- changed: improve `connect to fileoutput` feature:
- possible to choose `node_name + socket name` or `node name` instead of `socket name` only
- default is now `node_name_socket_name`
- added some exception behavior:
- if a node has single output : write the node name only
- render layers use `scene_viewlayer` as node_name intead of "Render Layer"
- interface shows source node label (with source node name in parenthesis)
- interface shows render layer scene/viewlayer name (with name in parenthesis)
- fix: problem when removing render layers
- changed: node distribution refactor, allow separate compositing scene
- Compositing scene (holding nodes) can be separated from render scene (holding GP objects and related viewlayers)
- Default render named changed from `Render` to `RenderGP`
- New properties in exposed Dopesheet N panel to manually set Render scene and Compo scene
- Operator expose a `node_scene` parameter to separate where to send nodes
- Switch scene button can have an extra button to go in compo scene if found
- changed: Default fileout format changed from `OPEN_EXR` to `OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER` (a `FILE_FORMAT` env variable can be set to specify nodes format)
- changed: Default compression changed from `ZIP` to `PIZ`
- changed: Rename/renumber function consider OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER to affect `layer_slots` instead of `file_slots`
- added: scene resolution in json crop pixels information, per objects
- changed: fixed name `crop_infos.json` for exported crop pixels information
- changed: autobuild beta
- added: autobuild: fix layer name with empty desc (only prefix)
- added: autobuild: Set layer color autoamtically (if not some already there)
- added: GP object with name starting with `.` are ignored from "all objects" operation (renaming, numbering, sending to render scene)
- temporarily, layer named `note` (case insensitive) are ignored as well. This should be removed in later version to keep only dot exculsion rule.
- feat: `Export Camera 2D Position To AE` to export 'anim cam' (or selected cam) frame center pixel coordinate within scene camera.
- write txt file as after effects postion clipboard data
- added: `check for problems` button also propose to run GP toolbox's file checker (if addon is enabled) to perform generic file checks
- changed: `check for problems` skip check for opacity on 'MA_' prefixed layers
- feat: `Renumber files on disk` option using number in file outputs (under advanced gp render options)
- feat: new `Check for problems` button, check if problem in layer state, missing file out, broken gp modifier target and report
- added: clean nodes now also rearrange inside nodegroup
- changed: `Check layers` now trigger `export layer infos` automatically.
- fix: `export layer infos`:
- create render folder if necessary
- masks list in json file use name as keys instead of sub-value
- feat: Select a file output node. Set active file slot path and settings to main Scene output.
- Button in GP render panel with `Advanced` options active.
- Or search operator label `Set Active File Output To Composite`
- if Composite is already linked, pop-up ask if link should be replaced