2066 lines
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2066 lines
73 KiB
import bpy
import os
import re
import json
from mathutils import Vector
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import groupby
from math import isclose
from collections import defaultdict
from time import time
from . constant import RD_SCENE_NAME
### -- rules
def is_valid_name(name):
'''return True if name correspond to a valid object
Don't start with a dot '.'
Is not "note"
if name.startswith('.'):
return False
## FIXME: /!\ "note" as an exclude word is not good practice, temporary fix
if name.lower() == 'note':
return False
return True
### -- node basic
def create_node(type, tree=None, **kargs):
'''Get a type, a tree to add in, and optionnaly multiple attribute to set
return created node
tree = tree or bpy.context.scene.node_tree
node = tree.nodes.new(type)
for k,v in kargs.items():
setattr(node, k, v)
return node
def new_aa_node(tree, **kargs):
'''create AA node'''
aa = create_node('CompositorNodeAntiAliasing', tree) # type = ANTIALIASING
aa.threshold = 1.0 # 0.5
aa.contrast_limit = 0.25 # 0.5
aa.corner_rounding = 0.25
aa.hide = True
for k,v in kargs.items():
setattr(aa, k, v)
return aa
def create_aa_nodegroup(tree):
ngroup = bpy.data.node_groups.get('AA')
if not ngroup:
ngroup = bpy.data.node_groups.new('AA', 'CompositorNodeTree')
ng_in = create_node('NodeGroupInput', tree=ngroup, location=(-600,0))
ng_out = create_node('NodeGroupOutput', tree=ngroup, location=(600,0))
sep = create_node('CompositorNodeSepRGBA', tree=ngroup, location=(-150,0))
comb = create_node('CompositorNodeCombRGBA', tree=ngroup, location=(350,25))
if bpy.app.version < (4,0,0):
ngroup.inputs.new('NodeSocketColor', 'Image')
ngroup.outputs.new('NodeSocketColor', 'Image')
ngroup.interface.new_socket('Image', in_out='INPUT', socket_type='NodeSocketColor')
ngroup.interface.new_socket('Image', in_out='OUTPUT', socket_type='NodeSocketColor')
# in AA
# ngroup.links.new(comb.outputs[0], ng_out.inputs[0]) # <- connect without out AA
aa = new_aa_node(ngroup, location=(-400, 0))
# ngroup.links.new(ng_in.outputs[0], sep.inputs[0])
ngroup.links.new(ng_in.outputs[0], aa.inputs[0])
ngroup.links.new(aa.outputs[0], sep.inputs[0])
# ngroup.links.new(ng_in.outputs[0], sep.inputs[0])
for i in range(3):
ngroup.links.new(sep.outputs[i], comb.inputs[i])
# alpha AA
alpha_aa = new_aa_node(ngroup, location=(100,-150))
ngroup.links.new(sep.outputs[3], alpha_aa.inputs[0])
ngroup.links.new(alpha_aa.outputs[0], comb.inputs[3])
ngroup.links.new(comb.outputs[0], ng_out.inputs[0])
ng = create_node('CompositorNodeGroup', tree=tree)
ng.node_tree = ngroup
ng.name = ngroup.name
return ng
## -- object and scene settings
def activate_workspace(name='', context=None):
if not name:
if context is None:
context = bpy.context
if context.window.workspace.name == name:
print(f'Already in {name} workspace')
if (wkspace := bpy.data.workspaces.get(name)):
context.window.workspace = wkspace
return True
# Same name with spaces as underscore
dir_name = name.replace(' ', '_')
filepath = Path(__file__).parent / 'app_templates' / dir_name / 'startup.blend'
ret = bpy.ops.workspace.append_activate(idname=name, filepath=str(filepath))
if ret != {'FINISHED'}:
print(f'Could not found {name} at {filepath}')
return False
return context.window.workspace
def copy_settings(obj_a, obj_b):
exclusion = ['bl_rna', 'id_data', 'identifier','name_property','rna_type','properties', 'stamp_note_text','use_stamp_note',
'settingsFilePath', 'settingsStamp', 'select', 'matrix_local', 'matrix_parent_inverse',
'matrix_basis','location','rotation_euler', 'rotation_quaternion', 'rotation_axis_angle', 'scale']
for attr in dir(obj_a):
if attr.startswith('__'):
if attr in exclusion:
# print('attr: ', attr)
# if obj_a.is_property_readonly(attr): # block when things aren't attribute
# continue
val = getattr(obj_a, attr)
except AttributeError:
# print(f'cant get {attr}')
setattr(obj_b, attr, val)
# print(f"can't set {attr}")
def set_file_output_format(fo):
env_file_format = json.loads(os.environ.get('GP_RENDER_FILE_FORMAT', '{}'))
if not env_file_format:
env_file_format = {
'file_format': 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER',
'exr_codec': 'ZIP',
'color_depth': '16',
'color_mode': 'RGBA'
for k, v in env_file_format.items():
setattr(fo.format, k, v)
def set_scene_aa_settings(scene=None, aa=True):
'''aa == using native AA, else disable scene AA'''
if not scene:
scene = bpy.context.scene
if aa:
scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = 32
scene.grease_pencil_settings.antialias_threshold = 1
scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = 1
scene.grease_pencil_settings.antialias_threshold = 0
def set_settings(scene=None, aa=True):
'''aa == using native AA, else disable scene AA'''
if not scene:
scene = bpy.context.scene
# specify scene settings for these kind of render
set_scene_aa_settings(scene=scene, aa=aa)
scene.render.film_transparent = True
scene.render.use_compositing = True
scene.render.use_sequencer = False
scene.view_settings.view_transform = 'Standard'
scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100
# output (fast write settings since this is just to delete afterwards...)
scene.render.filepath = f'//render/preview/{scene.name}/preview_'
im_settings = scene.render.image_settings
# im_settings.file_format = 'JPEG'
# im_settings.color_mode = 'RGB'
# im_settings.quality = 0
## Same as output nodes
im_settings.file_format = 'OPEN_EXR'
im_settings.color_mode = 'RGBA'
im_settings.color_depth = '16'
im_settings.exr_codec = 'ZIP'
def scene_aa(scene=None, toggle=True):
'''Change scene AA settings and commute AA nodes according to toggle'''
if not scene:
# Enable/disable native anti-alias on active scene
set_scene_aa_settings(scene=scene, aa=toggle)
## Set AA on scene where object and viewlayers exists
local_nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes
if (group_node := next((n for n in local_nodes if n.name.startswith('NG_')), None)):
# Get a viewlayer connected to a NG_ and check which scene is referred
if (rlayer := next((i.links[0].from_node for i in group_node.inputs if i.links and i.links[0].from_node.type == 'R_LAYERS'), None)):
if rlayer.scene and rlayer.scene != scene:
print(f'Set AA to {toggle} on scene "{rlayer.scene.name}"')
set_scene_aa_settings(scene=rlayer.scene, aa=toggle)
## Mute/Unmute AA nodegroups
for n in local_nodes:
if n.type == 'GROUP' and n.name.startswith('NG_'):
# n.mute = False # mute whole nodegroup ?
for gn in n.node_tree.nodes:
if gn.type == 'GROUP' and gn.node_tree.name == 'AA':
gn.mute = toggle
def new_scene_from(name, src_scn=None, regen=True, crop=True, link_cam=True, link_light=True):
'''Get / Create a scene from name and source scene to get settings from'''
scn = bpy.data.scenes.get(name)
if scn and not regen:
return scn
elif scn and regen:
src_scn = src_scn or bpy.context.scene # given scene, or active scene
scn = bpy.data.scenes.new(name)
## copy original settings over to new scene
# copy_settings(current, scn) # BAD
for attr in ['frame_start', 'frame_end', 'frame_current', 'camera', 'world']:
setattr(scn, attr, getattr(src_scn, attr))
copy_settings(src_scn.render, scn.render)
