update names
0.2.6 - ui: name changes - ui: dedicated tab in Node editor too - addon: rename addon from "GP export" to "GP Render"main
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ Activate / deactivate layer opaticty according to prefix
Activate / deactivate all masks using MA layers
Activate / deactivate all masks using MA layers
- ui: name changes
- ui: dedicated tab in Node editor too
- addon: rename addon from "GP export" to "GP Render"
- ui: removed menu above layer stack
- ui: removed menu above layer stack
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def export_gp_objects(oblist, exclude_list=['MA', 'IN']):
class GPEXP_OT_add_objects_to_render(bpy.types.Operator):
class GPEXP_OT_add_objects_to_render(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "gp.add_object_to_render"
bl_idname = "gp.add_object_to_render"
bl_label = "Add all Gp Layer of active object as render nodes"
bl_label = "Add all Gp Layer of active object as render nodes"
bl_description = "Create a view_layer for GP. Add node > connect to output"
bl_description = "Setup GP object in render scene\nNote: 'send all' mode skip hided objects"
bl_options = {"REGISTER"}
bl_options = {"REGISTER"}
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
bl_info = {
bl_info = {
"name": "GP exporter",
"name": "GP render",
"description": "Organise export of gp layers through compositor output",
"description": "Organise export of gp layers through compositor output",
"author": "Samuel Bernou",
"author": "Samuel Bernou",
"version": (0, 2, 5),
"version": (0, 2, 6),
"blender": (2, 93, 0),
"blender": (2, 93, 0),
"location": "View3D",
"location": "View3D",
"warning": "",
"warning": "",
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
info = {
'icon': 'X',
'description': 'Full Clear : nodes, render_layers, nodegroups',
import bpy
C = bpy.context
def clear():
render = bpy.data.scenes.get('Render')
if not render:
print('SKIP, no Render scene')
return {"CANCELLED"}
# # clear passes
# for i in range(len(render.view_layers))[::-1]:
# vl = render.view_layers[i]
# if not ' / ' in vl.name:
# render.view_layers.remove(vl)
# clear all nodes
if render.use_nodes:
for i in range(len(render.node_tree.nodes))[::-1]:
if not render.node_tree.nodes[i].parent:
# clear all view_layers
for vl in reversed(render.view_layers):
if ' / ' in vl.name:
# clear all "NG_" nodegroups
for ng in reversed(bpy.data.node_groups):
if ng.name.startswith('NG_'):
@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
info = {
'icon': 'SHADERFX',
'description': 'create GP render nodes',
import fnmatch
import glob
import os
import re
from math import degrees, radians
from os import listdir
from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, isdir, isfile, join, splitext
from pathlib import Path
from mathutils import Vector
import bpy
from collections import defaultdict
C = bpy.context
D = bpy.data
def real_loc(n):
if not n.parent:
return n.location
return n.location + real_loc(n.parent)
def get_frame_transform(f, node_tree):
'''Return real transform location of a frame node
only works with one level of nesting (not recursive)
if f.type != 'FRAME':
# return real_loc(f), f.dimensions
childs = [n for n in node_tree.nodes if n.parent == f]
# real_locs = [f.location + n.location for n in childs]
xs = [n.location.x for n in childs] + [n.location.x + n.dimensions.x for n in childs]
ys = [n.location.y for n in childs] + [n.location.y - n.dimensions.y for n in childs]
xs.sort(key=lambda loc: loc) # x val : ascending
ys.sort(key=lambda loc: loc) # ascending # , reversed=True) # y val : descending
loc = Vector((min(xs), max(ys)))
dim = Vector((max(xs) - min(xs) + 60, max(ys) - min(ys) + 60))
return loc, dim
def bbox(f, frames):
for n in frames[f]: # nodes of passed frame
# Better as Vectors ?
if n.type == 'FRAME':
if n not in frames.keys():
# print(f'frame {n.name} not in frame list')
all_xs, all_ys = bbox(n, frames) # frames[n]
xs += all_xs
ys += all_ys
loc = real_loc(n)
xs += [loc.x, loc.x + n.dimensions.x] # + (n.dimensions.x/get_dpi_factor())
ys += [loc.y, loc.y - n.dimensions.y] # - (n.dimensions.y/get_dpi_factor())
# margin ~= 30
# return xs and ys
return [min(xs)-30, max(xs)+30], [min(ys)-30, max(ys)+30]
def get_frames_bbox(node_tree):
'''Return a dic with all frames
ex: {frame_node: (location, dimension), ...}
# create dic of frame object with his direct child nodes nodes
frames = defaultdict(list)
frames_bbox = {}
for n in node_tree.nodes:
if not n.parent:
# also contains frames
# Dic for bbox coord
for f, nodes in frames.items():
if f.parent:
xs, ys = bbox(f, frames)
# xs, ys = bbox(nodes, frames)
## returning: list of corner coords
# coords = [
# Vector((xs[0], ys[1])),
# Vector((xs[1], ys[1])),
# Vector((xs[1], ys[0])),
# Vector((xs[0], ys[0])),
# ]
# frames_bbox[f] = coords
## returning: (loc vector, dimensions vector)
frames_bbox[f] = Vector((xs[0], ys[1])), Vector((xs[1] - xs[0], ys[1] - ys[0]))
return frames_bbox
def create_node(type, tree=None, **kargs):
tree = tree or bpy.context.scene.node_tree
node = tree.nodes.new(type)
for k,v in kargs.items():
setattr(node, k, v)
return node
def new_aa_node(tree):
'''create AA node'''
aa = create_node('CompositorNodeAntiAliasing', tree) # type = ANTIALIASING
aa.threshold = 0.5
aa.contrast_limit = 0.5
aa.corner_rounding = 0.25
aa.hide = True
return aa
def get_render_scene():
render = bpy.data.scenes.get('Render')
if not render:
render = bpy.data.scenes.new('Render')
render.use_nodes = True
return render
def set_settings(scene=None):
if not scene:
scene = bpy.context.scene
# specify scene settings for these kind of render
scene = bpy.context.scene
scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = 1
scene.grease_pencil_settings.antialias_threshold = 0
def get_view_layer(name, scene=None):
'''get viewlayer name
return existing/created viewlayer
if not scene:
# scene = bpy.context.scene
scene = get_render_scene()
### pass double letter prefix as suffix
## pass_name = re.sub(r'^([A-Z]{2})(_)(.*)', r'\3\2\1', 'name')
## pass_name = f'{name}_{passe}'
pass_vl = scene.view_layers.get(name)
if not pass_vl:
pass_vl = scene.view_layers.new(name)
return pass_vl
def add_rlayer(layer_name, scene=None, location=None, color=None, node_name=None, width=400):
'''create a render layer node
if node_name is not specified, use passed layer name
if not node_name:
node_name = layer_name # 'RL_' +
if not scene:
nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes
comp = nodes.get(node_name)
if comp:
if comp.layer == node_name:
