import bpy from .bl_utils import get_mat, get_collection_parents def get_picker_collection(ob=None): """Return the picker collection of an object""" if not ob: ob = bpy.context.object for col in ob.users_collection: if col.rig_picker.enabled: return col if picker_col := next((c for c in get_collection_parents(col) if c.rig_picker.enabled), None): return picker_col def is_shape(ob): scn = bpy.context.scene canvas = scn.rig_picker.canvas if not canvas or ob.hide_render: return False shapes = {ob for col in canvas.users_collection for ob in col.all_objects} if ob.type in ('MESH', 'CURVE', 'FONT') and ob in shapes: return True return False def get_object_color(ob): if not return mat = get_mat(ob) if not mat or not mat.node_tree or not mat.node_tree.nodes: return emit_node = mat.node_tree.nodes.get('Emission') if not emit_node: return return emit_node.inputs['Color'].default_value def get_operator_from_id(idname): if not '.' in idname: return m, o = idname.split(".") try: op = getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, m), o) op.get_rna_type() except Exception: return return op