## link cameras (and lights ?)
for ob in src_scn.objects:
if link_cam and ob.type == 'CAMERA':
if link_light and ob.type == 'LIGHT':
# set adapted render settings
if crop:
scn.render.use_border = True
scn.render.use_crop_to_border = True
scn.use_nodes = True
return scn
def get_compo_scene(scene_name=None, create=True):
'''Get / Create a dedicated compositing scene to link GP
use passed scene name, if no name is passed fall back to compo_scene propertie
return None if field is empty'''
scene_name = scene_name or bpy.context.scene.gp_render_settings.node_scene
if not scene_name:
# return None or render scene
scn = bpy.data.scenes.get(scene_name)
if scn:
return scn
if not create:
## -- Create render scene
current = bpy.context.scene
## With data
scn = bpy.data.scenes.new(scene_name)
## copy original settings over to new scene
for attr in ['frame_start', 'frame_end', 'frame_current']: # , 'camera', 'world'
setattr(scn, attr, getattr(current, attr))
copy_settings(current.render, scn.render)
## Copy markers
# for marker in current.timeline_markers:
# new_marker = scn.timeline_markers.new(marker.name, frame=marker.frame)
# new_marker.camera = marker.camera
scn.use_nodes = True
## Clear node tree
scn.gp_render_settings['use_aa'] = True
# Set compo scene target in it's own property as well
scn.gp_render_settings.node_scene = scene_name
return scn
def get_render_scene(scene_name=None, create=True):
'''Get / Create a dedicated render scene to link GP'''
scene_name = scene_name or RD_SCENE_NAME
render_scn = bpy.data.scenes.get(scene_name)
if render_scn:
return render_scn
if not create:
## -- Create render scene
current = bpy.context.scene
## With data
render_scn = bpy.data.scenes.new(scene_name)
## copy original settings over to new scene
# copy_settings(current, render_scn) # BAD
for attr in ['frame_start', 'frame_end', 'frame_current', 'camera', 'world']:
setattr(render_scn, attr, getattr(current, attr))
copy_settings(current.render, render_scn.render)
## link cameras (and lights ?)
for ob in current.objects:
if ob.type in ('CAMERA', 'LIGHT'):
## Copy markers
for marker in current.timeline_markers:
new_marker = render_scn.timeline_markers.new(marker.name, frame=marker.frame)
new_marker.camera = marker.camera
render_scn.use_nodes = True
## Clear node tree (initial view layer stuff)
# for n in reversed(render_scn.node_tree.nodes):
# render_scn.node_tree.nodes.remove(n)
render_scn.gp_render_settings['use_aa'] = True
return render_scn
def get_view_layer(name, scene=None):
'''get viewlayer name
return existing/created viewlayer
scene = scene or get_render_scene()
### pass double letter prefix as suffix
## pass_name = re.sub(r'^([A-Z]{2})(_)(.*)', r'\3\2\1', 'name')
## pass_name = f'{name}_{passe}'
pass_vl = scene.view_layers.get(name)
if not pass_vl:
pass_vl = scene.view_layers.new(name)
pass_vl.use_pass_z = True
return pass_vl
def set_resolution_from_cam_prop(cam=None, scene=None):
if scene is None:
scene = bpy.context.scene
if not cam:
cam = scene.camera
if not cam:
return ('ERROR', 'No active camera')
res = cam.get('resolution')
if not res:
return ('ERROR', 'Cam has no resolution attribute')
rd = scene.render
if rd.resolution_x == res[0] and rd.resolution_y == res[1]:
return ('INFO', f'Resolution already at {res[0]}x{res[1]}')
rd.resolution_x, rd.resolution_y = res[0], res[1]
return ('INFO', f'Resolution to {res[0]}x{res[1]}')
## -- node location tweaks
def real_loc(n):
if not n.parent:
return n.location
return n.location + real_loc(n.parent)
def get_frame_transform(f, node_tree=None):
'''Return real transform location of a frame node
only works with one level of nesting (not recursive)
if not node_tree:
node_tree = f.id_data
if f.type != 'FRAME':
# return real_loc(f), f.dimensions
childs = [n for n in node_tree.nodes if n.parent == f]
if not childs:
return f.location, f.dimensions
# real_locs = [f.location + n.location for n in childs]
xs = [n.location.x for n in childs] + [n.location.x + n.dimensions.x for n in childs]
ys = [n.location.y for n in childs] + [n.location.y - n.dimensions.y for n in childs]
xs.sort(key=lambda loc: loc) # x val : ascending
ys.sort(key=lambda loc: loc) # ascending # , reversed=True) # y val : descending
loc = Vector((min(xs), max(ys)))
dim = Vector((max(xs) - min(xs) + 60, max(ys) - min(ys) + 60))
return loc, dim
## -- get all frames with their real transform.
def bbox(f, frames):
for n in frames[f]: # nodes of passed frame
# Better as Vectors ?
if n.type == 'FRAME':
if n not in frames.keys():
# print(f'frame {n.name} not in frame list')
all_xs, all_ys = bbox(n, frames) # frames[n]
xs += all_xs
ys += all_ys
loc = real_loc(n)
xs += [loc.x, loc.x + n.dimensions.x] # + (n.dimensions.x/get_dpi_factor())
ys += [loc.y, loc.y - n.dimensions.y] # - (n.dimensions.y/get_dpi_factor())
# margin ~= 30
# return xs and ys
return [min(xs)-30, max(xs)+30], [min(ys)-30, max(ys)+30]
def get_frames_bbox(node_tree):
'''Return a dic with all frames
ex: {frame_node: (location, dimension), ...}
# create dic of frame object with his direct child nodes nodes
frames = defaultdict(list)
frames_bbox = {}
for n in node_tree.nodes:
if not n.parent:
# also contains frames
# Dic for bbox coord
for f, nodes in frames.items():
if f.parent:
xs, ys = bbox(f, frames)
# xs, ys = bbox(nodes, frames)
## returning: list of corner coords
# coords = [
# Vector((xs[0], ys[1])),
# Vector((xs[1], ys[1])),
# Vector((xs[1], ys[0])),
# Vector((xs[0], ys[0])),
# ]
# frames_bbox[f] = coords
## returning: (loc vector, dimensions vector)
frames_bbox[f] = Vector((xs[0], ys[1])), Vector((xs[1] - xs[0], ys[1] - ys[0]))
return frames_bbox
## -- nodes helper functions
def remove_nodes_by_viewlayer(viewlayer_list, scene=None):
'''Take a list of viewlayer and optionaly a scene to target nodetree
remove nodes related to this viewlayer in nodetree
scene = scene or bpy.context.scene
vl_names = [v.name for v in viewlayer_list]
for n in reversed(scene.node_tree.nodes):
if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer in vl_names:
for lnk in n.outputs[0].links:
grp = lnk.to_node
if grp.type != 'GROUP':
if not grp.name.startswith('NG'):
sockin = lnk.to_socket
sockout = grp.outputs.get(sockin.name)
if not sockout:
for grplink in sockout.links:
if grplink.to_node.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE':
fo_socket = grplink.to_socket
fo = grplink.to_node
# remove input and output from group
# grp.inputs.remove(sockin) # do not clear inside !!
# grp.outputs.remove(sockout) # do not clear inside !!
ngroup = grp.node_tree
if bpy.app.version < (4,0,0):
for i in range(len(grp.inputs))[::-1]:
if grp.inputs[i].name == sockin.name:
for i in range(len(grp.outputs))[::-1]:
if grp.outputs[i].name == sockout.name:
g_inputs = [s for s in ngroup.interface.items_tree if s.in_out == 'INPUT']
g_outputs = [s for s in ngroup.interface.items_tree if s.in_out == 'OUTPUT']
for i in range(len(grp.inputs))[::-1]:
if grp.inputs[i].name == sockin.name:
for i in range(len(grp.outputs))[::-1]:
if grp.outputs[i].name == sockout.name:
# Remove render_layer node
def merge_gplayer_viewlayers(ob=None, act=None, layers=None, scene=None):
'''ob is not needed if active and layers are passed'''
if ob is None:
ob = bpy.context.object
if act is None:
act = ob.data.layers.active
if layers is None:
layers = [l for l in ob.data.layers if l.select and l != act]
if act is None:
return ({'ERROR'}, 'Active layer not found. Should be active layer on active object!')
