from pathlib import Path from os.path import expandvars import re import glob from tempfile import gettempdir import bpy from bpy.types import Operator, UIList from bpy.props import (CollectionProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, StringProperty) from vse_toolbox.constants import (EDITS, EDIT_SUFFIXES, MOVIES, MOVIE_SUFFIXES, SOUNDS, SOUND_SUFFIXES) from vse_toolbox.sequencer_utils import (clean_sequencer, import_edit, import_movie, import_sound, get_strips, get_channel_index, get_empty_channel, scale_clip_to_fit) from vse_toolbox.bl_utils import (get_scene_settings, get_addon_prefs, get_scene_settings) from vse_toolbox.file_utils import install_module, parse, find_last #from vse_toolbox.template import Template class VSETB_OT_auto_select_files(Operator): bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.auto_select_files" bl_label = "Auto Select" bl_description = "Auto Select Files" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def get_items(self, items=[]): if not items: return [('NONE', 'None', '', 0)] return [(e, e, '', i) for i, e in enumerate(items)] def execute(self, context): params = context.space_data.params directory = Path( EDITS.clear() MOVIES.clear() SOUNDS.clear() edits = [] movies = [] sounds = [] for file_entry in directory.glob('*'): if file_entry.is_dir(): continue if file_entry.suffix in EDIT_SUFFIXES: edits.append( elif file_entry.suffix in MOVIE_SUFFIXES: movies.append( elif file_entry.suffix in SOUND_SUFFIXES: sounds.append( edits.sort(reverse=True) movies.sort(reverse=True) sounds.sort(reverse=True) EDITS.extend(self.get_items(items=edits)) MOVIES.extend(self.get_items(items=movies)) SOUNDS.extend(self.get_items(items=sounds)) return {'FINISHED'} class VSETB_OT_import_files(Operator): bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.import_files" bl_label = "Import" bl_description = "Import Edit" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} directory : StringProperty(subtype='DIR_PATH') filepath: StringProperty( name="File Path", description="Filepath used for importing the file", maxlen=1024, subtype='FILE_PATH', ) files : CollectionProperty(type=bpy.types.OperatorFileListElement) clean_sequencer : BoolProperty( name="Clean Sequencer", default=False, description="Clean all existing strips in sequencer", ) import_edit : BoolProperty(name='', default=True) edit: EnumProperty(name='', items=lambda s, c: EDITS) match_by : EnumProperty(name='Match By', items=[('NAME', 'Name', ''), ('INDEX', 'Index', '')]) import_movie : BoolProperty(name='', default=False) movie: EnumProperty(name='', items=lambda s, c: MOVIES) import_sound : BoolProperty(name='', default=False) sound: EnumProperty(name='', items=lambda s, c: SOUNDS) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def draw(self, context): scn = context.scene settings = get_scene_settings() layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False col = layout.column(align=True) col.operator('vse_toolbox.auto_select_files', text='Auto Select') row = layout.row(heading="Import Edit", align=True) row.prop(self, 'import_edit') sub = row.row(align=True) = self.import_edit sub.prop(self, 'edit') row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(self, 'match_by', expand=True) layout.separator() row = layout.row(heading="Import Movie", align=True) row.prop(self, 'import_movie') sub = row.row() = self.import_movie sub.prop(self, 'movie') row = layout.row(heading="Import Sound", align=True) row.prop(self, 'import_sound') sub = row.row() = self.import_sound sub.prop(self, 'sound') col = layout.column() col.separator() col.prop(self, 'clean_sequencer') def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def execute(self, context): sequencer = context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences edit_filepath = Path(, self.edit) if not edit_filepath.exists(): self.import_edit = False movie_filepath = Path(, if not movie_filepath.exists(): self.import_movie = False sound_filepath = Path(, self.sound) if not sound_filepath.exists(): self.import_sound = False if self.clean_sequencer: clean_sequencer( edit=self.import_edit, movie=self.import_movie, sound=self.import_sound, ) if self.import_edit: print(f'[>.] Loading Edit from: {str(edit_filepath)}') import_edit(edit_filepath, adapter="cmx_3600", match_by=self.match_by) if self.import_movie: print(f'[>.] Loading Movie from: {str(movie_filepath)}') for strip in get_strips(channel='Movie'): sequencer.remove(strip) import_movie(movie_filepath) if self.import_sound or (not self.import_sound and self.import_movie): for strip in get_strips(channel='Audio'): sequencer.remove(strip) if self.import_sound: print(f'[>.] Loading Audio from: {str(sound_filepath)}') import_sound(sound_filepath) else: print(f'[>.] Loading Audio from: {str(movie_filepath)}') import_sound(movie_filepath) context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.update() return {"FINISHED"} class VSETB_UL_import_task(UIList): def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index): layout.separator(factor=0.5) layout.prop(item, 