return comp
# TODO : delete rlayer with bad VL name !
comp = nodes.new('CompositorNodeRLayers')
comp.name = node_name
comp.scene = scene
comp.layer = layer_name
comp.label = layer_name
if location:
comp.location = location
if color:
comp.color = color
if width:
comp.width = width
comp.show_preview = False
return comp
def clear_nodegroup(name, full_clear=False):
'''remove duplication of a nodegroup (.???)
also remove the base one if full_clear True
for ng in reversed(bpy.data.node_groups):
pattern = name + r'\.\d{3}'
if re.search(pattern, ng.name):
if full_clear and ng.name == name:
# if full clear
def rearrange_frames(node_tree):
print('> re-arrange node_tree')
frame_d = get_frames_bbox(node_tree) # dic : {frame_node:(loc vector, dimensions vector), ...}
if not frame_d:
## order the dict by frame.y location
frame_d = {key: value for key, value in sorted(frame_d.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1][0].y - pair[1][1].y, reversed=True)}
frame_d = {key: value for key, value in sorted(frame_d.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1][0].y - pair[1][1].y, reversed=True)}
frames = [[f, v[0], v[1].y] for f, v in frame_d.items()] # [frame_node, real_loc, real dimensions]
# frames.sort(key=lambda n: n.location.y - n.dimensions.y, reverse=True)
# top = frames[0].location.y
top = frames[0][1].y # upper node location.y
offset = 0
for f in frames:
# n.location.y = top - offset
f[0].location.y = (f[1].y - f[0].location.y) + top - offset
offset += f[2] + 50 # gap # f[0].dimensions.y
def reorder_inputs(ng):
rl_nodes = [s.links[0].from_node for s in ng.inputs if s.is_linked and s.links and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'R_LAYERS']
rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True)
names = [n.layer for n in rl_nodes]
inputs_names = [s.name for s in ng.inputs]
filtered_names = [n for n in names if n in inputs_names]
for dest, name in enumerate(filtered_names):
## rebuild list at each iteration so index are good
inputs_names = [s.name for s in ng.inputs]
src = inputs_names.index(name)
# reorder on node_tree not directly on node!
ng.node_tree.inputs.move(src, dest)
def reorder_outputs(ng):
ordered_out_name = [nis.name for nis in ng.inputs if nis.name in [o.name for o in ng.outputs]]
for s_name in ordered_out_name:
all_outnames = [o.name for o in ng.outputs]
# reorder on nodetree, not on node !
ng.node_tree.outputs.move(all_outnames.index(s_name), ordered_out_name.index(s_name))
def clear_disconnected(fo):
for inp in reversed(fo.inputs):
if not inp.is_linked:
print(f'Deleting unlinked fileout slot: {inp.name}')
def reorder_fileout(fo, ng=None):
if not ng: # get connected nodegroup
for s in fo.inputs:
if s.is_linked and s.links and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'GROUP':
ng = s.links[0].from_node
if not ng:
print(f'No nodegroup to refer to filter {fo.name}')
ordered = [o.links[0].to_socket.name for o in ng.outputs if o.is_linked and o.is_linked and o.links[0].to_node == fo]
for s_name in ordered:
all_outnames = [s.name for s in fo.inputs] # same as [fs.path for fs in fo.file_slots]
fo.inputs.move(all_outnames.index(s_name), ordered.index(s_name))
def connect_to_group_output(n):
for o in n.outputs:
if o.is_linked:
if o.links[0].to_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT':
return o.links[0].to_socket
val = connect_to_group_output(o.links[0].to_node)
if val:
return val
return False
def connect_to_group_input(n):
for i in n.inputs:
if i.is_linked:
if i.links[0].from_node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT':
return i.links[0].from_socket
val = connect_to_group_input(i.links[0].from_node)
if val:
return val
return False
def connect_render_layer(rlayer, ng=None, out=None, frame=None):
scene = get_render_scene()
nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes
links = scene.node_tree.links
vl_name = rlayer.layer
if not vl_name or vl_name == 'View Layer':
print(f'Bad layer for node {rlayer.name}')
if not ' / ' in vl_name:
print(f'no slash (" / ") separator in vl_name {vl_name}, should be "obj.name / layer_name"')
obname, lname = vl_name.split(' / ')
lname = bpy.path.clean_name(lname)
if not frame:
if rlayer.parent:
print(f'render_layer has not parent frame: {rlayer.name}')