rd_scn = scene or get_render_scene(create=False) # bpy.context.scene
node_scene = get_compo_scene(create=False) or rd_scn
if not act.viewlayer_render:
return ({'ERROR'}, f'Active layer {act.info} has no viewlayer assigned')
# List layers and viewlayers
vls = [rd_scn.view_layers.get(l.viewlayer_render) for l in layers
if l.viewlayer_render and l.viewlayer_render != act.viewlayer_render and rd_scn.view_layers.get(l.viewlayer_render)]
# Remove duplication
vls = list(set(vls))
# Remove viewlayer related nodes
# FIXME it's possible nodes are nodes searched in the right scene if launched from RenderGP
remove_nodes_by_viewlayer(vls, node_scene) # send compositing scene
# Assign view layer from active to selected
for l in layers:
l.viewlayer_render = act.viewlayer_render
## Delete unused viewlayers ()
used_vl_name = [n.layer for n in rd_scn.node_tree.nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS' and n.layer]
used_vl_name = list(set(used_vl_name))
for vl in vls:
# rd_scn.view_layers.remove(vl)
if vl.name == 'exclude':
# keep exclude
if not vl.name in used_vl_name:
def group_adjacent_layer_prefix_rlayer(ob, excluded_prefix=[], first_name=True):
'''Set viewlayer and renderlayers by Gp layer adjacent prefix
Call merge_gplayer_viewlayers with grouped prefix
:excluded_prefix: List of prefixes to exclude from merge or str with comma separated values
:first_name: Keep the viewlayer of the bottom layer in group, else last
pattern = os.environ.get('GP_RENDER_MERGE_PATTERN', r'^([A-Z]{2})_')
re_prefix = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if isinstance(excluded_prefix, str):
excluded_prefix = [p.strip() for p in excluded_prefix.split(',')]
## Create adjacent grp list: [('CO', [layer1, layer2]), ('LN', [layer3, layer4])]
adjacent_prefix_groups = [
(g[0], list(g[1])) for g in
groupby([l for l in ob.data.layers],
key=lambda l: re_prefix.search(l.info).group(1) if re_prefix.search(l.info) else '')
for prefix, layer_grp in adjacent_prefix_groups:
## Remove layer that are in excluded viewlayer
## Else None/exclusion vl can expand rest of the adjacent layers
for l in reversed(layer_grp):
if not l.viewlayer_render or l.viewlayer_render == 'exclude':
print(f'prefix "{prefix}": remove "{l.info}" from grouping adjacent layers')
layer_grp.remove(l) # remove traget the layer directly
if len(layer_grp) < 2:
if not prefix or prefix in excluded_prefix:
ref = layer_grp[0] if first_name else layer_grp[-1]
merge_gplayer_viewlayers(ob, act=ref, layers=layer_grp)
def clear_nodegroup(name, full_clear=False):
'''remove duplication of a nodegroup (.???)
also remove the base one if full_clear True
for ng in reversed(bpy.data.node_groups):
pattern = name + r'\.\d{3}'
if not full_clear and ng.users:
if re.search(pattern, ng.name):
if full_clear and ng.name == name:
# if full clear
def rearrange_rlayers_in_frames(node_tree):
'''rearrange RL nodes in all frames in nodetree'''
frames_l = [n for n in node_tree.nodes if n.type == 'FRAME']
for f in frames_l:
all_in_frames = [n for n in node_tree.nodes if n.parent == f]
rlayers = [n for n in all_in_frames if n.type == 'R_LAYERS']
if not rlayers:
all_in_frames.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True) # descending
rlayers.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True) # descending
top = all_in_frames[0].location.y
for rl in rlayers:
# move to top with equal size
rl.location.y = top
if rl.dimensions.y == 0:
# Newly created nodes
top -= 180 + 20 # down by probable size + gap of 20
top -= rl.dimensions.y + 20 # place next down by height + gap of 20
def rearrange_frames(node_tree):
frame_d = get_frames_bbox(node_tree) # dic : {frame_node:(loc vector, dimensions vector), ...}
if not frame_d:
print('no frame found')
# print([f.name for f in frame_d.keys()])
## order the dict by frame.y location
frame_d = {key: value for key, value in sorted(frame_d.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1][0].y - pair[1][1].y, reverse=True)}
frames = [[f, v[0], v[1].y] for f, v in frame_d.items()] # [frame_node, real_loc, real dimensions]
top = frames[0][1].y # upper node location.y
# top = 0 #always start a 0
offset = 0
for f in frames:
## f[1] : real loc Vector
## f[0] : frame
## move frame by offset needed (delta between real_loc and "fake" loc , minus offset)
f[0].location.y = (f[1].y - f[0].location.y) - offset # avoid offset when recalculating from 0 top
# f[0].location.y = f[1].y - top - offset
offset += f[2] + 200 # gap
def reorder_inputs(ng):
rl_nodes = [s.links[0].from_node for s in ng.inputs if s.is_linked and s.links and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'R_LAYERS']
rl_nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.location.y, reverse=True)
names = [n.layer for n in rl_nodes]
inputs_names = [s.name for s in ng.inputs]
filtered_names = [n for n in names if n in inputs_names]
if bpy.app.version < (4,0,0):
for dest, name in enumerate(filtered_names):
## rebuild list at each iteration so index are good
inputs_names = [s.name for s in ng.inputs]
src = inputs_names.index(name)
# reorder on node_tree not directly on node!
ng.node_tree.inputs.move(src, dest)
n_inputs = [s for s in ng.node_tree.interface.items_tree if s.in_out == 'INPUT']
for dest, name in enumerate(filtered_names):
item = next((s for s in ng.node_tree.interface.items_tree if s.in_out == 'INPUT' and s.name == name), None)
if not item: # Dbg
print(f'!PROBLEM with input "{name}"')
# Need to offset index (inputs are listed after output in item_tree list)
dest = dest + n_inputs[0].position
ng.node_tree.interface.move(item, dest)
def reorder_outputs(ng):
ordered_out_name = [nis.name for nis in ng.inputs if nis.name in [o.name for o in ng.outputs]]
for s_name in ordered_out_name:
all_outnames = [o.name for o in ng.outputs]
