759 lines
25 KiB
759 lines
25 KiB
from os.path import expandvars, abspath
from pathlib import Path
import bpy
from bpy.types import Operator
from bpy.props import (BoolProperty, StringProperty, FloatProperty,
IntProperty, EnumProperty)
from vse_toolbox.sequencer_utils import (get_strips, rename_strips, set_channels,
get_channel_index, new_text_strip, get_strip_at, get_channel_name,
from vse_toolbox import auto_splitter
from vse_toolbox.bl_utils import get_scene_settings, get_strip_settings
from shutil import copy2
class VSETB_OT_rename(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.strips_rename"
bl_label = "Rename Strips"
bl_description = "Rename Strips"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
#template : StringProperty(name="Strip Name", default="")
#increment : IntProperty(name="Increment", default=0)
selected_only : BoolProperty(name="Selected Only", default=True)
#start_number : IntProperty(name="Start Number", default=0, min=0)
#by_sequence : BoolProperty(
# name="Reset By Sequence",
# description="Reset Start Number for each sequence",
# default=False
def poll(cls, context):
settings = get_scene_settings()
strip = context.active_sequence_strip
return settings.active_project and get_channel_name(strip) in ('Shots', 'Sequences')
def invoke(self, context, event):
scn = context.scene
settings = get_scene_settings()
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scn = context.scene
settings = get_scene_settings()
project = settings.active_project
episode = project.episode_name
sequence = str(project.sequence_start_number).zfill(project.sequence_padding)
shot = str(project.shot_start_number).zfill(project.shot_padding)
strip = context.active_sequence_strip
channel_name = get_channel_name(strip)
col = layout.column()
col.use_property_split = True
col.use_property_decorate = False
if channel_name == 'Shots':
col.prop(project, 'shot_template', text='Shot Name')
col.prop(project, 'shot_start_number', text='Start Number')
col.prop(project, 'shot_increment', text='Increment')
col.prop(project, 'shot_padding', text='Padding')
col.prop(project, 'reset_by_sequence')
elif channel_name == 'Sequences':
col.prop(project, 'sequence_template' ,text='Sequence Name')
col.prop(project, 'sequence_start_number', text='Start Number')
col.prop(project, 'sequence_increment', text='Increment')
col.prop(project, 'sequence_padding', text='Padding')
col.prop(self, 'selected_only')
if channel_name == 'Shots':
label = project.shot_template.format(episode=episode, sequence=sequence, shot=shot)
elif channel_name == 'Sequences':
label = project.sequence_template.format(episode=episode, sequence=sequence)
col.label(text=f'Renaming {label}')
def execute(self, context):
scn = context.scene
settings = get_scene_settings()
project = settings.active_project
strip = context.active_sequence_strip
channel_name = get_channel_name(strip)
strips = get_strips(channel=channel_name, selected_only=self.selected_only)
if channel_name == 'Shots':
increment=project.shot_increment, start_number=project.shot_start_number,
if channel_name == 'Sequences':
increment=project.sequence_increment, start_number=project.sequence_start_number,
return {"FINISHED"}
class VSETB_OT_show_waveform(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.show_waveform"
bl_label = "Show Waveform"
bl_description = "Show Waveform of all audio strips"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
enabled : BoolProperty(default=True)
def poll(cls, context):
return True
def execute(self, context):
scn = context.scene
for strip in get_strips(channel='Audio'):
strip.show_waveform = self.enabled
return {"FINISHED"}
class VSETB_OT_set_sequencer(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.set_sequencer"
bl_label = "Set Sequencer"
bl_description = "Set resolution, frame end and channel names"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def poll(cls, context):
return True
def execute(self, context):
scn = context.scene
movies = get_strips(channel='Movie')
movie = None
if movies:
movie = movies[0]
movie.transform.scale_x = movie.transform.scale_y = 1
elem = movie.strip_elem_from_frame(scn.frame_current)
scn.render.resolution_x = elem.orig_width
scn.render.resolution_y = elem.orig_height
self.report({'INFO'}, f'Cannot set Resolution. No Movie Found.')