ng_name = f'NG_{obname}' # only object name
# get set nodegroup from vlayer name
## clear nodes groups duplication (.00?)
clear_nodegroup(ng_name, full_clear=False)
if not ng:
ng = nodes.get(ng_name)
if not ng:
ngroup = bpy.data.node_groups.get(ng_name)
if not ngroup:
# delete and recreate ?
print(f'create nodegroup {ng_name}')
ngroup = bpy.data.node_groups.new(ng_name, 'CompositorNodeTree')
ng = create_node('CompositorNodeGroup', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(rlayer.location[0] + 600, rlayer.location[1]), width=400)
if frame:
ng.parent= frame
ng.node_tree = ngroup
ng.name = ngroup.name
ng_in = create_node('NodeGroupInput', tree=ngroup, location=(-600,0))
ng_out = create_node('NodeGroupOutput', tree=ngroup, location=(600,0))
print(f'found group node {ng.name}')
ngroup = ng.node_tree
ng_in = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Input')
ng_out = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Output')
# Connect rlayer to nodegroup
if not rlayer.outputs['Image'].is_linked:
sockin = ng.inputs.get(vl_name)
if not sockin:
print('creating socket', vl_name)
sockin = ng.inputs.new('NodeSocketColor', vl_name)
sockin = ng.inputs[-1]
links.new(rlayer.outputs['Image'], sockin)
## get nodes from frame
rl_nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer != 'View Layer' and n.parent == frame]
# auto clean : if an input exists but is not linked and name not exists in rlayers of current frame
for s in reversed(ng.inputs):
if not s.is_linked: # and not any(x.layer == s.name for x in rl_nodes)
print(f'removing grp unlinked input {s.name}')
## get nodes from linked NG inputs ??? maybe more clear...
# rl_nodes = [s.links[0].from_node for s in ng.inputs if s.links and s.links[0].from_node and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'R_LAYERS']
## reorder
# CREATE NG outsocket (individual, without taking merge)
connected = False
if ng_in.outputs[vl_name].is_linked:
# check if connect to the other side
socket = connect_to_group_output(ng_in.outputs[vl_name].links[0].to_node) #if ng_in.outputs[vl_name].links[0].to_node.type == 'ALPHAOVER':
if socket:
connected = True
groupout = ng.outputs.get(socket.name)
if not connected:
print('need to connect')
# add AA and connect
aa = new_aa_node(ngroup)
groupout = ng.outputs.get(vl_name)
if not groupout:
print('create group out-socket')
ng.outputs.new('NodeSocketColor', vl_name) # assigning direcly doesn't link well
groupout = ng.outputs[-1]
print('ng_out.inputs.get(vl_name): ', ng_out.inputs.get(vl_name))
# ng_in.outputs[vl_name]
ngroup.links.new(ng_in.outputs[vl_name], aa.inputs[0]) # node_tree
ngroup.links.new(aa.outputs[0], ng_out.inputs[vl_name]) # node_tree
# clean outputs
for o in reversed(ngroup.outputs):
if not o.name in [o.name for o in ngroup.inputs]:
print(f'removing group output {o.name} (name not exists in group inputs)')
# reorder output to match inputs
# Clear : delete orphan nodes that are not connected from ng_in
for n in reversed(ngroup.nodes):
if n.type in ('GROUP_INPUT', 'GROUP_OUTPUT'):
if not connect_to_group_input(n) and not connect_to_group_output(n): # is disconnected from both side
# TODO clear nodes that are disconnected from input side ?
if groupout.links and groupout.links[0].to_node.type == 'OUTPUT_FILE':
# if already connected to outfile just skip cause user might have customised the name
slot_name = f'{lname}/{lname}_'
out_name = f'OUT_{obname}' # or get output from frame
if not out:
out = nodes.get(out_name)
if not out:
out = create_node('CompositorNodeOutputFile', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(ng.location[0]+600, ng.location[1]+50), width=600) # color = (0.2,0.3,0.5)
out.name = out_name
out.parent = frame
out.base_path = f'//render/{bpy.path.clean_name(obname)}'
out_input = out.inputs.get(slot_name)
if not out_input:
out_input = out.inputs[-1] # assigning directly above doesn't link afterwards
# print(f'new filouput entry: {out_input}')
# link to FileOut
links.new(groupout, out_input)
# clean fileout
reorder_fileout(out, ng=ng)
return ng, out
def get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l, scene=None):
if not scene:
# scene = bpy.context.scene
scene = get_render_scene() # create if necessary
node_tree = scene.node_tree
nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes
in_rds = scene.collection.all_objects.get(ob.name)
if not in_rds:
# create viewlayer
vl_name = f'{ob.name} / {l.info}'
vl = get_view_layer(vl_name, scene=scene)
vl_name = vl.name
# affect layer to this vl
l.viewlayer_render = vl_name
# check if already exists
rlayer_list = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer == vl_name]
# get frame object and their contents
# dict like : {objname : [layer_nodeA, layer_nodeB,...]}
frame_dic = {f.label: [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.parent and n.parent.name == f.name and n.layer != 'View Layer']
for f in nodes if f.type == 'FRAME'}
# debug print
for k,v in frame_dic.items():
print('-', k)
for n in v:
print('---', n.layer)
if rlayer_list: # rlayer exists
print(f'{len(rlayer_list)} nodes using {vl_name}')
# affect only the one within an object frame
framed_rl = [n for n in rlayer_list if n.parent and n.parent.label == ob.name]
if framed_rl:
if len(framed_rl) > 1:
print(f'! More than one nodes using {vl_name} in a frame ({len(framed_rl)}) !')