# reorder on nodetree, not on node !
if bpy.app.version < (4,0,0):
ng.node_tree.outputs.move(all_outnames.index(s_name), ordered_out_name.index(s_name))
item = next((s for s in ng.node_tree.interface.items_tree if s.in_out == 'OUTPUT' and s.name == s_name), None)
if not item: # Dbg
print(f'!PROBLEM with output "{s_name}"')
ng.node_tree.interface.move(item, ordered_out_name.index(s_name))
def clear_disconnected(fo):
for inp in reversed(fo.inputs):
if not inp.is_linked:
print(f'Deleting unlinked fileout slot: {inp.name}')
def reorder_fileout(fo, ng=None):
if not ng: # get connected nodegroup
for s in fo.inputs:
if s.is_linked and s.links and s.links[0].from_node.type == 'GROUP':
ng = s.links[0].from_node
if not ng:
print(f'No nodegroup to refer to filter {fo.name}')
ordered = [o.links[0].to_socket.name for o in ng.outputs if o.is_linked and o.is_linked and o.links[0].to_node == fo]
for s_name in ordered:
all_outnames = [s.name for s in fo.inputs] # same as [fs.path for fs in fo.file_slots]
fo.inputs.move(all_outnames.index(s_name), ordered.index(s_name))
def reorganise_NG_nodegroup(ng):
'''refit node content to avoid overlap'''
ngroup = ng.node_tree
ng_in = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Input')
offset = 35
y = 0
for s in ng_in.outputs:
if s.is_linked:
s.links[0].to_node.location.y = y
y -= offset
def connect_to_group_output(n):
for o in n.outputs:
if o.is_linked:
if o.links[0].to_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT':
return o.links[0].to_socket
val = connect_to_group_output(o.links[0].to_node)
if val:
return val
return False
def connect_to_group_input(n):
for i in n.inputs:
if i.is_linked:
if i.links[0].from_node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT':
return i.links[0].from_socket
val = connect_to_group_input(i.links[0].from_node)
if val:
return val
return False
def all_connected_forward(n, nlist=[]):
'''return list of all forward connected nodes recursively (include passed nodes)'''
for o in n.outputs:
if o.is_linked:
for lnk in o.links:
if lnk.to_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT':
if n not in nlist:
return nlist + [n]
return nlist
nlist = all_connected_forward(lnk.to_node, nlist)
if n in nlist:
return nlist
return nlist + [n]
def all_connected_forward_from_socket(socket):
'''return a list of all nodes connected forward after socket'''
node_list = []
for ln in socket.links:
for n in all_connected_forward(ln.to_node):
if n not in node_list:
# node_list = list(set(node_list))
return node_list
def node_height(n):
return n.height if not n.hide else 30
def reorder_nodegroup_content(ngroup):
if isinstance(ngroup, bpy.types.Node):
ngroup = ngroup.node_tree
grp_in = None
for n in ngroup.nodes:
if n.type == 'GROUP_INPUT':
grp_in = n
if not grp_in:
n_threads = []
for out in grp_in.outputs:
n_thread = all_connected_forward_from_socket(out)
if n_thread:
level = grp_in.location.y
for thread in n_threads:
top = max([n.location.y for n in thread])
bottom = min([n.location.y - node_height(n) for n in thread])
thread_h = top - bottom
# move all nodes to adjust to level
diff_to_add = level - top
for n in thread:
n.location.y += diff_to_add
# move level to bottom
level -= thread_h + 2 # add a gap of two
def clear_nodegroup_content_if_disconnected(ngroup):
'''Get a nodegroup.node_tree
delete orphan nodes that are not connected from group input node
if isinstance(ngroup, bpy.types.Node):
# case where a node is sent instead of the group
ngroup = ngroup.node_tree
for n in reversed(ngroup.nodes):
if n.type in ('GROUP_INPUT', 'GROUP_OUTPUT'):
if not connect_to_group_input(n) and not connect_to_group_output(n): # is disconnected from both side
def clean_nodegroup_inputs(ng, skip_existing_pass=True):
'''Clear inputs to output of passed nodegroup if not connected'''
ngroup = ng.node_tree
rl_nodes = [n.layer for n in ng.id_data.nodes if n.type == 'R_LAYERS']
for i in range(len(ng.inputs))[::-1]:
if not ng.inputs[i].is_linked:
if skip_existing_pass and any(ng.inputs[i].name == x for x in rl_nodes):
# a render layer of this name still exists
# clear_nodegroup_content_if_disconnected(ngroup)
def bridge_reconnect_nodegroup(ng, socket_name=None):
Reconnect group_in and group out that have been disconnected
:socket: only use this specific socket type
ngroup = ng.node_tree
ng_in = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Input')
ng_out = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Output')
for sockin in ng_in.outputs:
if socket_name and sockin.name != socket_name:
if not sockin.name: # last empty output is listed
sockout = ng_out.inputs.get(sockin.name)
if not sockout:
if len(sockin.links) and connect_to_group_output(sockin.links[0].to_node):
## need reconnect
aa = create_aa_nodegroup(ngroup)
ngroup.links.new(sockin, aa.inputs[0])
ngroup.links.new(aa.outputs[0], sockout)
print(f'{ng.name}: Bridged {sockin.name}')
def random_color(alpha=False):
import random
if alpha:
return (random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), 1)
return (random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1), random.uniform(0,1))
def nodegroup_merge_inputs(ngroup, aa=True):
'''Get a nodegroup
merge every group inputs with alpha over
then connect to antialias and a new output
ng_in = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Input')
ng_out = ngroup.nodes.get('Group Output')
x, y = ng_in.location.x + 200, 0
offset_x, offset_y = 150, -100
# merge all inputs in alphaover nodes
prev = None
for i in range(len(ng_in.outputs)-1): # skip waiting point
inp = ng_in.outputs[i]
if not prev:
prev = ng_in
# live connect
ao = create_node('CompositorNodeAlphaOver', tree=ngroup, location=(x,y), hide=True)
ngroup.links.new(prev.outputs[0], ao.inputs[1])
ngroup.links.new(inp, ao.inputs[2])
x += offset_x
y += offset_y
prev = ao
# Create one output and link
out_name = 'preview'
if bpy.app.version < (4,0,0):
# out_name = ngroup.inputs[0].name # name like first inputout_name
out = ngroup.outputs.new('NodeSocketColor', out_name)
# out_name = next((s for s in ngroup.interface.items_tree if s.in_out == 'INPUT')).name # name like first input
out = ngroup.interface.new_socket(out_name, in_out='OUTPUT', socket_type='NodeSocketColor')
## create a merged name as output ??
if aa:
# create AA and link
aa = create_aa_nodegroup(ngroup) # new_aa_node(ngroup)
aa.location = (ao.location.x + 200, ao.location.y)
ngroup.links.new(ao.outputs[0], aa.inputs[0]) # node_tree
ngroup.links.new(aa.outputs[0], ng_out.inputs[0])
# link directly
ngroup.links.new(ao.outputs[0], ng_out.inputs[0])
## -- renumbering funcs
def get_numbered_output(out, slot_name):
'''Return output slot name without looking for numbering ???_
pattern = r'^(?:\d{3}_)?' # optional non capture group of 3 digits + _
pattern = f'{pattern}{slot_name}'
for inp in out.inputs:
if re.match(pattern, inp.name):
return inp
def add_fileslot_number(fs, number):
field_attr = 'name' if hasattr(fs, 'name') else 'path'
elems = getattr(fs, field_attr).split('/')
for i, e in enumerate(elems):
if re.match(r'^\d{3}_', e):
elems[i] = re.sub(r'^(\d{3})', lambda x: str(number).zfill(3), e)
elems[i] = f'{str(number).zfill(3)}_{e}'
new = '/'.join(elems)
setattr(fs, field_attr, new)
return new
def renumber(fo, offset=10):
'''Force renumber all the slots with a 3'''
if fo.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE': return
ct = 10 # start at 10
slots = fo.layer_slots if fo.format.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER' else fo.file_slots
for fs in slots:
add_fileslot_number(fs, ct)
ct += offset
def get_num(string) -> int:
'''get a tring or a file_slot object
return leading number or None
if not isinstance(string, str):
if hasattr(string, 'path'):
string = string.path
string = string.name
num = re.search(r'^(\d{3})_', string)
if num:
return int(num.group(1))
def delete_numbering(fo): # padding=3
'''Delete prefix numbering on all slots on passed file output'''
if fo.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE': return
if fo.format.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER':
slots = fo.layer_slots
field_attr = 'name'
slots = fo.file_slots
field_attr = 'path'
for fs in slots:
elems = getattr(fs, field_attr).split('/')
for i, e in enumerate(elems):
elems[i] = re.sub(r'^\d{3}_', '', e)
new = '/'.join(elems)
setattr(fs, field_attr, new)
def reverse_fileout_inputs(fo):
count = len(fo.inputs)
for i in range(count):
fo.inputs.move(count-1, i)
def renumber_keep_existing(fo, offset=10, invert=True):
'''Renumber by keeping existing numbers and inserting new one whenever possible
Big and ugly function that do the trick nonetheless...
if fo.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE': return
ct = 10
if invert:
fsl = fo.layer_slots if fo.format.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER' else fo.file_slots
last_idx = len(fsl) - 1
prev = None
prev_num = None
for idx, fs in enumerate(fsl):
# print('-->', idx, fs.path)
if idx == last_idx: # handle last
if get_num(fs) is not None:
if idx > 0:
prev = fsl[idx-1]
num = get_num(prev)
if num is not None:
add_fileslot_number(fs, num + offset)
add_fileslot_number(fs, ct)
add_fileslot_number(fs, 10) # there is only one slot (maybe don't number ?)
