- changed: Batch reproject consider camera movement and is almost 8x faster
- added: Batch reproject have "Current" mode (using current tool setting)
- added: Animation manager buttons are colored red when objects have disabled animation
- fixed: Animation manager not enabling/disabling Action Groups
- fixed: Animation manager `List Disabled Anims` list groups as well
- fixed: decoralate Prefix and Suffix UI_lists scroll
- fixed: Problem when settings project namespaces
- added: Button to reset project namespace (to have the right order)
- added: `gp.brush_set` operator to manually assign a brush by name to a shortcut
- preferably add shortcut to `Grease Pencil > Grease Pencil Stroke Paint Mode`
- added: follow curve show offset property in UI
- added: follow curve show clickable warning if object has non-zero location to reset location
- changed: created follow curve use `fixed offset`
- added: 3 actions buttons:
- create curve with follow path and go into curve edit
- go back to object
- got to curve edit (if follow path constraint exists with a curve target)
- if follow path exists, button to remove constraint
- fix: prefix/suffix UIlist actions trigger UI redraw to see changes live
- changed: PropertyGroups are now registered in their own file
- code: cleanup
- changed: Use prefixes toggle is enabled by default
- changed: prefixes are now set in preferences as a reorderable UI list with full name for description
- This should not affect `PREFIXES` env variable (`'CO, LN'`)
- Now can be also passed as prefix:name pair ex: `'CO : Color, LN : Line`
- changed: redo panel for GP layer picker has better name and display active layer name
- changed: some operator id_name to expose "add shortcut" in context menu for some button
- fixed: error with draw_cam handler when no camera is active
- added: enable/disable camera animation separately in `animation manager`
- for cam,disable properties like focal and shift (to be able to work on a fixed cam)
- camera is not disable using `obj` anymore
- feat: Palette linker has a name exclusion list in preferences
- Avoid linking some material that are prefered local to file
- Default item in list : `line`
- fix: add error handling on palette linker when blend_path isn't valid anymore
- added: file checker entry, Disable all GP object `use lights` (True by default in addon pref `checklist`)
- added: WIP of Batch reproject all on cursor.
- No UI. In search menu `Flat Reproject Selected On cursor` (idname `gp.batch_flat_reproject`)
- feat: New shortcuts:
- `F2` in Paint and Edit to rename active layer
- `Insert` add a new layer (same as Krita)
- `Shift + Insert` add a new layer and immediately pop-up a rename box
- `page up / page down` change active layer up/down with a temporary fade (settings in addon prefs)
- fix: error when tweaking `gp.duplicate_send_to_layer` shortcut
- feat: palette linker (beta), with pop-up from material stack dropdown
- feat: palette name fuzzy match
- code: add an open addon preference ops
- feat: Select/set by color and by prefix now works on every displayed dopesheet layer (and react correctly to filters)
- ui: exposed user prefs `Channel Group Color` prop in dopesheet > sidebar > View > Display panel