Note about palette : For now the importer is not working with linked palette as it's not easy for animator (there are properties of the material you cannot access and the link grey-out fade the real color in UIlist preview)
The panel expose some attributes that are too "far" in the UI:
- Zoom 1:1 - Camera view take 100% zoom according to current scene resolution (ops `view3d.zoom_camera_1_to_1`)
- Zoom fit - Adjust view so camera frame takes full viewport spac (ops `view3d.view_center_camera`)
<!--- autolock layer - tick layers'autolock -->
- In Front - the `In Front` property of the object to get an X-ray view
- passepartout camera - enable/disable + set opacity
- button and sliders to enable / disable / set opacity of single background camera images
**Edit line opacity** - Il est pratique de pouvoir cacher l'edit line pour avoir un meilleur aperçu du rendu lors du sculpt par exemple. C'est une option lié au layer. Ce slider appelle une fonction pour affecter tout les layers de tout les objets au lieu de se cantonner au layer courant.
- Choose key to Auto bind in addon prefs (since 0.9.3).
> Manual setup: Add two keymap shortcut in _windows_ or _screen(global)_ with indentifier `screen.gp_keyframe_jump`, one should have `next` toggled off to jump back
- Map manually to a key with `wm.temp_cutter` (This one needs "Any" as press mode) or `wm.sticky_cutter` (Modal sticky-key version)
- Snap cursor to GP canvas operator accessible with `view3d.cusor_snap`
- Map nanually (might be autoreplaced according to version) by replacing entry using `view3d.cursor3d` in 3D View category (defaut shortcut `Shift + Right-clic`)
- Follow cursor toggle : When activated the cursor follow the active the active object
- [breakdowner operator for object mode](, auto-keymap on : Shift + E
- Line extender help closing gaps between lines with control over layer target (-> need also control over frame targets)
<!-- - Auto update : you have an updater in the addon preference tabs (use the [CGcookie addon updater]( -->
- Copy Materials To Selected : copy all material to other selected GP (difference with Ctrl+L > materials is that it doesn't erase materials, only append those that are not in other's materials stack)
- Load/Save Json palette : Save/load materials externally to a json file from/to the active material stack.
- Load Color palette : same as the load above exept it loads directly from a blend file (all the material that the blend contains)
- move GP keyframes selection and Object keyframe selection simultaneouly (Already Done by Tom Viguier at [Andarta]( -->