scn.view_settings.view_transform = 'Standard'
scn.render.image_settings.file_format = 'FFMPEG'
scn.render.ffmpeg.gopsize = 8
scn.render.ffmpeg.constant_rate_factor = 'HIGH'
scn.render.ffmpeg.format = 'QUICKTIME'
scn.render.ffmpeg.audio_codec = 'AAC'
scn.render.ffmpeg.audio_codec = 'MP3'
scn.render.ffmpeg.audio_mixrate = 44100
scn.render.ffmpeg.audio_bitrate = 128
shots = get_strips(channel='Shots')
if shots:
scn.frame_end = shots[-1].frame_final_end -1
elif movie:
scn.frame_end = movie.frame_final_end -1
return {"FINISHED"}
class VSETB_OT_auto_split(Operator):
"""Launch subprocess with ffmpeg and python to find and create each
shots strips from video source"""
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.auto_split"
bl_label = "Auto Split"
bl_description = "Generate shots strips"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
threshold: FloatProperty(name="Threshold", default=0.6, min=0, max=1)
frame_first: IntProperty(name='Start Split')
frame_last: IntProperty(name='End Split')
movie_channel_name: EnumProperty(
items=lambda self, ctx: ((c.name, c.name, '') for c in ctx.scene.sequence_editor.channels),
name='Movie Channel')
def invoke(self, context, event):
self.frame_first = context.scene.frame_start
self.frame_last = context.scene.frame_end
if context.selected_sequences:
self.frame_first = min([s.frame_final_start for s in context.selected_sequences])
self.frame_last = max([s.frame_final_end for s in context.selected_sequences])
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
col = layout.column()
col.use_property_split = True
col.use_property_decorate = False
col.prop(self, 'threshold')
col.prop(self, 'movie_channel_name')
split_col = col.column(align=True)
split_col.prop(self, 'frame_first', text='Frame Split First')
split_col.prop(self, 'frame_last', text='Last')
col.prop(self, 'selected_only')
def execute(self, context):
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
def modal(self, context, event):
strips = get_strips(channel=self.movie_channel_name)
i = 1
frame_start = self.frame_first
for strip in strips:
if strip.type != 'MOVIE':
# Skip strip outside the frame range to create shot from.
if strip.frame_final_start >= self.frame_last or strip.frame_final_end <= self.frame_first:
process = auto_splitter.launch_split(strip, self.threshold, frame_start=self.frame_first, frame_end=self.frame_last)
for line in process.stdout:
# Get frame split from the movie timeline (not from blender strips timeline)
frame_end = auto_splitter.get_split_time(line, fps=24)
if not frame_end:
# Convert movie frame to strips frame
if frame_start+int(strip.frame_start) < self.frame_first:
frame_start = self.frame_first
frame_end += int(strip.frame_final_start)
if frame_end > self.frame_last:
frame_end = self.frame_last
i += 1
frame_start = frame_end
bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type='DRAW_WIN_SWAP', iterations=1)
# Last strip:
if frame_start < self.frame_last:
return {'FINISHED'}
class VSETB_OT_set_stamps(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.set_stamps"
bl_label = "Set Stamps"
bl_description = "Set Stamps on Video"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def execute(self, context):
scn = context.scene
settings = get_scene_settings()
project = settings.active_project
#strip_settings = get_strip_settings()
channel_index = get_channel_index('Stamps')
for strip in get_strips('Stamps'):
if strip.type == 'META':
height = scn.render.resolution_y
width = scn.render.resolution_x
ratio = (height / 1080)
margin = 0.01
box_margin = 0.005
font_size = int(24*ratio)
crop_x = int(width * 0.4)
crop_max_y = int(height - font_size*2)
#crop_min_y = int(scn.render.resolution_y * 0.01)
stamp_params = dict(start=scn.frame_start, end=scn.frame_end,