# update the ct with the current taken number if any
number = get_num(fs)
if number is not None:
prev = fs
ct = number + offset
continue # skip already numbered
# analyse all next slots until there is numbered
divider = 0
# print(f'range(1, {len(fsl) - idx}')
for i in range(1, len(fsl) - idx):
next_num = get_num(fsl[idx + i])
if next_num is not None:
divider = i+1
if idx == 0: # handle first
prev_num = 0
prev = None
if next_num is None:
add_fileslot_number(fs, 0)
elif next_num == 0:
print(f'Cannot insert value before 0 to {fsl.path}')
add_fileslot_number(fs, int(next_num / 2))
prev = fsl[idx-1]
test_prev = get_num(prev)
if test_prev is not None:
prev_num = test_prev
if not divider:
if prev_num is not None:
add_fileslot_number(fs, prev_num + offset)
add_fileslot_number(fs, ct)
if prev_num is not None:
# iterate rename
gap_inc = int((next_num - prev_num) / divider)
if gap_inc < 1: # same values !
print(f'cannot insert a median value at {fs.path} between {prev_num} and {next_num}')
ct = prev_num
for temp_id in range(idx, idx+i):
ct += gap_inc
add_fileslot_number(fsl[temp_id], ct)
print("what's going on ?\n")
# first check if it has a number (if not bas)
prev = fs
ct += offset
if invert:
def has_channel_color(layer):
'''Return True if gp_layer.channel_color is different than the default (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) '''
if not any(isclose(i, 0.2, abs_tol=0.001) for i in layer.channel_color):
return True
def normalize(text):
return text.lower().replace('-', '_')
PATTERN = r'^(?P<grp>-\s)?(?P<tag>[A-Z]{2}_)?(?P<name>.*?)(?P<sfix>_[A-Z]{2})?(?P<inc>\.\d{3})?$' # numering
def normalize_layer_name(layer, prefix='', desc='', suffix='', lower=True, dash_to_underscore=True, point_to_underscore=True, get_only=False):
'''GET a layer and argument to build and assign name'''
import re
name = layer.info
pattern = PATTERN
sep = '_'
res = re.search(pattern, name.strip())
grp = '' if res.group('grp') is None else res.group('grp')
tag = '' if res.group('tag') is None else res.group('tag')
# tag2 = '' if res.group('tag2') is None else res.group('tag2')
name = '' if res.group('name') is None else res.group('name')
sfix = '' if res.group('sfix') is None else res.group('sfix')
inc = '' if res.group('inc') is None else res.group('inc')
if grp:
grp = ' ' + grp # name is strip(), so grp first spaces are gones.
if prefix:
if prefix == 'prefixkillcode':
tag = ''
tag = prefix.upper().strip() + sep
# if prefix2:
# tag2 = prefix2.upper().strip() + sep
if desc:
name = desc
if suffix:
if suffix == 'suffixkillcode':
sfix = ''
sfix = sep + suffix.upper().strip()
# check if name is available without the increment ending
if lower:
name = name.lower()
if dash_to_underscore:
name = name.replace('-', '_')
if point_to_underscore:
name = name.replace('.', '_')
new = f'{grp}{tag}{name}{sfix}' # lower suffix ?
if get_only:
return new
if new != layer.info:
old = layer.info
print(f'{old} >> {new}')
layer.info = new
# Also change name string in modifier target !
for ob in [o for o in bpy.data.objects if o.type == 'GPENCIL' and o.data == layer.id_data]:
for m in ob.grease_pencil_modifiers:
if hasattr(m, 'layer') and m.layer:
if m.layer == old:
print(f' - updated in {ob.name} modifier {m.name}')
m.layer = new
# unused currently
def build_dope_gp_list(layer_list):
'''Take a list of GP layers return a dict with pairs {gp data : own layer list}'''
from collections import defaultdict
gps = defaultdict(list)
for l in layer_list:
return gps
def build_layers_targets_from_dopesheet(context):
'''Return all selected layers on context GP dopesheet according to seelction and filters'''
ob = context.object
gpl = context.object.data.layers
act = gpl.active
dopeset = context.space_data.dopesheet
if dopeset.show_only_selected:
pool = [o for o in context.selected_objects if o.type == 'GPENCIL']
pool = [o for o in context.scene.objects if o.type == 'GPENCIL']
if not dopeset.show_hidden:
pool = [o for o in pool if o.visible_get()]
layer_pool = [l for o in pool for l in o.data.layers]
layer_pool = list(set(layer_pool)) # remove dupli-layers from same data source with
# apply search filter
if dopeset.filter_text:
layer_pool = [l for l in layer_pool if (dopeset.filter_text.lower() in l.info.lower()) ^ dopeset.use_filter_invert]
return layer_pool
""" # old show message gox without operator support
def show_message_box(_message = "", _title = "Message Box", _icon = 'INFO'):
'''get a str to display or a list of [str, str]
can have an icon [[str, icon], str, [str, icon]]
def draw(self, context):
for l in _message:
if isinstance(l, str):
self.layout.label(text=l[0], icon=l[1])
if isinstance(_message, str):
_message = [_message]
bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(draw, title = _title, icon = _icon)
def show_message_box(_message = "", _title = "Message Box", _icon = 'INFO'):
'''Show message box with element passed as string or list
if _message if a list of lists:
if sublist have 2 element:
considered a label [text,icon]
if sublist have 3 element:
considered as an operator [ops_id_name, text, icon]
def draw(self, context):
for l in _message:
if isinstance(l, str):
if len(l) == 2: # label with icon
self.layout.label(text=l[0], icon=l[1])
elif len(l) == 3: # ops
self.layout.operator_context = "INVOKE_DEFAULT"
self.layout.operator(l[0], text=l[1], icon=l[2], emboss=False) # <- highligh the entry
if isinstance(_message, str):
_message = [_message]
bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(draw, title = _title, icon = _icon)
## -- camera framing and object anim checks
def get_bbox_3d(ob) -> list:
bbox_coords = ob.bound_box
return [ob.matrix_world @ Vector(b) for b in bbox_coords]
def is_render_included(o, scn) -> bool:
'''return True if object is in at least one non-excluded collection
in all passed scene viewlayer
if o.hide_render:
return False
for vl in scn.view_layers:
all_cols = get_collection_childs_recursive(vl.layer_collection)
for c in all_cols:
if o in c.collection.objects[:]:
if not c.exclude:
return True
return False
def get_crop_pixel_coord(scn) -> dict:
# width height probably not needed. might need
px_width = (scn.render.border_max_x - scn.render.border_min_x) * scn.render.resolution_x
px_height = (scn.render.border_max_y - scn.render.border_min_y) * scn.render.resolution_y
pos_x = (scn.render.border_min_x + ((scn.render.border_max_x - scn.render.border_min_x) / 2)) * scn.render.resolution_x
## coord y > image center coord from bottom-left (Blender)
# pos_y = (scn.render.border_min_y + ((scn.render.border_max_y - scn.render.border_min_y) / 2)) * scn.render.resolution_y,
## image center coord from top-left (AE)
pos_y = ((1 - scn.render.border_max_y) + ((scn.render.border_max_y - scn.render.border_min_y) / 2)) * scn.render.resolution_y
coord = {
'position_x' : round(pos_x),
'position_y' : round(pos_y),
'width' : round(px_width),
'height' : round(px_height),
'scene_res_x': scn.render.resolution_x,
'scene_res_y': scn.render.resolution_y,
return coord
def export_crop_to_json() -> dict:
'''Export crop to json coords for AE'''
blend = Path(bpy.data.filepath)
## Use a fixed name (easier to load from After effects)
json_path = blend.parent / 'render' / 'crop_infos.json'
## Use blend name (to support version)
# json_path = blend.parent / 'render' / f'{blend.stem}.json'
## per scene : json_path = Path(bpy.data.filepath).parent / 'render' / f'{scn.name}.json'
# json_path = Path(bpy.data.filepath).parent / 'render' / f'{scn.name}.json' # f'{ob.name}.json'
coord_dic = {}
for scn in bpy.data.scenes:
if scn.render.use_border and scn.render.use_crop_to_border: # Only usefull if cropped
scn_border = get_crop_pixel_coord(scn)
## Only scn name (meaning only one name to refer if multiple GP)
# coord_dic[scn.name] = scn_border
## use name of first found visible GP (scene name if no visible GP)
gps = [o for o in scn.objects if o.type == 'GPENCIL' if is_render_included(o, scn)] # o.visible_get() < only work on active window
if gps and scn.name != 'Scene': # always export Scene with Scene name...