# sort top to bottom and take upper node
framed_rl.sort(key=lambda x:x.location.y, reverse=True)
cp = framed_rl[0]
cp.select = True # select so the user see that it existed
return vl, cp
# Returned if existed and OK
if not ob.name in frame_dic.keys(): # and len(frame_dic[ob.name])
print(f'\n{ob.name} -> {l.info} (first generation)')
# frame not exists, add the RL and frame at the very bottom of all render_layers
# check position of frame type ? all type ?
all_frames = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'FRAME']
# all_rl_x = [n.location.x for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer != 'View Layer']
if all_frames:
# all_frames.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True)
# loc.y - dim.y
y_loc = min(get_frame_transform(f)[0].y - get_frame_transform(f)[1].y for f in all_frames)
loc = (0, y_loc)
loc = (0,0)
print('loc: ', loc)
# create frame at new rl position
frame = nodes.new('NodeFrame')
frame.label = ob.name
frame.label_size = 50
frame.location = (loc[0], loc[1] + 20)
cp = add_rlayer(vl_name, scene=scene, location=loc)
cp.parent = frame
connect_render_layer(cp, frame=frame)
""" # Create omega-node group
ngroup = bpy.data.node_groups.new('NG_' + vl_name, 'CompositorNodeTree')
ng = create_node('CompositorNodeGroup', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(x_loc + 600, y_loc), width=400)
ng.node_tree = ngroup
ng.name = ngroup.name
print('ng.node_tree: ', ng.node_tree)
# add GROUP_INPUT(NodeGroupInput) && GROUP_OUTPUT(NodeGroupOutput)
ng_in = create_node('NodeGroupInput', tree=ngroup, location=(-600,0))
ng_out = create_node('NodeGroupOutput', tree=ngroup, location=(600,0))
# add AA and connect
aa = new_aa_node(ngroup)
ngroup.inputs.new('NodeSocketColor', vl_name)
ngroup.outputs.new('NodeSocketColor', vl_name)
scene.node_tree.links.new(cp.outputs[0], ng.inputs[0])
ngroup.links.new(ng_in.outputs[0], aa.inputs[0]) # node_tree.
ngroup.links.new(aa.outputs[0], ng_out.inputs[0]) # node_tree.
# --- add fileout node
# CompositorNodeOutputFile OUTPUT_FILE
out = create_node('CompositorNodeOutputFile', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(x_loc+1200, y_loc+50), width=600) # color = (0.2,0.3,0.5)
out.name = f'OUT_{vl_name}'
out.base_path = f'//render/{bpy.path.clean_name(ob.name)}' # TODO hardcoded base path
out.file_slots[0].path = f'{bpy.path.clean_name(l.info)}/{bpy.path.clean_name(l.info)}_'
scene.node_tree.links.new(ng.outputs[0], out.inputs[0])
return vl, cp
print(f'\n {ob.name} -> {l.info} (connect to existing)')
# ng = nodes.get(f'NG_{vl_name}')
# if not ng:
# print('nodegroup not found') # TODO generate if necessary
# return
# out = nodes.get(f'OUT_{vl_name}')
# if not out:
# print('output not found') # TODO generate if necessary
# return
## object frame exists: get framing and insert
cp = add_rlayer(vl_name, scene=scene, location=(0,0))
if cp.layer != vl_name:
print(f'problem with {cp}: {cp.layer} != {vl_name}')
frame = [f for f in nodes if f.type == 'FRAME' and f.label == ob.name][0]
rl_nodes = frame_dic[frame.label]
if rl_nodes:
# get nodes order to insert
rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda n: real_loc(n).y, reverse=True)
top_loc = real_loc(rl_nodes[0])
top_loc = get_frame_transform(frame[1]) -60
# cp.location = (top_loc[0], top_loc[1] + 100) # temp location to adjust x loc
# list of layer names in nodes order
rl_names = [n.layer.split(' / ')[1] for n in rl_nodes] # get True layer name from rl
# names with the right order WITH the new layer included
names = [lay.info for lay in ob.data.layers if lay.info in rl_names or lay == l]
# filter by getting index(layer_name)
cp.parent = frame
rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda x : names.index(x.layer.split(' / ')[1])) # Sort True layer name from rl
offset = 0
print(f'number of nodes in frame: {len(rl_nodes)}')
ref_node = rl_nodes[0]
print('ref_node: ', ref_node.name, ref_node.location)
for n in rl_nodes:
# set x loc from first node in list (maybe use leftmost ?)
n.location = (ref_node.location[0], top_loc[1] - offset)
offset += 180
# reorder render layers nodes within frame
connect_render_layer(cp, frame=frame)
# re-arrange all frames (since the offset probably overlapped)
return vl, cp
# def generate_all_layer(ob):
# '''Basic layer generation'''
# bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
# for l in ob.data.layers:
# if l.hide:
# continue
# get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l)
def generate_full_render_output(ob):
bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
# Create another scene. link the GP colleciton (or selected GP object when) in it
# create the render scene
rds = get_render_scene()
scn = bpy.data.scenes.get('Scene')
if not scn:
if bpy.context.scene != rds:
scn = rds
# return
all_scenes = [s for s in bpy.data.scenes if s != rds]
if not all_scenes:
print('! there is no default scene !')