font_size=font_size, y=margin, box_margin=box_margin, select=True, box_color=(0, 0, 0, 0.5))
# Project Name
project_text = '{project}'
if project.type == 'TVSHOW':
project_text = '{project} / ep{episode}'
project_strip_stamp = new_text_strip('project_stamp', channel=1, **stamp_params,
text=project_text, x=0.01, align_x='LEFT', align_y='BOTTOM')
project_strip_stamp.crop.max_x = crop_x * 2
project_strip_stamp.crop.max_y = crop_max_y
# Shot Name
shot_strip_stamp = new_text_strip('shot_stamp', channel=2, **stamp_params,
text='sq{sequence} / sh{shot}', align_y='BOTTOM')
shot_strip_stamp.crop.min_x = crop_x
shot_strip_stamp.crop.max_x = crop_x
shot_strip_stamp.crop.max_y = crop_max_y
# Frame
frame_strip_stamp = new_text_strip('frame_stamp', channel=3, **stamp_params,
text='{shot_frame} / {shot_duration} {timecode}', x=0.99, align_x='RIGHT', align_y='BOTTOM')
frame_strip_stamp.crop.min_x = crop_x *2
frame_strip_stamp.crop.max_y = crop_max_y
stamps_strip = context.active_sequence_strip
stamps_strip.name = 'Stamps'
stamps_strip.channel = channel_index
#stamps_strip = scn.sequence_editor.sequences.new_meta('Stamps', scn.frame_start, scn.frame_end)
#stamps_strip.channel = get_channel_index('Stamps')
scn.frame_set(scn.frame_current) # For update stamps
return {"FINISHED"}
class VSETB_OT_previous_shot(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.previous_shot"
bl_label = "Jump to Previous Shot"
bl_description = "Jump to Previous Shot"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def execute(self, context):
strips = get_strips('Shots')
if not strips:
return {"CANCELLED"}
active_strip = get_strip_at('Shots')
if active_strip is strips[0]:
return {"CANCELLED"}
active_strip_index = strips.index(active_strip)
next_shot = strips[active_strip_index - 1]
next_shot.select = True
context.scene.sequence_editor.active_strip = next_shot
return {"FINISHED"}
class VSETB_OT_next_shot(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.next_shot"
bl_label = "Jump to Next Shot"
bl_description = "Jump to Next Shot"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def execute(self, context):
strips = get_strips('Shots')
if not strips:
return {"CANCELLED"}
active_strip = get_strip_at('Shots')
if active_strip is strips[-1]:
return {"CANCELLED"}
active_strip_index = strips.index(active_strip)
next_shot = strips[active_strip_index + 1]
next_shot.select = True
context.scene.sequence_editor.active_strip = next_shot
return {"FINISHED"}
class VSETB_OT_open_strip_folder(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.open_strip_folder"
bl_label = "Open Strip Folder"
bl_description = "Open selected strip folder"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def poll(cls, context):
strip = context.active_sequence_strip
if not strip:
cls.poll_message_set('No active')
if not any(p in get_channel_name(strip) for p in ('Shots', 'Sequences', 'Movie', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Sound')):
cls.poll_message_set('Only for Shots, Sequences, Movie and Audio strips')
return True
def execute(self, context):
tpl_by_channel = {
'Shots': 'shot_dir',
'Sequences': 'sequence_dir'
strip = context.active_sequence_strip
settings = get_scene_settings()
project = settings.active_project
strip_settings = get_strip_settings()
format_data = {**settings.format_data, **project.format_data, **strip_settings.format_data}
channel_name = get_channel_name(strip)
if strip.type in ('MOVIE', 'IMAGE'):
path = Path(strip.filepath)
elif strip.type in ('SOUND'):
path = Path(strip.sound.filepath)
folder_template = expandvars(project.templates[tpl_by_channel[channel_name]].value)
path = Path(folder_template.format(**format_data))
if not path.is_dir():
path = path.parent