for ob in gps:
coord_dic[ob.name] = scn_border
print(f'Added gp {ob.name} crop info')
coord_dic[scn.name] = scn_border
print(f'Added scene {scn.name} crop info')
if coord_dic:
json_path.parent.mkdir(parents=False, exist_ok=True)
# save bbox
with json_path.open('w') as fd:
json.dump(coord_dic, fd, indent='\t')
print(f'Coords saved at: {json_path}')
return coord_dic
def set_border_region_from_coord(coords, scn=None, margin=30, export_json=True):
'''Get a list of point coord in worldcamera view space (0 to 1) on each axis
set border (of passed scene :scn: ) with given coordinate
return the coords list as pixel coordinate
scn = scn or bpy.context.scene
coords2d_x = sorted([c[0] for c in coords])
coords2d_y = sorted([c[1] for c in coords])
margin_width = margin / scn.render.resolution_x
margin_height = margin / scn.render.resolution_y
# set crop
scn.render.border_min_x = coords2d_x[0] - margin_width
scn.render.border_max_x = coords2d_x[-1] + margin_width
scn.render.border_min_y = coords2d_y[0] - margin_height
scn.render.border_max_y = coords2d_y[-1] + margin_height
## get clamped relative value
# relative_bbox2d_coords = [
# (scn.render.border_min_x, scn.render.border_min_y),
# (scn.render.border_min_x, scn.render.border_max_y),
# (scn.render.border_max_x, scn.render.border_max_y),
# (scn.render.border_max_x, scn.render.border_min_y),
# ]
pixel_bbox2d_coords = [
(scn.render.border_min_x*scn.render.resolution_x, scn.render.border_min_y*scn.render.resolution_y),
(scn.render.border_min_x*scn.render.resolution_x, scn.render.border_max_y*scn.render.resolution_y),
(scn.render.border_max_x*scn.render.resolution_x, scn.render.border_max_y*scn.render.resolution_y),
(scn.render.border_max_x*scn.render.resolution_x, scn.render.border_min_y*scn.render.resolution_y),
# if export_json:
# export_crop_to_json(scn)
return pixel_bbox2d_coords
def get_gp_box_all_frame(ob, cam=None):
'''set crop to object bounding box considering whole animation. Cam should not be animated (render in bg_cam)
return 2d bbox in pixels
from bpy_extras.object_utils import world_to_camera_view
coords_cam_list = []
scn = bpy.context.scene
cam = cam or scn.camera
start = time()
if ob.animation_data and ob.animation_data.action: # use frame set on all frames
print(f'{ob.name} has anim')
# frame_nums = sorted(list(set([f.frame_number for l in ob.data.layers if len(l.frames) for f in l.frames if len(f.strokes) and scn.frame_start <= f.frame_number <= scn.frame_end])))
for num in range(scn.frame_start, scn.frame_end+1):
for l in ob.data.layers:
if l.hide or l.opacity == 0.0:
if l.active_frame:
for s in l.active_frame.strokes:
if len(s.points) == 1: # skip isolated points
coords_cam_list += [world_to_camera_view(scn, cam, ob.matrix_world @ p.co) for p in s.points]
# if object is not animated no need to frame_set to update object position
print(f'{ob.name} no anim')
for l in ob.data.layers:
if l.hide or l.opacity == 0.0:
for f in l.frames:
if not (scn.frame_start <= f.frame_number <= scn.frame_end):
for s in f.strokes:
if len(s.points) == 1: # skip isolated points
coords_cam_list += [world_to_camera_view(scn, cam, ob.matrix_world @ p.co) for p in s.points]
print(time() - start) # Dbg-time
return coords_cam_list
def has_anim(ob):
# TODO make a better check (check if there is only one key in each channel, count as not animated)
return ob.animation_data and ob.animation_data.action
def has_keyframe(ob, attr):
anim = ob.animation_data
if anim is not None and anim.action is not None:
for fcu in anim.action.fcurves:
if fcu.data_path == attr:
return len(fcu.keyframe_points) > 0
return False
def get_gp_box_all_frame_selection(oblist=None, scn=None, cam=None, timeout=40):
get points of all selection
return 2d bbox in pixels
return None if timeout (too long to process, better to do it visually)
from bpy_extras.object_utils import world_to_camera_view
t0 = time()
coords_cam_list = []
scn = scn or bpy.context.scene
oblist = oblist or [o for o in scn.objects if o.select_get()]
cam = cam or scn.camera
start = time()
if any(has_anim(ob) for ob in oblist):
print(f'at least one is animated: {oblist}')
for num in range(scn.frame_start, scn.frame_end+1):
for ob in oblist:
for l in ob.data.layers:
if l.hide or l.opacity == 0.0 or l.info.startswith('MA_'): # hardcoded Mask exclusion !
if not l.active_frame:
for s in l.active_frame.strokes:
if len(s.points) == 1: # skip isolated points
coords_cam_list += [world_to_camera_view(scn, cam, ob.matrix_world @ p.co) for p in s.points]
if time() - t0 > timeout:
print(f'timeout (more than {timeout}s to calculate) evaluating frame position of objects {oblist}')
print(f'No anim')
for ob in oblist:
# if object is not animated no need to frame_set to update object position
for l in ob.data.layers:
if l.hide or l.opacity == 0.0 or l.info.startswith('MA_'): # hardcoded Mask exclusion !
for f in l.frames:
if time() - t0 > timeout:
print(f'timeout (more than {timeout}s to calculate) evaluating frame position of objects {oblist}')
if not (scn.frame_start <= f.frame_number <= scn.frame_end):
for s in f.strokes:
if len(s.points) == 1: # skip isolated points
coords_cam_list += [world_to_camera_view(scn, cam, ob.matrix_world @ p.co) for p in s.points]
print(f'{len(coords_cam_list)} gp points listed {time() - start:.1f}s')
return coords_cam_list
def get_bbox_2d(ob, cam=None):
from bpy_extras.object_utils import world_to_camera_view
scn = bpy.context.scene
cam = cam or scn.camera
coords2d = [world_to_camera_view(scn, cam, p) for p in get_bbox_3d(ob)]
coords2d_x = sorted([c[0] for c in coords2d])
coords2d_y = sorted([c[1] for c in coords2d])
bbox2d_coords = [
(coords2d_x[0], coords2d_y[0]),
(coords2d_x[0], coords2d_y[-1]),
(coords2d_x[-1], coords2d_y[-1]),
(coords2d_x[-1], coords2d_y[0]),
return [Vector(b) for b in bbox2d_coords]
def set_box_from_selected_objects(scn=None, cam=None, export_json=False):
scn = scn or bpy.context.scene
cam = cam or scn.camera
selection = [o for o in scn.objects if o.select_get()] # selected_objects
coords = get_gp_box_all_frame_selection(oblist=selection, scn=scn, cam=cam)
if not coords:
return f'Border not set: Timeout during analysis of {len(selection)} objects'
_bbox_px = set_border_region_from_coord(coords, margin=30, scn=scn, export_json=export_json)
def get_cam_frame_center_world(cam):
'''get camera frame center world position in 3d space'''
## ortho cam note: scale must be 1,1,1 (parent too) to fit right in cam-frame rectangle
import numpy as np
frame = cam.data.view_frame()
mat = cam.matrix_world
frame = [mat @ v for v in frame]
# return np.add.reduce(frame) / 4
return Vector(np.sum(frame, axis=0) / 4)
def get_coord_in_cam_space(scene, cam_ob, co, ae=False):
'''Get 2d coordinate of vector in cam space
:scene: scene where camera is used (needed to get resolution)
:cam_ob: camera object
:co: the Vector3 coordinate to find in cam space
:ae: if True, Return after effects coord, top-left corner origin (blender is bottom-left)
import bpy_extras
co_2d = bpy_extras.object_utils.world_to_camera_view(scene, cam_ob, co)
if ae:
# y coordinate from top
co_2d = Vector((co_2d.x, 1 - co_2d.y))
## Convert to pixel values based on scene resolution and percentage
render_scale = scene.render.resolution_percentage / 100
render_size = (
int(scene.render.resolution_x * render_scale),
int(scene.render.resolution_y * render_scale),
return (
round(co_2d.x * render_size[0]), # x
round(co_2d.y * render_size[1]), # y
## -- After effects exports
def get_ae_keyframe_clipboard_header(scn):
'''Need to use tabs for AE'''
## multiline version, but space instead of tabs break syntax for AE
# import textwrap
# t = f'''\
# Adobe After Effects 8.0 Keyframe Data
# Units Per Second {scn.render.fps}
# Source Width {scn.render.resolution_x}
# Source Height {scn.render.resolution_y}
# Source Pixel Aspect Ratio 1
# Comp Pixel Aspect Ratio 1
# Transform Position
# Frame X pixels Y pixels Z pixels
# '''
# t = textwrap.dedent(t)
# ## spaces to tab
# t = re.sub(r'\s{3-4}', u'\t', t) # ! Still spaces
## Direct use of tabs is safer
t = 'Adobe After Effects 8.0 Keyframe Data\n\n'