scn = all_scenes[0]
# bpy.context.window.scene = rds # switch to render scene ?
# Link GP or 2D collections ? or GP by GP (in a dedicated collections ? not necessary)
# gp_col = bpy.data.collections.get('GP')
# if gp_col:
# rds.collection.children.link(gp_col)
# two_d = bpy.data.collections.get('2D')
# if two_d:
# rds.collection.children.link(gp_col)
## better to link selected objects (or all GP objects) on the fly...
## setup world, link a specific world or use the current one
if not rds.world:
rds.world = scn.world
## put in an "output" collection ?
# out_col = rds.collections.children.get('output')
# if not out_col:
# out_col = bpy.data.collections.new('output')
# rds.collection.children.link(out_col)
# Clear this/all object(s) and start from scratch
# nodes = rds.node_tree.nodes
exclude_list = ['MA', 'IN']
for l in ob.data.layers:
if any(x + '_' in l.info for x in exclude_list):
if l.hide:
## Create associated nodegroup later if needed (same operation as selecting multiple and run)
vl, cp = get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(ob, l, scene=rds)
## if an objects nodes are already there, should create in the same area (and offset the all the unrelated bottom nodes)
# def generate_all_objects():
# ## filter the objects by depth ? -> not reliable since animators use the X-ray sometimes...
# for o in bpy.context.selected_objects:
# if o.type != 'GPENCIL':
# continue
# if not o.select_get():
# continue
# generate_all_layer(o)
# generate_full_render_output(C.object)
get_set_viewlayer_from_gp(C.object, C.object.data.layers.active)
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
info = {
'icon': 'TRIA_DOWN_BAR',
'description': 'Merge layers',
import fnmatch
import glob
import os
import re
from math import degrees, radians
from os import listdir
from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, isdir, isfile, join, splitext
from pathlib import Path
import bpy
C = bpy.context
D = bpy.data
def random_color(alpha=False):
import random
if alpha:
return (random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), 1)
return (random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1))
def create_node(type, tree=None, **kargs):
tree = tree or bpy.context.scene.node_tree
node = tree.nodes.new(type)
for k,v in kargs.items():
setattr(node, k, v)
return node
def new_aa_node(tree):
'''create AA node'''
aa = create_node('CompositorNodeAntiAliasing', tree) # type = ANTIALIASING
aa.threshold = 0.5
aa.contrast_limit = 0.5
aa.corner_rounding = 0.25
aa.hide = True
return aa
def get_render_scene():
render = bpy.data.scenes.get('Render')
if not render:
render = bpy.data.scenes.new('Render')
render.use_nodes = True
return render
def merge_layers(rlayers, obname=None):
print(f'Merging {len(rlayers)} layers')
print('->', [r.layer for r in rlayers])
if not rlayers:
return ('ERROR', 'No render layer sent to merge')
ng = rlayers[0].outputs[0].links[0].to_node
rlayers.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True)
# change colors of those nodes
color = random_color()
for n in rlayers:
n.use_custom_color = True
n.color = color
# get inside socket (group input) from outside socket list (should be already ordered)
## by name
# for i, inp in enumerate(ng.node_tree.inputs):
# if inp.name ==
# by connection order
socket_list = []
grp_sockets = []
for n in rlayers:
if n.outputs[0].links[0].to_node != ng:
print(f'Skip {n.layer}, connect to {n.outputs[0].links[0].to_node} instead of {ng.name}')
sock_in = n.outputs[0].links[0].to_socket
for i, s in enumerate(ng.inputs):
if s == sock_in:
print(i, s.name)
grp_sockets.append(ng.node_tree.nodes['Group Input'].outputs[i])
# debug
for inp, grps in zip(socket_list, grp_sockets):
if inp.name != grps.name:
print(f'\n! Problem ! : {inp.name}, {grps.name}')
def merge_selected_layers():
'''Merge command from selected GP layers'''
ob = bpy.context.object
layer_names = [l.info for l in ob.data.layers if l.select and not l.hide]
print("layer_names", layer_names)#Dbg
if len(layer_names) < 2:
print(f'Should select multiple layers for merging')
render = bpy.data.scenes.get('Render')
if render:
nodes = render.node_tree.nodes
clean_ob_name = bpy.path.clean_name(ob.name)
rlayers = []
for l in layer_names:
## identifier is clean_name(ob.name).layer_name
idname = f'{clean_ob_name}.{l}'
# check the render layer that have a parent frame
rlayer = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer == idname and n.parent]
if not rlayer:
# send to function to generate the rlayer and connect
# rlayer = creation
merge_layers(rlayers, obname=clean_ob_name)
def merge_selected_render_layers():
'''Merge command from selected render layers nodes'''
render = bpy.data.scenes.get('Render')
if not render:
print('No render scene')
nodes = render.node_tree.nodes
selection = [n for n in nodes if n.select and n.type == 'R_LAYERS']
# should be from the same object:
assert all(selection[0].layer.split('.')[0] == n.layer.split('.')[0] for n in selection), 'Not every nodes start with the same object'
# obname = selection[0].layer.split('.')[0]
# merge_selected_layers() # function to merge from GP dopesheet
merge_selected_render_layers() # function to merge from nodegroup
@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
info = {
'description': 'Setup GP compositing passes',
import fnmatch
import glob
import os
import re
from math import degrees, radians
from os import listdir
from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, isdir, isfile, join, splitext
from pathlib import Path
import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
C = bpy.context
D = bpy.data
scene = C.scene
rebuild = True
white = (1,1,1)
black = (0,0,0)
rest = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]{2}_')
# allowed_prefixes = ['SP','LN','LT','DK','DE','TX','CO','MA','SH','CC',] # Mars express # 'PO','AN' # AN and posing are not rendered
# Unicorn wars tag set
allowed_prefixes = ['CU','TO','CO','FX'] # 'MA',
excluded_prefixes = ['PR','RG','TD',] # not used
# - create a json file with layer order, frame per GP and layer order
# - rules should be dynamic to regenerate
def link_node_group(filepath, group_name, link=True):
'''Link a node_group by name from a file, if link is False, append instead of linking'''
with bpy.data.libraries.load(filepath, link=link) as (data_from, data_to):
# data_to.node_groups = [c for c in data_from.node_groups if c.startswith(group_name)]
data_to.node_groups = [c for c in data_from.node_groups if c == group_name]
if data_to.node_groups:
return data_to.node_groups[0]
# return data_to.node_groups
def clear_view_layer():
for i in range(len(C.scene.view_layers))[::-1]:
vl = C.scene.view_layers[i]
if not '_' in vl.name:
if not vl.name.startswith('View'): # maybe not needed...
