(interpos)} key not constant)' break return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=450) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout if self.alert: layout.label(text=self.alert, icon='INFO') layout.label(text='(rotations key will be overwritten to face camera)') layout.prop(self, "reproject") layout.label(text='Realign the GP front axis with active camera') if self.reproject: if not context.region_data.view_perspective == 'CAMERA': layout.label(text='Not in camera ! (reprojection is made from view)', icon='ERROR') layout.prop(self, "all_strokes") def execute(self, context): t0 = time() oframe = context.scene.frame_current o = bpy.context.object if o.animation_data and o.animation_data.action: if o.animation_data.action.fcurves.find('rotation_euler') or o.animation_data.action.fcurves.find('rotation_quaternion'): align_all_frames(reproject=self.reproject) bpy.context.scene.frame_current = oframe print(f'\nAnim realign ({time()-t0:.2f}s)') return align_global(reproject=self.reproject) context.scene.frame_current = oframe print(f'\nGlobal Realign ({time()-t0:.2f}s)') return {"FINISHED"} class GPTB_OT_batch_reproject_all_frames(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "gp.batch_reproject_all_frames" bl_label = "Reproject All Frames" bl_description = "Reproject all frames of active object." bl_options = {"REGISTER"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.object and context.object.type == 'GPENCIL' # reproject : bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Reproject', default=True) all_strokes : bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='All Strokes', default=False, description='Hided and locked layer will also be reprojected') type: bpy.props.EnumProperty(name='Type', items=(('FRONT', "Front", ""), ('SIDE', "Side", ""), ('TOP', "Top", ""), ('VIEW', "View", ""), ('SURFACE', "Surface", ""), ('CURSOR', "Cursor", ""), ), default='FRONT') def invoke(self, context, event): if{'ERROR'}, 'Does not work in Multi-edit') return {"CANCELLED"} return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout if not context.region_data.view_perspective == 'CAMERA': layout.label(text='Not in camera ! (reprojection is made from view)', icon='ERROR') layout.prop(self, "all_strokes") layout.prop(self, "type") def execute(self, context): t0 = time() batch_reproject(context.object, proj_type=self.type, all_strokes=self.all_strokes, restore_frame=True){'INFO'}, f'Reprojected in ({time()-t0:.2f}s)' ) return {"FINISHED"} classes = ( # GPTB_OT_realign, GPTB_OT_batch_reproject_all_frames, ) def register(): for cl in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cl) def unregister(): for cl in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(cl)