t += '\tUnits Per Second\t%s\n'%scn.render.fps
t += '\tSource Width\t%s\n'%scn.render.resolution_x
t += '\tSource Height\t%s\n'%scn.render.resolution_y
t += '\tSource Pixel Aspect Ratio\t1\n'
t += '\tComp Pixel Aspect Ratio\t1\n\n'
t += 'Transform\tPosition\n'
t += '\tFrame\tX pixels\tY pixels\tZ pixels\t\n'
return t
## -- Collection handle
def get_collection_childs_recursive(col, cols=[], include_root=True):
'''return a list of all the sub-collections in passed col'''
# force start from fresh list (otherwise same cols list is used at next call)
cols = cols or []
for sub in col.children:
if sub not in cols:
if len(sub.children):
cols = get_collection_childs_recursive(sub, cols)
if include_root and col not in cols: # add root col
return cols
def unlink_objects_from_scene(oblist, scn):
all_col = get_collection_childs_recursive(scn.collection)
for col in all_col:
for ob in reversed(col.objects):
if ob in oblist:
def remove_scene_nodes_by_obj_names(scn, name_list, negative=False):
for n in reversed(scn.node_tree.nodes):
if negative:
if (n.parent and n.parent.label not in name_list) or (n.type == 'FRAME' and n.label not in name_list):
if (n.parent and n.parent.label in name_list) or (n.type == 'FRAME' and n.label in name_list):
def split_object_to_scene(objs=None, scene_name=None):
'''Create a new scene from object selection'''
if not scene_name:
active = bpy.context.object
scene_name = active.name
if not objs:
objs = [o for o in bpy.context.selected_objects]
if bpy.data.scenes.get(scene_name):
print(f'Scene "{scene_name}" Already Exists')
raise Exception(f'Scene "{scene_name}" Already Exists')
src = bpy.context.scene
new = bpy.context.scene
new.name = scene_name
## OPT
## set individual output for composite or go in /tmp ? (might not be needed)
# new.render.filepath = f'//render/preview/{bpy.path.clean_name(new.name.lower())}/preview_'
# new.render.filepath = f'/tmp/'
## unlink unwanted objects from collection
all_col = get_collection_childs_recursive(new.collection)
for col in all_col:
for sob in reversed(col.objects):
if sob.type in ('CAMERA', 'LIGHT'):
if sob not in objs:
frame_names = [n.label for n in new.node_tree.nodes if n.type == 'FRAME' if new.objects.get(n.label)]
remove_scene_nodes_by_obj_names(new, frame_names, negative=True)
# add crop
new.render.use_border = True
new.render.use_crop_to_border = True
new.render.use_compositing = True
new.render.use_sequencer = False
## remove asset from original scene
#src_frame_names = [n.label for n in src.node_tree.nodes if n.type == 'FRAME' and n.label in [o.name for o in objs]]
#remove_scene_nodes_by_obj_names(src, src_frame_names)
remove_scene_nodes_by_obj_names(src, frame_names, negative=False)
# unlink objects ?
unlink_objects_from_scene(objs, src)
# border to GP objects of the scene
gp_objs = [o for o in new.objects if o.type == 'GPENCIL']
coords = get_gp_box_all_frame_selection(oblist=gp_objs, scn=new, cam=new.camera)
if not coords:
return f'Scene "{scene_name}" created. But Border was not set (Timeout during GP analysis), should be done by hand if needed then use export crop to json'
set_border_region_from_coord(coords, margin=30, scn=new, export_json=True)
def clear_frame_out_of_range(o, verbose=False):
'''get a GP object
delete frame out of active scene range in all layers
return number of deleted frame
scn = bpy.context.scene
ct = 0
if o.type != 'GPENCIL':
print(f'{o.name} not a Gpencil')
return 0
for l in o.data.layers:
first = True
for f in reversed(l.frames):
# after
if f.frame_number > scn.frame_end + 1:
if verbose:
print(f'del: obj {o.name} > layer {l.info} > frame {f.frame_number}')
ct += 1
# before
elif f.frame_number < scn.frame_start - 1:
if first:
first = False
if verbose:
print(f'del: obj {o.name} > layer {l.info} > frame {f.frame_number}')
ct += 1
# print('INFO', f'{ct} frames deleted')
return ct
## not used
def clear_frame_out_of_range_all_object():
scene = bpy.context.scene
ct = 0
for o in scene.objects:
if o.type == 'GPENCIL':
nct = clear_frame_out_of_range(o, verbose=False)
print(f'{o.name}: {nct} frames deleted')
ct += nct
print(f'{ct} gp frames deleted')
return ct
def set_scene_output_from_active_fileout_item():
scn = bpy.context.scene
rd = scn.render
ntree =scn.node_tree
fo = ntree.nodes.active
if fo.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE':
sl = fo.file_slots[fo.active_input_index]
full_path = os.path.join(fo.base_path, sl.path)
rd.filepath = full_path
fmt = fo.format if sl.use_node_format else sl.format
## set those attr first to avoid error settings other attributes in next loop
rd.image_settings.file_format = fmt.file_format
rd.image_settings.color_mode = fmt.color_mode
rd.image_settings.color_depth = fmt.color_depth if fmt.color_depth else 8 # Force set since Sometimes it's weirdly set to "" (not in enum choice)
excluded = ['file_format', 'color_mode', 'color_depth',
'view_settings', 'views_format']
''' ## all attrs
# 'cineon_black', 'cineon_gamma', 'cineon_white',
# 'color_depth', 'color_mode', 'compression', 'display_settings',
# 'exr_codec', 'file_format', 'jpeg2k_codec', 'quality',
# 'rna_type', 'stereo_3d_format', 'tiff_codec', 'use_cineon_log',
# 'use_jpeg2k_cinema_48', 'use_jpeg2k_cinema_preset', 'use_jpeg2k_ycc',
# 'use_preview', 'use_zbuffer']
for attr in dir(fmt):
if attr.startswith('__') or attr.startswith('bl_') or attr in excluded:
if hasattr(scn.render.image_settings, attr) and not scn.render.image_settings.is_property_readonly(attr):
setattr(scn.render.image_settings, attr, getattr(fmt, attr))
def set_layer_colors(skip_if_colored=False):
'''Set hardcoded color to grease pencil layer channel according to prefixes'''
## UW -> TO (here used fo CU): (0.015996, 0.246201, 0.246201) # Indigo
## invisible (close to violet light) in UW: (0.246201, 0.132868, 0.496933)
prefix_color = {
# 'MA_': (0.09, 0.08, 0.46), # Vivid blue
'MA_': (0.65, 0.4, 0.6), # Pink Light
'FX_': (0.12, 0.33, 0.58), # (0.3, 0.49, 0.63) # Blue Light
# 'CO_': (0.35, 0.0085, 0.25),
'CO_': (0.5,0.1,0.5), # Clear Pink
# 'CU': (0.092070, 0.177356, 0.447959), # Blue clear
'CU_': (0.02, 0.27, 0.27), # Indigo
for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
if ob.type != 'GPENCIL':
if skip_if_colored and any([has_channel_color(l) for l in ob.data.layers]):
for l in ob.data.layers:
# if l.info.startswith(prefix_color.keys()):
color = prefix_color.get(l.info[:3])
if not color:
print(l.info, '->', color)
l.channel_color = color
bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_anim_channel_group_colors = True
def different_gp_mat(mata, matb):
'''return None if no difference (False), string describing color difference (True)'''
a = mata.grease_pencil
b = matb.grease_pencil
if a.color[:] != b.color[:]:
return f'{mata.name} and {matb.name} stroke color is different'
if a.fill_color[:] != b.fill_color[:]:
return f'{mata.name} and {matb.name} fill_color color is different'
if a.show_stroke != b.show_stroke:
return f'{mata.name} and {matb.name} stroke has different state'
if a.show_fill != b.show_fill:
return f'{mata.name} and {matb.name} fill has different state'
## Clean dups
def clean_mats_duplication(ob, skip_different_materials=True):
'''Clean object material stack of duplication
if a material is named "mat.001" and a "mat" exists, replace with the one with original name
:skip_different_materials: Don't replace a "mat.???" if orignal "mat" has different color
import re
diff_ct = 0
todel = []
if ob.type != 'GPENCIL':
if not hasattr(ob, 'material_slots'):
for i, ms in enumerate(ob.material_slots):
mat = ms.material
if not mat:
match = re.search(r'(.*)\.\d{3}$', mat.name)
if not match:
basemat = bpy.data.materials.get(match.group(1))
if not basemat:
if not basemat.is_grease_pencil:
## Skip material with matching "stem" but not being GP material
diff = different_gp_mat(mat, basemat)
if diff:
print(f'! {ob.name} : {diff}')
diff_ct += 1
if skip_different_materials:
if mat not in todel:
ms.material = basemat
print(f'{ob.name} : slot {i} >> replaced {mat.name}')