def get_view_layer(name):
'''get viewlayer name
return existing/created viewlayer
### pass double letter prefix as suffix
## pass_name = re.sub(r'^([A-Z]{2})(_)(.*)', r'\3\2\1', 'name')
## pass_name = f'{name}_{passe}'
pass_vl = scene.view_layers.get(name)
if not pass_vl:
pass_vl = scene.view_layers.new(name)
return pass_vl
def linkin(col, parent):
'''take tow collection, link col into parent.childs'''
if not col in [c for c in parent.children]:
def get_col(name):
'''get collection by name (create if not found)'''
col = bpy.data.collections.get(name)
if not col:
col = bpy.data.collections.new(name)
return col
def set_layer_col_attr(attr, value, lcol=None, filter=None):
'''set and attribute attr to set with a value on a viewlayer collection lcol'''
lcol = lcol or bpy.context.view_layer.layer_collection
for c in lcol.children:
if filter is None or filter(c):
setattr(c, attr, value(c) if callable(value) else value)
set_layer_col_attr(attr, value, lcol=c, filter=filter)
def set_passes_gp(ob):
if not ob.name.endswith('_PASSES'):
print(f'{ob.name} has not a _PASSES suffix')
collec_name = ob.name
pass_name = ob.name.replace('_PASSES', '')
for l in ob.data.layers:
vl = None
## Color to white
if l.info.startswith('CO_'): # Colors
# l.tint_factor = 1
# l.tint_color = white
vl = get_view_layer(pass_name+'_CO')
l.viewlayer_render = '' # remove viewlayer (should be on all VL)
elif l.info.startswith('TO_'): # Tones
# l.tint_color = black
# l.tint_factor = 1
vl = get_view_layer(pass_name+'_TO')
l.viewlayer_render = vl.name
## line at full opacity
elif l.info.startswith('CU_'): # CleanUp
vl = get_view_layer(pass_name+'_CU')
l.viewlayer_render = vl.name
l.opacity = 1
## spec switch to black (else white on white) full opacity
# elif l.info.startswith('SP_'):
# vl = get_view_layer(pass_name+'_SP')
# l.viewlayer_render = vl.name
# l.tint_color = black
# l.tint_factor = 1
# l.opacity = 1
#?# opacity to max ??
elif l.info.startswith('FX_'): # FX
vl = get_view_layer(pass_name+'_FX')
l.viewlayer_render = vl.name
elif l.info.startswith('MA_'): # Masks
l.opacity = 0 # put masks opacity to 0
if l.hide:
print(f'{l.info} is hidden')
## Add other prefixes even if they have no specific rules yet
# elif l.info.split('_')[0] in allowed_prefixes:
# pfix = l.info.split('_')[0]
# vl = get_view_layer(pass_name+f'_{pfix}')
# l.viewlayer_render = vl.name
# elif l.info.startswith(('PR','RG','TD'))
# assign exclude viewlayers
# vl = get_view_layer('_excluded')
# l.viewlayer_render = vl.name
l.viewlayer_render = get_view_layer('_excluded').name # do not assign vl to layer
## enable only the _passe col in those viewlayers
# TODO ! exclude other viewlayer collection than PASSE and it's parents
if vl:
set_layer_col_attr('exclude', True, vl.layer_collection)
set_layer_col_attr('exclude', False, vl.layer_collection, filter=lambda x: x.name == collec_name)
def clear_gp(name):
ob = bpy.data.objects.get(name)
if ob:
dat = ob.data
def dup_gp(ob, name):
nob = ob.copy()
nob.name = name
nob.data = ob.data.copy()
nob.data.name = name
return nob
def add_rlayer(layer_name, location=None, color=None, node_name=None):
'''create a render layer node
if node_name is not specified, use passed layer name
# connect to fileoutput
if not node_name:
node_name = layer_name # 'RL_' +
nodes = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes
comp = nodes.get(node_name)
if comp:
if rebuild:
location = comp.location.copy() # keep previous loc
return comp
comp = nodes.new('CompositorNodeRLayers')
comp.name = node_name
comp.layer = layer_name
comp.label = layer_name
if location:
comp.location = location
if color:
comp.color = color
return comp
def get_create_composite():
'''return composite output (create if needed) and replace it'''
nodes = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes
compout = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'COMPOSITE']
if compout:
compout = compout[0]
for lnk in compout.inputs[0].links:
lnk.from_node.location.y = 1000
compout = nodes.new('CompositorNodeComposite')
compout.location = (1000,1000)
return compout
def connect_node_group(out_socket, name, source_path):
'''get a node socket to connect from, name of the node group, source path where to find the nodegroup'''
nodes = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes
links = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.links
### TODO get create nodegroup node and connect from node socket
# check if node group exists in file
tree = bpy.data.node_groups.get(name)
if tree:
print('in tree')
# if the group tree exists delete laready connected node to recreate
for n in nodes:
if n.type != 'GROUP':
if not n.node_tree or n.node_tree != tree:
print('same group', n.name)
if len(n.inputs[0].links) < 1:
print('has links')
if out_socket.node == n.inputs[0].links[0].from_node:
print('no same from nodes:', n.inputs[0].links[0].from_node)