return {"FINISHED"}
class VSETB_OT_collect_files(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.collect_files"
bl_label = "Collect Files"
bl_description = "Collect Files"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
collect_folder: StringProperty(
name="Collect Folder", default="//sources", subtype='DIR_PATH')
def poll(cls, context):
if bpy.data.is_saved:
return True
cls.poll_message_set('Save the blend to collect files')
def execute(self, context):
strip = context.active_sequence_strip
settings = get_scene_settings()
project = settings.active_project
strips = [s for s in context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences_all if s.type in ('MOVIE', 'SOUND')]
context.window_manager.progress_begin(0, len(strips))
for i, strip in enumerate(strips):
if strip.type == 'MOVIE':
src_path = strip.filepath
elif strip.type == 'SOUND':
src_path = strip.sound.filepath
src_path = Path(abspath(bpy.path.abspath(src_path)))
dst_path = Path(bpy.path.abspath(self.collect_folder), src_path.name)
if src_path == dst_path:
dst_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
print(f'Copy file from {src_path} to {dst_path}')
copy2(str(src_path), str(dst_path))
rel_path = bpy.path.relpath(str(dst_path))
if len(Path(rel_path).as_posix()) < len(dst_path.as_posix()):
dst_path = rel_path
if strip.type == 'MOVIE':
strip.filepath = str(dst_path)
elif strip.type == 'SOUND':
strip.sound.filepath = str(dst_path)
return {"FINISHED"}
def invoke(self, context, event):
scn = context.scene
settings = get_scene_settings()
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
class VSETB_OT_insert_channel(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.insert_channel"
bl_label = "Insert Channel"
bl_description = "Insert a Channel bellow the active strip"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def poll(cls, context):
return context.active_sequence_strip
def execute(self, context):
scn = context.scene
channel_index = context.active_sequence_strip.channel
strips = list(scn.sequence_editor.sequences)
for strip in sorted(strips, key=lambda x: x.channel, reverse=True):
if strip.channel >= channel_index:
strip.channel += 1
channels = {i: (c.name, c.lock, c.mute) for i, c in enumerate(scn.sequence_editor.channels)}
for i in sorted(channels.keys()):
channel = scn.sequence_editor.channels[i]
#i = list(scn.sequence_editor.channels).index(i)
prev_channel = channels.get(i-1)
if i == channel_index:
channel.name = "Channel"
channel.lock = False
channel.mute = False
elif i >= channel_index and prev_channel is not None:
prev_name, prev_lock, prev_mute = prev_channel
channel.name = prev_name
if channel.lock != prev_lock:
channel.lock = prev_lock
if channel.mute != prev_mute:
channel.mute = prev_mute
return {'FINISHED'}
class VSETB_OT_remove_channel(Operator):
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.remove_channel"
bl_label = "Remove Channel"
bl_description = "Remove Channel bellow the active strip"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def poll(cls, context):
return context.active_sequence_strip
def execute(self, context):
scn = context.scene
channel_index = context.active_sequence_strip.channel
if [s for s in scn.sequence_editor.sequences if s.channel == channel_index-1]:
self.report({"WARNING"}, "Channel Bellow not empty")
strips = list(scn.sequence_editor.sequences)
for strip in sorted(strips, key=lambda x: x.channel):
if strip.channel >= channel_index:
strip.channel -= 1
channels = {i: (c.name, c.lock, c.mute) for i, c in enumerate(scn.sequence_editor.channels)}
for i in sorted(channels.keys(), reverse=True):
channel = scn.sequence_editor.channels[i]
#i = list(scn.sequence_editor.channels).index(i)
prev_channel = channels.get(i+1)