'import_enabled', text='') layout.label( def get_task_items(self, context): settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project return [(t, t, '') for t in project.task_types.keys()] class VSETB_OT_select_task(Operator): bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.select_task" bl_label = "Select Task" bl_description = "Select Task" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_property = "task" task: EnumProperty(name="My Search", items=get_task_items) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def execute(self, context): scn = context.scene settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project project.task_types[self.task].import_enabled = True return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.invoke_search_popup(self) return {"FINISHED"} class VSETB_OT_unselect_task(Operator): bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.unselect_task" bl_label = "Unselect Task" bl_description = "Unselect Task" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} task : StringProperty() def execute(self, context): scn = context.scene settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project project.task_types[self.task].import_enabled = False return {'FINISHED'} def get_sequence_items(self, context): settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project return [(t, t, '') for t in project.sequences.keys()] class VSETB_OT_select_sequence(Operator): bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.select_sequence" bl_label = "Select Sequence" bl_description = "Select Sequence" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} bl_property = "sequence" sequence: EnumProperty(name="My Search", items=get_sequence_items) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def execute(self, context): scn = context.scene settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project project.sequences[self.sequence].import_enabled = True return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.invoke_search_popup(self) return {"FINISHED"} class VSETB_OT_unselect_sequence(Operator): bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.unselect_sequence" bl_label = "Unselect sequence" bl_description = "Unselect sequence" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} sequence : StringProperty() def execute(self, context): scn = context.scene settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project project.sequences[self.sequence].import_enabled = False return {'FINISHED'} class VSETB_OT_import_shots(Operator): bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.import_shots" bl_label = "Import Shots" bl_description = "Import Shots for disk or tracker" bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return get_scene_settings().active_project def set_sequencer_channels(self, task_types): scn = bpy.context.scene channels = ['Shots', 'Sequences', 'Stamps'] #channel_index = len(task_types * 3) + len(channels) + 1 channel_index = 1 for task_type in task_types: audio_channel = scn.sequence_editor.channels[channel_index] = f'{task_type} Audio' audio_channel.mute = (task_type != task_types[-1]) video_channel = scn.sequence_editor.channels[channel_index+1] = f'{task_type} Video' channel_index += 3 for channel in channels: scn.sequence_editor.channels[channel_index].name = channel channel_index += 1 def get_preview_dir(self): preview_dir = Path(, 'previews') if preview_dir = Path( / 'previews' return preview_dir def download_preview(self, task_type, shot): prefs = get_addon_prefs() tracker = prefs.tracker task = tracker.get_task( or, entity=shot) last_comment = tracker.get_last_comment_with_preview(task) if not last_comment: return shot_name = shot['name'] sequence_name = f"{shot['sequence_name']}_" if shot_name.startswith(sequence_name): shot_name = shot_name.replace(sequence_name, '', 1) preview_dir = self.get_preview_dir() filepath = Path(preview_dir, f'{sequence_name}{shot_name}_{}') filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) last_preview = last_comment['previews'][0] tracker.download_preview_file(last_preview, str(filepath)) return filepath def conform_render(self, clip): scn = bpy.context.scene scn.render.resolution_x = clip.elements[0].orig_width scn.render.resolution_y = clip.elements[0].orig_height scn.render.fps = int(clip.elements[0].orig_fps) scn.view_settings.view_transform = 'Standard' def find_shot_preview(self, sequence, shot_name, task_type): settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project import_shots = project.import_shots pattern = Path( import_shots.shot_folder_template, import_shots.import_video_template) # Normalize name in snake_case for now sequence =' ', '_') shot = parse(project.shot_template, shot_name)['shot'] task =' ', '_') return find_last(pattern, sequence=sequence, shot=shot, task=task) def execute(self, context): scn = context.scene settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project import_shots = project.import_shots prefs = get_addon_prefs() tracker = prefs.tracker tracker.admin_connect() task_types = [t for t in project.task_types if t.import_enabled] sequences = [s for s in project.sequences if s.import_enabled] conformed = False self.set_sequencer_channels([ for t in task_types]) frame_index = 1 for sequence in sequences: shots_data = tracker.get_shots( sequence_start = frame_index for shot_data in shots_data: frames = int(shot_data['nb_frames']) strip = scn.