# always relink tree ??
tree = link_node_group(source_path, name, link=False) # should not duplicate
ng = nodes.new('CompositorNodeGroup')
ng.node_tree = tree
# create the link
links.new(out_socket, ng.inputs[0])
return ng
## create individual collection
def gp_output(gpo):
# get / create grease pencil passes
out = get_col('OUTPUT')
linkin(out, bpy.context.scene.collection)
name = gpo.name
col_out_name = name + '_OUTPUT'
passe_name = name + '_PASSES'
# create and link a collection
gpout = get_col(col_out_name)
linkin(gpout, out)
## Passes
col_passe = get_col(passe_name)
linkin(col_passe, gpout)
## Clean
## duplicate
gp_passe = dup_gp(gpo, passe_name)
## Set the passes in layers
## create viewlayers and compo_tree
prefixes = [l.info.split('_')[0] for l in gpo.data.layers if rest.match(l.info.strip(' -'))]
prefixes = list(set(prefixes))
nodes = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes
links = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.links
## get composite output
# compout = get_create_composite()
bottom = min([n.location.y for n in nodes]) - 250
x_rlayers_loc = [n.location.x for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS']
if x_rlayers_loc:
left_rlayer = min(x_rlayers_loc)
left_rlayer = 0
## sort prefixes according to given prefix list and keep non-listed at the list tail
new_prefixes = sorted([p for p in prefixes if p not in allowed_prefixes]) # non prelisted prefixes
prefixes = [p for p in allowed_prefixes if p in prefixes] # sorted prelisted prefixes
# prefixes += new_prefixes # add new prefixes to the end of the list
if new_prefixes:
print(r'/!\ warning, some prefixes are not listed :', new_prefixes)
### ------------------
## fileoutput
fo_name = name + '_FILEOUT'
fo = nodes.get(fo_name)
if not fo:
fo = nodes.new('CompositorNodeOutputFile')
fo.location = (left_rlayer + 800, bottom)
fo.name = fo_name
fo.width = 400
fo.file_slots.remove(fo.inputs[0]) # remove default Image first slot
# clear all inputs (could also fully delete node and recreate...)
for i in range(0, len(fo.file_slots))[::-1]:
print(i, fo.file_slots[i].path)
for lnk in fo.inputs[i].links:
fo.file_slots.remove(fo.inputs[i]) # fo.file_slots[i]
# TODO specifier un chemin d'output via env/template
fo.base_path = f'//sequences/{name}'
# Create render layers nodes from available prefixes
print('prefixes:', prefixes)
for pfix in prefixes:
## get previously created render layer and connect to file out
passe = f'{name}_{pfix}'
if first: # avoid first
bottom -= 200
comp = add_rlayer(passe, location=(left_rlayer, bottom), color=None)
comp.show_preview = False
rl_node = nodes.get(passe)
if not rl_node:
print(f'/!\ missing {passe}')
# Connect to fileoutput
subpath = f'{passe}/{passe}_'
sl = fo.file_slots.get(subpath)
if not sl:
sl = fo.file_slots.new(subpath)
ng = None
## TODO conditions according to type (8/16 bits, png, alpha...)
if pfix == 'SP':
# TODO need to pass link as True and dynamically define nodegroup library (using env)
ng = connect_node_group(rl_node.outputs[0], 'invert_keep_alpha', r'/z/___LONGS/UNICORN_WARS/library/nodegroups/invert_keep_alpha.blend')
links.new(ng.outputs[0], sl)
links.new(rl_node.outputs[0], sl)
# replace node_group if any
if ng:
rloc = rl_node.location
ng.location = (rloc.x + 300, rloc.y + 60)
## generate compo
def connect_main_vl():
nodes = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes
links = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.links
vl = bpy.context.scene.view_layers.get('View Layer')
if not vl:
print('No viewlayer named "View Layer" !')