if i >= channel_index-1 and prev_channel is not None:
prev_name, prev_lock, prev_mute = prev_channel
channel.name = prev_name
if channel.lock != prev_lock:
channel.lock = prev_lock
if channel.mute != prev_mute:
channel.mute = prev_mute
return {'FINISHED'}
class WM_OT_split_view(Operator):
"""Toggle Split sequencer view"""
bl_idname = "wm.split_view"
bl_label = "Split View"
def get_preview_areas(self, context):
return [
x for x in context.screen.areas
if x.type == "SEQUENCE_EDITOR" and x.spaces[0].view_type == "PREVIEW"
def invoke(self, context, event):
preview_areas = self.get_preview_areas(context)
if not preview_areas:
return {"CANCELLED"}
scn = context.scene
video_channels = [i for i, c in enumerate(scn.sequence_editor.channels) if 'Video' in c.name]
if len(video_channels) < 2:
self.report({"ERROR"}, 'You need two channels to split the view')
return {"CANCELLED"}
if len(preview_areas) == 1:
# Split area
with bpy.context.temp_override(area=preview_areas[0]):
# Disable toolbar on right panel
# Update areas
preview_areas = self.get_preview_areas(context)
preview_areas[-1].spaces[0].display_channel = 0 #video_channels[-1]
preview_areas[0].spaces[0].display_channel = video_channels[-2]
preview_areas[0].spaces[0].show_gizmo_navigate = False
preview_areas[-1].spaces[0].show_gizmo_navigate = False
# Hide toolbar
#preview_areas[0].spaces[0].show_region_toolbar = False
# Give the remaining area to have the left area's channel displayed
# Show toolbar of remaning area
#preview_areas[0].spaces[0].show_region_toolbar = True
# Join areas
# Simulates the mouse position as being between the two areas horizontally
# and a bit above the bottom corner vertically
cursor_x = int(preview_areas[0].x - (preview_areas[0].x - preview_areas[1].width) / 2)
cursor_y = preview_areas[0].y + 10
bpy.ops.screen.area_join(cursor=(cursor_x, cursor_y))
preview_areas = self.get_preview_areas(context)
preview_areas[0].spaces[0].display_channel = 0
# Force UI update, due to Blender bug, delete when fixed -> https://developer.blender.org/T65529
bpy.ops.screen.area_swap(cursor=(preview_areas[0].x, preview_areas[0].y))
bpy.ops.screen.area_swap(cursor=(preview_areas[0].x, preview_areas[0].y))
return {"FINISHED"}
class VSETB_OT_merge_shot_strips(Operator):
"""Merge selected shots strips (required at least two strips)."""
bl_idname = "vse_toolbox.merge_shot_strips"
bl_label = "Merge Shot Strips"
def poll(cls, context):
selected_strips = bpy.context.selected_sequences
if len(selected_strips) <= 1:
return False
return all(get_channel_name(strip) == 'Shots' for strip in selected_strips)
def execute(self, context):
selected_strips = bpy.context.selected_sequences
last_frame = selected_strips[-1].frame_final_end
for i in range(1, len(selected_strips)):
selected_strips[0].frame_final_end = last_frame
return {"FINISHED"}
addon_keymaps = []
def register_keymaps():
addon = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.addon
if not addon:
#print('VSE Toolbox Keymaps Register')
km = addon.keymaps.new(name="Sequencer", space_type="SEQUENCE_EDITOR")
kmi = km.keymap_items.new('vse_toolbox.previous_shot', type='LEFT_ARROW', value='PRESS', ctrl=True)
addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))
kmi = km.keymap_items.new('vse_toolbox.next_shot', type='RIGHT_ARROW', value='PRESS', ctrl=True)
addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))
kmi = km.keymap_items.new('vse_toolbox.merge_shot_strips', type='J', value='PRESS', ctrl=True)
addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))
def unregister_keymaps():
#print('unregister_keymaps', addon_keymaps)
for km, kmi in addon_keymaps:
if kmi in list(km.keymap_items):
classes = (
def register():
for cls in classes:
def unregister():
for cls in reversed(classes):