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect( name=shot_data['name'], type='COLOR', channel=get_channel_index('Shots'), frame_start=frame_index, frame_end=frame_index + frames ) strip.blend_alpha = 0 strip.color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) for task_type in task_types: if import_shots.import_source == 'DISK': preview = self.find_shot_preview(sequence, shot_data['name'], task_type) #print(videos) #return {"FINISHED"} else: preview = self.download_preview(task_type, shot_data) if not preview: print(f'No preview found for shot {shot_data["name"]}') continue print(f'Loading Preview from {preview}') # Load Video channel_index = get_channel_index(f'{} Video') video_clip = import_movie(preview) video_clip.frame_start = frame_index = channel_index if not conformed: self.conform_render(video_clip) conformed = True scale_clip_to_fit(video_clip) # Load Audio channel_index = get_channel_index(f'{} Audio') audio_clip = import_sound(preview, frame_start=frame_index, frame_end=video_clip.frame_final_end) = channel_index frame_index += frames strip = scn.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect(, type='COLOR', channel=get_channel_index('Sequences'), frame_start=sequence_start, frame_end=frame_index ) strip.blend_alpha = 0 strip.color = (0.25, 0.25, 0.25) scn.frame_start = 1 scn.frame_end = frame_index -1 return {'FINISHED'} def draw(self, context): settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project import_shots = project.import_shots layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=False) col.use_property_split = True col.use_property_decorate = False row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(import_shots, "import_source", text='Videos Source', expand=True) if import_shots.import_source == 'DISK': #col.prop(import_shots, "sequence_dir_template", text='Sequence Dir') col.prop(import_shots, "shot_folder_template", text='Shot Folder') col.prop(import_shots, "import_video_template", text='Video') col.separator() else: col.prop(import_shots, "previews_folder", text='Previews Folder') col.separator() #if #col.label(text=f' {self.get_preview_dir()}') #else: # col.label(icon="ERROR", text="Save your Blender to keep the previews") row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(import_shots, 'import_task', text='Import Tasks') row.operator("vse_toolbox.select_task", text='', icon='ADD') tasks = [t for t in project.task_types if t.import_enabled] if import_shots.import_task == "FROM_LIST": if tasks: split = col.split(factor=0.4) split.row() box = box_col = box.column(align=True) for task_type in tasks: row = box_col.row(align=True) sub = row.row(align=True) sub.enabled = False sub.alignment = 'LEFT' sub.scale_x = 0.15 sub.prop(task_type, 'color', text='') op = row.operator("vse_toolbox.unselect_task", op.task = row.separator(factor=0.5) op = row.operator("vse_toolbox.unselect_task", text='', icon='REMOVE', emboss=False) op.task = else: split = col.split(factor=0.4) split.row() row = split.row() row.label(icon="ERROR") row.label(text='Add at least one task') # Choose Sequences row = col.row(align=True) row.prop(import_shots, 'import_sequence', text='Import Sequences') row.operator("vse_toolbox.select_sequence", text='', icon='ADD') sequences = [s for s in project.sequences if s.import_enabled] if import_shots.import_sequence == "FROM_LIST": if sequences: split = col.split(factor=0.4) split.row() box = box_col = box.column(align=True) for sequence in sequences: row = box_col.row(align=True) op = row.operator("vse_toolbox.unselect_sequence", op.sequence = row.separator(factor=0.5) op = row.operator("vse_toolbox.unselect_sequence", text='', icon='REMOVE', emboss=False) op.sequence = else: split = col.split(factor=0.4) split.row() row = split.row() row.label(icon="ERROR") row.label(text='Add at least one Sequence') def invoke(self, context, event): scn = context.scene settings = get_scene_settings() project = settings.active_project tmp_dir = Path(gettempdir(), 'reviews') if and Path(project.import_shots.previews_folder) == tmp_dir: tmp_dir = '//sources' if not and project.import_shots.previews_folder == '//sources': project.import_shots.previews_folder = str(tmp_dir) # if not #{"ERROR"}, "Save your Blender file first") # return {"CANCELLED"} return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=400) def check(self, context): return True classes = ( VSETB_OT_select_sequence, VSETB_OT_unselect_sequence, VSETB_OT_unselect_task, VSETB_OT_select_task, VSETB_UL_import_task, VSETB_OT_auto_select_files, VSETB_OT_import_files, VSETB_OT_import_shots, ) def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) def unregister(): for cls in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)