# trying to autofetch
vlist = [vl for vl in bpy.context.scene.view_layers if not re.search(r'_[A-Z]{2}$', vl.name)]
if not vlist:
print('Cancelling, No candidate found...')
if len(vlist) > 1:
print('Cancelling, Multiple candidate found :', vlist)
vl = vlist[0]
print('Using autodetected view layer name:', vl.name)
render_vl = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer == vl.name]
compout = get_create_composite()
main_loc = (compout.location.x - 1000, compout.location.y - 24)
if not render_vl:
render_vl = add_rlayer(vl.name, location=main_loc, node_name='Render Layers')
render_vl = render_vl[0]
render_vl.location = main_loc
is_linked = [lnk for lnk in render_vl.outputs[0].links if lnk.to_node == compout]
if not is_linked:
outlinks = [lnk for lnk in compout.inputs[0].links]
if outlinks:
print(f'cannot link {render_vl.name} to composite, already linked from {outlinks[0].from_node.name}')
links.new(render_vl.outputs[0], compout.inputs[0])
print(f'{vl.name} already linked to composite')
def generate_all_comp():
bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
## sepcial check : mandatory 2D collection (Mars express)
col = bpy.data.collections.get('2D')
if not col:
print('No 2D collection in file (grease pencil comp is created from GP object within this collection)')
col = bpy.data.collections.get('GP')
if not col:
print('\n\nNo GP collection in file (need 2D or GP)\n\n')
# exclude_filter = ('old',)
# fetch targets
gp_objects = [o for o in col.all_objects if o.type == 'GPENCIL'
and not bpy.context.view_layer.objects[o.name].hide_get()] # and not any(x in o.name.lower() for x in exclude_filter)
print(f'Working on {len(gp_objects)} GP objects:')
print('\n'.join([o.name for o in gp_objects]))
# build comp for every GP
for gpo in gp_objects:
vl = bpy.context.scene.view_layers.get('View Layer')
if vl:
set_layer_col_attr('exclude', True, vl.layer_collection, filter=lambda x: x.name == 'OUTPUT')
# export
def single_comp(ob):
if not ob:
print('No active object')
if ob.type != 'GPENCIL':
print('current active object is not a grease pencil')
bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
col_out = bpy.data.collections.get('OUTPUT')
if col_out and ob in col_out.all_objects[:]:
print('WARNING', f'Object {ob.name} is part of the OUTPUT collection !')
## from selection
# for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
# if ob.type == 'GPENCIL':
# single_comp(ob)
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
info = {
'icon': 'X',
'description': 'Clear',
import bpy
C = bpy.context
# clear passes
for i in range(len(C.scene.view_layers))[::-1]:
vl = C.scene.view_layers[i]
if not vl.name.startswith('View'):
# clear nodes
if C.scene.use_nodes:
for n in range(len(C.scene.node_tree.nodes))[::-1]:
def get_cols(c, cols=[]):
'''recursively get all collection in passed collection'''
for child in c.children:
get_cols(child, cols)
return cols
# delete OUTPOUT collection
out = bpy.data.collections.get('OUTPUT')
if out:
for o in [o for o in out.all_objects][::-1]:
col_list = get_cols(out)
print("col_list", [c.name for c in col_list])#Dbg
for c in col_list:
@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ from bpy.types import Panel
# Node view panel
# Node view panel
class GPEXP_PT_gp_node_ui(Panel):
class GPEXP_PT_gp_node_ui(Panel):
bl_space_type = "NODE_EDITOR" # "VIEW_3D"
bl_space_type = "NODE_EDITOR"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_category = "View"
# bl_category = "View"
bl_category = "GP render"
bl_label = "Gpencil Render Manager"
bl_label = "Gpencil Render Manager"
def draw(self, context):
def draw(self, context):
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ class GPEXP_PT_gp_dopesheet_ui(Panel):
def draw(self, context):
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout = self.layout
if context.object:
if context.object:
layout.label(text=f'Object: {context.object.name}')
if context.object.data.users > 1:
if context.object.data.users > 1:
row = layout.row()
row = layout.row()
row.label(text=f'Multiple users ({context.object.data.users})', icon='ERROR')
row.label(text=f'Multiple users ({context.object.data.users})', icon='ERROR')
@ -99,19 +100,23 @@ class GPEXP_PT_gp_dopesheet_ui(Panel):
txt = 'Layer To Render'
txt = 'Layer To Render'
layout.operator('gp.add_layer_to_render', icon='RENDERLAYERS', text=txt)
layout.operator('gp.add_layer_to_render', icon='RENDERLAYERS', text=txt)
# merge (only accessible if multiple layers selected)
# merge (only accessible if multiple layers selected)
row = layout.row()
row = layout.row()
ct = len([l for l in context.object.data.layers if l.select])
ct = len([l for l in context.object.data.layers if l.select])
txt = f'Merge {ct} layers'
txt = f'Merge {ct} layers'
# merge layers from dopesheet
# merge layers from dopesheet
row.operator('gp.merge_selected_dopesheet_layers', text=txt, )
row.operator('gp.merge_selected_dopesheet_layers', text=txt, icon='SELECT_EXTEND')
row.enabled= ct > 1
row.enabled= ct > 1
## all and objects
## all and objects
layout.label(text='Whole objects:')
if context.scene.name != 'Render':
if context.scene.name != 'Render':
txt = f'{len([o for o in context.selected_objects if o.type == "GPENCIL" and o.select_get()])} Selected Object(s) To Render'
txt = f'{len([o for o in context.selected_objects if o.type == "GPENCIL" and o.select_get()])} Selected Object(s) To Render'
layout.operator('gp.add_object_to_render', icon='RENDERLAYERS', text=txt).mode='SELECTED'
layout.operator('gp.add_object_to_render', icon='RENDERLAYERS', text=txt).mode='SELECTED'
layout.operator('gp.add_object_to_render', icon='RENDERLAYERS', text='All GP at once').mode='ALL'
layout.operator('gp.add_object_to_render', icon='RENDERLAYERS', text='All Visible GP To Render').mode='ALL'
class GPEXP_MT_multi_user_doc(bpy.types.Menu):
class GPEXP_MT_multi_user_doc(bpy.types.Menu):
Reference in New Issue