mat.use_fake_user = False
### delete (only when using on all objects loop, else can delete another objects mat...)
## for m in reversed(todel):
## bpy.data.materials.remove(m)
if diff_ct:
print(f'{diff_ct} mat skipped >> same name but different color settings!')
# return ('INFO', f'{diff_ct} mat skipped >> same name but different color settings!')
def recursive_node_connect_check(l, target_node):
if l.to_node == target_node:
return True
for o in l.to_node.outputs:
for sl in o.links:
if recursive_node_connect_check(sl, target_node):
return True
return False
def connect_to_file_output(node_list, file_out=None, base_path='', excludes=None, remap_names=None, file_format=None):
"""Connect selected nodes output to file output(s)
if a file output is selected, add intputs on it
node_list (list[bpy.types.Nodes,]): Nodes to connect
file_out (bpy.types.CompositorNode, optional): File output node to connect to instead of new
Defaults to None
base_path (str, optional): Directory of images to render.
if not passed, will use source node layer name
Defaults to ''.
file_format (dict, optionnal): converts each dictionary key into a file output format
attribute and assigns the corresponding value.
Defaults to None.
excludes (dict, optionnal): List of output names to exclude {node_name: [outputs,]}.
Defaults toNone.
remap_names (dict, optionnal): List of output names to remap {node_name: {output_name: new_name}}.
frame (bpy.types.CompositorNode, optional): If given, create nodes into a frame.
Defaults to None.
list[bpy.types.CompositorNode]: All nodes created.
scene = bpy.context.scene
nodes = scene.node_tree.nodes
links = scene.node_tree.links
if not isinstance(node_list, list):
node_list = [node_list]
node_list = [n for n in node_list if n.type != 'OUTPUT_FILE']
if not node_list:
excludes = excludes or {}
for node in node_list:
exclusions = excludes.get(node.name) or []
## create one output facing node and connect all
outs = [o for o in node.outputs if not o.is_unavailable and not 'crypto' in o.name.lower() and o.name not in exclusions]
cryptout = [o for o in node.outputs if not o.is_unavailable and 'crypto' in o.name.lower() and o.name not in exclusions]
if node.type == 'R_LAYERS':
out_base = node.layer
elif node.label:
out_base = node.label
out_base = node.name
out_name = f'OUT_{out_base}'
if outs:
fo = file_out
if not fo:
fo = nodes.get(out_name)
if not fo:
# color = (0.2,0.3,0.5)
fo = create_node('CompositorNodeOutputFile', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(real_loc(node)[0]+500, real_loc(node)[1]+50), width=600)
fo.inputs.remove(fo.inputs[0]) # Remove default image input
if file_format:
for k, v in file_format.items():
setattr(fo.format, k, v)
fo.name = out_name
if node.parent:
fo.parent = node.parent
if base_path:
fo.base_path = base_path
if fo.format.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER':
fo.base_path = f'//render/{out_base}/{out_base}_'
fo.base_path = f'//render/{out_base}'
for o in outs:
if next((l for l in o.links if recursive_node_connect_check(l, fo)), None):
if (socket_remaps := remap_names.get(node.name)) and (custom_name := socket_remaps.get(o.name)):
slot_name = bpy.path.clean_name(custom_name) # clean name ?
slot_name = bpy.path.clean_name(o.name)
# if fo.format.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER':
# slot_name = slot_name
# else:
# slot_name = f'{slot_name}/{slot_name}_'
# fo.file_slots.new(slot_name)
fs = fo.file_slots.new('tmp') # slot_name)
ls = fo.layer_slots.new('tmp') # slot_name + 'layer')
ls = fo.layer_slots[-1]
ls.name = slot_name
fs = fo.file_slots[-1]
fs.path = f'{slot_name}/{slot_name}_' # Error 'NodeSocketColor' object has no attribute 'path'
out_input = fo.inputs[-1]
links.new(o, out_input)
## Create separate file out for cryptos
if cryptout:
out_name += '_cryptos'
fo = file_out
if not fo:
fo = nodes.get(out_name)
if not fo:
# color = (0.2,0.3,0.5)
fo = create_node('CompositorNodeOutputFile', tree=scene.node_tree, location=(real_loc(node)[0]+400, real_loc(node)[1]-200), width=220)
fo.inputs.remove(fo.inputs[0]) # Remove default image input
if file_format:
for k, v in file_format.items():
setattr(fo.format, k, v)
set_file_output_format(fo) # OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER, RGBA, ZIP
fo.format.color_depth = '32' # For crypto force 32bit
fo.name = out_name
if node.parent:
fo.parent = node.parent
if base_path:
fo.base_path = base_path
if fo.format.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER':
## FIXME: find a better organization for separated crypto pass
fo.base_path = f'//render/{out_base}/cryptos/cryptos_'
fo.base_path = f'//render/{out_base}'
for o in cryptout:
## Skip already connected
## TODO Test recusively to find fo (some have interconnected sockets)
# if next((l for l in o.links if l.to_node == fo), None):
if next((l for l in o.links if recursive_node_connect_check(l, fo)), None):
# if remap_names and (custom_name := remap_names.get(o.name)):
if (socket_remaps := remap_names.get(node.name)) and (custom_name := socket_remaps.get(o.name)):
slot_name = bpy.path.clean_name(custom_name) # clean name ?
slot_name = bpy.path.clean_name(o.name) # directly use name in multi layer exr
# if fo.format.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER':
# slot_name = slot_name
# else:
# slot_name = f'{slot_name}/{slot_name}_'
# fo.file_slots.new(slot_name)
# Setting both file_slots and layer_slots...
fs = fo.file_slots.new('tmp')
ls = fo.layer_slots.new('tmp')
ls = fo.layer_slots[-1]
ls.name = slot_name
fs = fo.file_slots[-1]
fs.path = f'{slot_name}/{slot_name}_' # Error 'NodeSocketColor' object has no attribute 'path'
out_input = fo.inputs[-1]
links.new(o, out_input)